
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Lorne
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Seyren

Appearance: 5’9 and slender, she is an unassuming specimen. Lorne’s skin is a sleek shade of lavender with a soft vibrance about it. Her face is deceptively naive and set with large, tragic eyes that are almost always bare despite her kind’s norms. A prim frame of bangs surround her visage, preluding a carefully brushed rain of silken hair that wafts down her back. The nearly-black hair glows a slight purple in the light, offering the slightest accent to her complexion.

Normal clothing: Lorne dresses with a casual elegance – as much as she can afford to, anyway. Her common attire consists of buttoned long-sleeve blouses, varying lengths of skirts, and stockings or thigh-highs. Footwear for her depends on the expectation of the day’s work, with a proportionate amount of heel height to downtime.

As a life-long “criminal,” she typically does not wear the regulation Seyren tail cover, and is largely unfamiliar with the practice.

Armour: Her combat armor is mostly standard-issue medic’s equipment in white or bright gray colors. It is very lightly armored in crucial points, but is clearly not designed for front-line combat. The suit has an emphasis on mobility, and sacrifices protection to more easily accommodate the attachment of medical supplies.

Weapons: Lorne has a non-regulation level 2 implant that was forced on her by the gang she used to work for. Using it incurs side effects that get worse with overuse. It is explicitly designed to be unremovable without resulting in death, and only an exceptionally high-level technopathic surgeon could hope to safely extract the device.

Lorne’s primary combat weapon is an antiquated ballistic pistol. It is a long-barreled automatic gun chambered to fire .50 cartridges. Though of limited use against modern armor, the hefty bullets are devastating to any unprotected beings.

25-Jan-2022 23:12:20

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Her other “weapon” is a comically large multi-tool fit with almost every mundane utensil available, including a few knife blades and potentially dangerous implements. It’s not intended for use in combat, but can provide options in a pinch.

Skills: Lorne’s primary skillset is in medicine and healing. She also has a talent for gardening and herbal remedies. Notably, she has a penchant for analogue technology and methods of doing things that would now be considered far outdated.

Job: Field Medic

Short history: Most of Lorne's life was spent on her home planet of Omega Base. She was born to a family of Seyrens under ownership of a crime enterprise. Due to her potential as a technopath, she was installed with a black market implant and put to work as an in-house medic for the gang’s military at a young age. The faulty implant was one of the few pieces of modern technology she was allowed to interact with, which helped instill her distrust of advanced technology. This slightly irrational fear was also fueled by seeing fellow Seyrens die due to imperfections in the very same type of implants.

For ease of containment (and due to lack of resources,) Lorne and others like her were never given goggles to enable common vision. She has only ever had natural Seyren eyesight, and now avoids the goggles whenever possible because the sensation of light-based vision is so unfamiliar. Consequently, there’s much more synergy between her hearing and vision, which makes her still quite able to navigate most modern settings reasonably well.

Lucky enough to chance upon the crew of the Autumn Star at a time when they were desperate enough to take her onboard, Lorne is still relatively new to the team. She knew little of the ship’s legacy nor the war from which it was born. Fortunately, her criminal sensibilities and complete lack of knowledge of or respect for the federation’s laws made it all too easy for her to fit in with the now-disgraced crew.

25-Jan-2022 23:12:45

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Other: Lorne has an irrational distrust (and slight fear) of advanced technology. She prefers to work without it any and all times when doing so is an option. She refuses to wear sight-correcting goggles except for when it is an absolute necessity, and even forgoes a wrist computer any time she’s not on the job. Medical technology is the only type she’s able to use competently, and she’s laughably bad with almost anything else.

Lorne / Medic / Drahcir Evan

25-Jan-2022 23:12:53

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 14,672 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((George, Inferi and Evan - all accepted!))

Chapter One: There Are No Endings, Only Beginnings

Time: 13:43

Location: Sigma Base, Alpha Base System

Five years since the defeat of Narchon and the Ghiak Feith. Five years since the Autumn Star's crew were lauded as heroes. Five years is enough for heroes to be thrown into the darkness as criminals.

Now something stirs in the darkness alongside us. Whispers of Ghiak Feith movement, rumours of ships being attacked and disappearing. Most of these rumours are quelled as soon as they come to light if the Galactic Court can reach them.

