
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383



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Name: Auria Silvandros (AI is named Rhamnusia)
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Appearance: When compared to most of the members of the Autumn Star, Auria is probably one of the least fit for combat. She’s rather thin, and her skin is paler than the average person. This doesn’t mean she is emaciated by any means, but she does not have all that much muscle, her form much more suited to sitting behind a screen than standing out on a battlefield. No matter the situation, though, she always appears to be tired, something about her giving off such a vibe despite how much energy she may actually have.

With dark green eyes, long brown hair that is usually worn back in a ponytail, and a well-proportioned face and body, Auria can be classified as generally attractive. She does not have generous curves, however, and she is about average in height, measuring in at 5’9”.

Although she keeps it mostly hidden under her hair, Auria has a massive scar on the right side of her head that makes its way from just past the center of her skull down to a few inches under her ear, spanning most of the width of her head near the top and tapering down to a few inches at the bottom. There is also another, much smaller one that starts to the right of her right eye and traces across it and to the bridge of her nose, looking like a blade or piece of debris was drawn in a slice directly across it. The eye, while still looking like a normal one, is cybernetic.

Her wrist computer is worn on the left wrist, and has been modified an inordinate amount of times to give her every advantage she can possibly get in the cyber warfare field.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:32 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:47:34 by Inferi



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Normal clothing: Comfort is the best thing to have in normal clothing, and when she is around the ship Auria can generally be found in a loose-fitting sweatshirt and pants with a white or gray t-shirt underneath. She also wears a pair of shoes designed to offer optimal support while still looking mostly average.

If going outside the ship, she’ll throw on an extremely scuffed leather-esque jacket, a front-brimmed cap (with cat ears, as per her lovely AI companion) and some futuristic jeans. Same shoes.

Armor: Auria's armor is one that she had back during her military lab days, and it is designed to look like a formal suit. The suit is white in color, with a black undervest and a blue tie. Of course, it is all simply a simulated appearance. The underneath is rigged with a large network of sensors that monitor all aspects of her physical status, all of which ties to her wrist computer so it can be monitored in real time. As with any other armor, it also provides shielding.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:36 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2022 00:36:00 by Inferi



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Weapons: A stun gun modified to allow a more powerful stunning attack at the cost of more time between shots. It can also fire a pulse that will hit a small area of effect but will prevent it from firing for a while.

Rolling Wolf (mech): The Rolling Wolf is a unique mechanical construction in that, to anyone looking at it sitting in the hangar, they would only see a silver sphere that is prevented from rolling away by four extended legs that come from about two-thirds of the way up the lower hemisphere and affix themselves to the ground underneath. The outer shell has no cracks or indents that would indicate the presence of a door or any other means of entry, and the only thing on the outside that is unique from the rest is an image on either side of a wolf, curled in a circle, with their tail touched to their snout in such a way that they would appear to be rolling with a forward-moving sphere.

The name and design was Rhamnusia’s idea, although the proposed interior mounted mirror to hang sparkly dice from was vetoed.

However, should Auria get near it and give it the command, the sphere will come to life and the outer shell will move outward, revealing that it is actually made up of centillions of nanomaterial particles that make up a cohesive shell when commanded to do so. The inner shell is a smaller sphere that, while still sealed for usage in hostile environments, is covered with compartments that hold all of the weaponry, engines, and the like that the mech needs to fulfill its role. There are two hatches leading to the interior, one in the center of each side, and both will only open upon the command of the designated pilot.

The interior is rather small, designed to fit the pilot and all of the equipment they need but not a whole lot else. She has made a few modifications, although nearly all of them are for comfort during use as the mechanical operations are rather restricted in how they can be modified.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:39 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:59:11 by Inferi



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All vision of the exterior is limited to the sensor array built into the shell and into the nanomaterials, and can be displayed at any point in the interior. It can also display multiple angles at once, and in multiple displays. The entire interior is heavily shielded from the rest of the mech in order to protect the pilot from the rest of the equipment required to run the mech itself, as the entire design is extremely compact and requires all equipment to fit inside the shell.

The key to the whole mech’s functionality is the nanomachine shell that makes up the exterior shell. It is designed to utilize magnetic field manipulation in order to shape the nanomaterials on the exterior into whatever the Wolf requires for the present functionality. In most situations, this will mean that the nanomaterials covering a compartment will move away to make room for a weapon, thruster, or other piece of equipment. In the same fashion, they can be utilized to strengthen a portion of the hull should the need arise for such protection. It can also perform tasks such as creating a hull component that the mech may be lacking, although it is not possible to do extremely precise tasks utilizing this function.

As with all war machines, the armor is a secondary protection to the shielding that covers the mech. The shields will shift to protect the nanomaterials when they shift, in order to make sure parts of the mech are not lost needlessly to stray fire. The mech itself is heavily insulated against disrupting fields or weaponry that is designed to disable instead of, or as well as, destroy.

The Rolling Wolf is powered by two miniaturized reactors, located in the back upper right and back upper left. There is also a backup generator stored underneath where the pilot sits, for emergency usage.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:42 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:48:27 by Inferi



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The right reactor powers essentially all of the systems in the mech, including weapons, propulsion in flight, shielding, etc. The left reactor is designed to use essentially all of its power to keep the magnetic field manipulation that powers the nanomachine shell active. However, both reactors can have their output to their respective systems tweaked in accordance with necessity, allowing for both to provide varying amounts of power to systems in need.

