
Draconic Interactions (3)

Quick find code: 49-50-431-65640185



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Seeker (This type can not be used in bios)
Seekers. Dark ones. True ones. These are some of the names given to a race of creature-like things from the space between worlds. They usually take the forms of shadowy, insubstancial dragons, although their forms are constantly melding and changing. Little is known of them. They do not obey the laws governing the worlds, instead being held to laws of their own. They seem to have a hive mind, following the orders of their leader exactly. Aside from their leader, they do not reproduce and there is no known way to slay one. They do not seem to be able to speak, instead making strange hissing sounds that make the blood run cold. They are filled with a dark, primeval power, a power that is not magic. Their true name must never be spoken: if it is, may you be lucky enough to die before they reach you...
Ancient (requires my permission)
This category includes those dragons which are thousands upon thousands of years old. They are different than other types in that they share no defining characteristics other than their age: dragons under this category are actually of another type or are of their own type. These dragons all consider each other to be brothers or sisters and each lords over a specific thing/aspect which no other ancient lords over. These dragons each have a primary (though a few do not) name, which is what they are usually known by, and a secondary name, which is the Latin word for what they lord over. These dragons are very rare and removed from affairs of the worlds and are, though immortal to age, mortal, though they are incredibly difficult to kill due to the large sizes they have grown to. Check page 5 for a list of ancients encountered so far. These dragons also tend to have odd, inexplicable powers, such as the ability to assume a human form on Neuva (though this is not true for all of them).

01-Aug-2011 08:26:14 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:58:48 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Forlirn Glacignis
Age: 617
Gender: Male
Race: Silver Dragon
Appearance: In his true form, his scales are a bluish silver in color. His horns are backset, he has a a frill running from the back of his neck to the tip of his tail, his eyes are a purpleish silver, a larger-than-usual wingspan, a three-taloned scar running from the top left to the bottom right of his face (the middle scar barely missing his left eye), pure black talons, and a small horn on the tip of his snout. The membranes of his wings are translucent and a blackish silver in color; the membrane of his frill is the same color and its supporting spines are black. He is about 12 feet tall, 30 feet long from snout to tail, and with a wingspan of about 40 feet.
In his human form, he stands about six foot nine inches tall. His hair is long and white, he has a small white mustache, his eyes are a purpleish silver, and he retains the three-taloned scar. He wears a hooded dark cloak woven of shadow. His body is covered in a network of dark tattoos of various arcane symbols. These shimmer with a dark energy, giving his body an unsubstancial look, which is compounded by his cloak. He has a serious look in this form and wears a necklace of a silver dragon claw gripping a green orb.
Magic: His natural magical abilities come in the form of manipulating and freezing water. However, due to certain magical experiments he has conducted he has gained a few other abilities, the most obvious of these being his tattoos. These give him a connection to shadow, allowing him to fade from view to become nearly invisible. Few, if any, of these gained abilities work when he is in his true form.
Personality: That is the question, eh? His actions shall answer it.

01-Aug-2011 08:27:23 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:59:05 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History: Although he has spent most of his life in Elune, it is not the world he has come from. Most of his early life is known by none. At some point in his life he decided to take a cavern overlooking the city of Glaruindem as his lair. Since then he has watched over the city in both worlds, causing those who live in the city to see him as a protector. Many see this as him marking the city and its outskirts as his territory; this is not the case, as he does not care if other dragons enter or even live in the same area (so long as they stay out of his cave). In reality he considers this area to be a place for him to protect from those who would harm it. Any that would attempt to harm the area would be removed, although this is rare, as the word that the area is protected by a powerful dragon is typically enough to dissuade attackers. Those who enter his cave without permission are punished. This punishment typically involves him imprisoning the perpetrator(s) for a week or so. He then makes them leave, whether they want to or not. Since establishing his lair, he has mostly kept to himself, performing various experiments.
Weaponry: A small bluish dagger, covered in arcane ruins, an ornate green-colored longsword, and flasks of water, which he can freeze into blades of ice.
Type: Silver Dragon
Other: His necklace is important to him.
Forlirn Glacignis/Silver Dragon/Ryebud258/2

01-Aug-2011 08:27:29 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 08:59:27 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is where I'll add geography-related things. Keep in mind that the geography of Elune and Neuva is identical, although city location and other man-made features are not necessarily identical.
This city is surrounded by a mountain range on the north, west, and south. A forested section lies to the east. This section is bordered on the north and south sides by mountains, but the mountains eventually turn away farther eastward, leaving the north and south of the eastward section of the forest bordered by more forest. To the north-west of the city on the side of the mountains facing the city is Forlirn's lair, the main entrance a short distance from a steep cliff. Both the city and the lair exist in Neuva as well as Elune.

01-Aug-2011 08:30:00 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 09:00:04 by Darlantan



Posts: 3,189 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Somewhat important NPC first appearances
Here I shall list where important(ish) npcs appear, which is where you'll find a description of their appearance.
Human Form
In the doorway was the figure of a young looking man. He was dressed in a robe of deep emerald-green embroidered with gold and decorated with golden crescents. His hair was short and brown; his eyes were an emerald-green, slightly brighter than his robes. His eyes glinted with a certain arrogance.
Dragon Form
He was covered in emerald scales, standing about eight feet tall, twenty feet long, and with a wingspan of about thirty feet. His horns were shaped like crescents, with the middle of the crescents being where they attached to his head. His tail ended in a sharp-looking scythe-like crescent and three rows of darker emerald spines ran down the back of his body. His wing membranes where are dark emerald, as were his claws, and many hornlets hung from his chin. His eyes, although they were now reptilian, did not change color.
Joseph Thomson
He was a man in his mid-twenties wearing brown pants, a faded brown shirt, and a long black duster coat. He has somewhat long brown hair and a fine-boned face. His right eye was brown; the other was replaced by an intricate device that seemed to be a working eye replacement. Passing through this device was a three-taloned scar, identical to Forlirn's. He was wearing black tennis shoes and was holding vicious-looking dagger that appeared to be wet in his right hand.

01-Aug-2011 08:30:06 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2011 09:00:55 by Darlantan

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