But not here. Not in the Alpha Base system. Here, the rumours run wild and free.

It is here that the story of our heroes begins. The Autumn Star is docked whilst its crew restocks on supplies. And for those looking to join, a certain Captain can be found in the Nirvana Cantina, drinking...
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

26-Jan-2022 16:12:50

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 14,672 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The music pumped through the cantina like blood pumping through one's bloodstream. People of all races and creeds mingled here, where there were no rules. A fight broke out in the corner between a human and a kanta, though no-one really knew why they were fighting. No-one even really cared either as the human began trying to rip off the kanta's ears. People began cheering, egging him on.




In one swift and brutal moment, the kanta's hand shot up, gripping the human by the throat and slamming his head into the wall with a sickening crack. Instead of being shocked, most of the audience laughed and jeered, while the human's friends stared down at his corpse in shock. A girl - maybe his girlfriend or sister - began crying loudly. An ugly cry. The kind of cry that reverberated through your head and made you want to gouge your eyes out. The Kanta turned on them, proving enough to send them fleeing for the door. The vibe never died down. The music never quietened. It was like no-one had even died.

Jaeden raised her glass to her lips, taking a long, loooong gulp of her drink. It burned like fire all the way down her throat, a painful reminder that she was still alive. She stared moodily across the bar's countertop at her reflection in the dirty mirror that seemed to mock her. How far you've fallen, it seemed to say. So much for the pride of the Galactic Federation.

"Fuck off,"
she muttered darkly, her lips finding her glass once more.

"Excuse me?"
A gruff, angry voice sounded out from beside her. She slowly tilted her head as she turned to stare at the man it belonged to. She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

She asked in a drawl, a slight slur to her voice. How much had she been drinking?
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

26-Jan-2022 16:15:03 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2022 16:23:16 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 14,672 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I was talkin' to ya, an' that's all y'gotta say?! Fuckin' rude, that!"
The man snarled, clearly offended. Jaeden's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Had he been talking to her? She didn't remember, and didn't care.

she mumbled, turning back to her drink.

"I said...I was TALKIN' to ya!"
The man grabbed her drink right out of her hands, his face suddenly barely inches away from hers. She paused, leaning away from that horrific breath blasting into her personal space. With a grimace, she slid off her stool and began slouching away, her hands in her pockets.

"Hey! HEY! I ain't done talkin' wit' you yet!"
The man thundered, his face growing red with fury.
She didn't turn around. She couldn't be bothered.

He bellowed, his face contorted with rage.

Jaeden stopped. The attention was on her now. Someone thoughtfully turned the music down - making sure she knew she was the star of the show. Slowly, she spun around on the ball of her heel, facing the man.

"Got your attention now?"
He asked softly, a smirk creeping across his face. Jaeden slowly
meandered across the short distance between them - maybe ten feet. She stepped up to him, and leaned forward until her face was a few inches away from his, albeit tilted upwards due to the height difference. Silence reigned through the cantina.

"Fuck off,"
she answered smoothly, before stepping back in a lazy manner. Perhaps the alcohol did affect her because she saw the incoming fist too late as it smashed into the side of her jaw, sending her wheeling away. Momentarily stunned, she straightened up and clicked her jaw, moving it back and forth to check nothing was broken.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

26-Jan-2022 16:17:50

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 14,672 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Running the tip of her tongue between her teeth and the inside of her lip and tasting blood, she turned back to face him.

she announced shortly.
"I guess we're doing this."

Her fist snapped out to slam into the man's face - the sound of his nose crunching under her knuckles clear, even past the loud SMACK of fist against face. His head snapped back as he stumbled back, falling backwards to sit down on the floor - hard. Blood spills out over his lips as he sat in stunned silence, trying to come to grips with what just happened. From behind, one of the men in the audience immediately struck, wrapping his arms around her neck in an attempt to choke her.

Struggling for air, she raised her foot and stomped down on his toes, before jabbing her elbow backwards into his ribcage - then snapping her head back to headbutt him in the face. He stumbled back with a bloodied nose, falling into the crowd - where his flailing hand smacked into another customer's face. The customer - a Seyren with slightly rusty goggles - immediately took offense and struck at him as he fell.