The Wolf’s propulsion systems are designed so that the main thrust is expelled out of one large engine in the center rear of the sphere while there are twenty-four correctional thrusters located across the body: four in the front arrayed in a square a short distance out from the centerline of the sphere, one at every 45 degrees around the sphere at the 45 and 135 degree marks (assuming the very front is 0 and the back, where the main engine is, is 180) and then another four arrayed around the main engine in the same manner as the front. While this is enough in zero-G environments, it relies on the shape formation of the nanomaterials to provide it with adequate lift in environments where this is necessary.

When on the ground, the movement of the Wolf is a bit different. The outer shell will close around the mech, and it will utilize the magnetic fields to create a disconnect between the nanomaterials and the inner shell, forcing them to remain a small distance apart. The outer shell will then begin rolling, forcing the inner shell to move with it while keeping it stable inside. In addition to utilizing the nanomachine shaping functions, this allows the mech to traverse nearly any normal surfaces, including debris or rubble, while keeping the interior extremely stable.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:45 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:48:41 by Inferi



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In terms of weaponry, one might consider the arsenal to be a bit light. The mech is equipped with two energy cannons that are mounted on the upper right front and lower left rear, both of which can rotate on their mount to give a large range of fire. There is also another cannon on the front left that will fire a disabling energy pulse designed to knock out systems and stun organic combatants. It also contains a system that releases a pulse of a similar variety into the immediate area around it, as a defense mechanism against too-close opponents or tech-guided projectiles.

While not built for combat use, several modular arms are built into the Wolf. They can be used for precision tasks such as retrieval, panel/door operation, and the like. There are storage compartments built in with these arms to keep anything they might be needed to retrieve, and there are seven arms built in around the sphere: two up front, a third of the way down the lower hemisphere, one on each side located below the hatches, one in the back, above the engine, one in the direct bottom, and one at the top.

The Rolling Wolf is tuned to Auria’s biosignature, and will not activate for anyone else unless they somehow manage to take over the system and change the authorization.

Skills: Computer usage and maintenance, including anything that has to do with programming or cyber-warfare. Has lesser skills in piloting, although the upper echelon of her ability in this field is limited to her mech.

Job: Cyber warfare specialist and software technician. Also mech pilot.

Short history: Although she tends to brush off pushes to uncover her early history, Auria is very open about everything else. She spent the majority of her time on New Earth, building a reputation for herself as a cyber specialist under the alias of “Spirit”.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:48 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:49:26 by Inferi



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Her work was typically finding and fixing security vulnerabilities in government and military systems, and it was through this that she became involved in the military projects to design the mech that she pilots today.

It was originally for the war to rule them all that the project was founded, but it was by the invasion of the Ghiak Feith that it met an end. Situated in a remote location where it would not have been discovered by those whom the project was meant to destroy. Her escape was due to two things: one, luck, as she was near enough to the mech to be able to grab it and use it for her escape, and two, the AI that currently resides in her brain. Although more tight-lipped about Rhamnusia than anything else, one might assume that she both came into contact with and got the AI installed into her brain during this whole incident.

As for how that is a possibility, she allowed it to be known that she was almost killed during an “accident” as a child, and as a result her brain is more than half made out of cybernetics. This was instrumental in allowing Rhamnusia to fit inside and share the mind with her, an option that she is adamant she would not have taken in a situation where both of their survival had not necessitated it. Still, from all appearances it seems that the pair of them get along extremely well, and one would have to wonder why they would not have found a means to separate in over five years.

As for why she did not go back…well, as she puts it, “They wanted war. Natures don’t change so easily.” Given that, to all knowledge, the project and everything with it had been destroyed, she took the option not to go back. The mech itself was enough to keep her going. And her skill has made it much easier to keep her footprint hidden. Besides, she still knew all of the ways into the government and military databases, and it was in those that the Autumn Star came to light.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:50 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:50:01 by Inferi



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She did not have previous knowledge on the subject, having been secluded and separated from most news during the invasion, and what she read about the heroes branded criminal felt as wrong to her as most things involving government cover-ups. It was enough to make her want to find them, and, at the least, see if they were still the same people who saved everything.

Other: Although she understands and will fight lethally in necessary situations, Auria does not like to kill. Rhamnusia does not share this dislike, and will take over the physical body should she feel as though it is necessary for survival.

Rhamnusia generally likes to appear as a hologram of a young teenage girl with extremely pale skin dressed in a lab coat that is just slightly too big for her over a casual shirt and pants. The AI also specifically asks to be referred to as “she”, even if “she” is technically “it”. Her hair is short, messy, and white in hue with a look that it has been hacked off by an amateur, and the eyes are the darkest blue, nearly black.

The image looks mostly normal, until one looks closely and sees that she designed the avatar with blood under the fingernails and marks on the wrists that would indicate manacles of some kind. She also has vampire incisors that are visible when she speaks or smiles.

Auria Silvandros/Cyber Warfare Specialist/Mech Pilot/Inferi
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Jan-2022 03:52:54 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2022 03:47:04 by Inferi

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