As if this was the cue to begin, the fight that began with two people immediately spread across to the entire cantina - with Jaeden in the midst of it, punching, kicking, biting and stomping away with a look of thunder on her scarred face.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

26-Jan-2022 16:21:07

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Along came a Seyren.

She strutted through the raucous crowd unhindered, leaving a growing trail of confused and stunned combatants in her wake. The heels of her ankle boots carefully navigated the soggy floor, feet weaving effortlessly through the tangle of legs and stumbling drunks. Her tail darted around in a torrential frenzy until her way was sufficiently clear. It then coiled victoriously around her thigh, retracting stealthily back up her skirt out of sight.

Lorne grinned a wide toothy smile as she approached the fresh corpse of the man who’s head had just been dashed against the wall. In a lawless place like Alpha Base, there was no sense letting a chance go to waste. The Seyren whipped out the massive multi-tool that that was strapped to the back of her belt line, and thumbed through the index of implements. She folded out a scalpel, thought better of it, and finally decided on what appeared to be the blade of a full size hunting knife.

She hungrily rolled up the sleeves of her pristine white blouse, and plunged the knife into the man’s carcass. It was then Lorne paused for a bewildered second and reached to check his pulse. Yup, definitely dead. The smile returned to her face as she quickly carved away.

Now, most bars - even ones as seedy as this – didn’t allow illegal surgery on the floor. Luckily, the fortuitous brawl that currently rocked the foundation was enough to keep anyone consequential from noticing. Lorne’s experience shone through her lazy confidence as she extracted both kidneys in just a few quick minutes – owed largely to the reckless disregard for the patient’s survival, on account of his deadness.

26-Jan-2022 22:13:05

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Seyren swiped a nearby pail of ice – once proudly purveying a pack’s worth of drinks, no doubt – and quickly plunged her hands into the half-melted slush in a hasty effort to cleanse the blood from them. Next she scooped out most of the solid cubes until the temperature looked close enough to what she needed, and then haphazardly dunked the freshly severed organs into the bucket.

She’d need better tools and a bit more time to get anything else worthwhile, but Lorne was pleased with her find nonetheless. A pair of kidneys wasn’t worth much on a planet where the black market was the only market, but Lorne was confident she could turn them into enough credits to net herself a new pair of shoes. How exciting!

Remembering herself, she meekly glanced over her shoulder at the throngs of chaos taking place behind her. The captain was in that ball of people somewhere. With a sigh, Lorne smeared her blade clean on the cadaver’s dirty clothes, and folded it back up while clipping it back in place. She swept up her prized bucket of chilled kidneys and looked back to the center of attention to see where she might be useful.

26-Jan-2022 22:13:17

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From above a shadow watched over the brawl.

He balanced upon a metallic support that ran close to the ceiling, connecting pillar to pillar throughout the cantina - perched in the shadowy spots between the light fixtures, his profile low with stomach against the support. Rylan was tense; crowds did that to him, crowds that had started brawling even more so - throw his captain into the middle of the fray and he was downright having an unpleasant time.

There was the obvious question of why he was even here in the cantina - that answer wasn't too tough to find: he didn't often set foot outside of the ship and while Sigma Base was far from the opportune place for him to wander freely it was where the crew were spending some downtime during resupply, so he'd somewhat been forced to get out and just... not be creeping around the ship's machinery for a while.

Whichever crew member had kicked him out of the ship to 'socialize' would be in for a rude awakening or two in the coming days.

Why then was he here, in a busy cantina rather than some other spot? The likely answer was the equivalent of trying to stay by your friend at a party where you didn't know anybody else - Jaeden was here, better to be in the vicinity of someone you knew instead of off on his own in some other dive. That'd be a good guess, at least.

His glimmering blue eyes flickered to the silent music system. It was still noisy in here from all the yells and grunts and crashing... but the music had been okay. The young man twitched a finger in the direction of the control board, what distance there was not mattering as a flicker of blue lightning jolted across his eye; feeling the power in the system and shifting it to where he wanted it.

A second later the music system blared on again at full volume, scaring the shit out of a few people stood next to one of the speakers - the song not one Rylan knew, but it fit.

' Everybody was kung-fu fighting...! '
I am Inferi.

26-Jan-2022 23:28:10

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