
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Duh-nuh nuh-nuh nuh, nuh, nuhhh!

The captain scuffled, Lorne cut, Rylan sneaked from above...

Perhaps Rylan saw an orange mass whizz with the corner of his eye; Ghivar had smashed through several brawlers then climbed upon the pillars and supports and leapt from them, snarling, blobs of saliva flicking everywhere as he swooped--he avalanched upon a fighting cluster that rolled up into a frenzied ball of violence, blood squirting with every heartbeat as Ghivar’s claws lacerated skin as if made of paper. The pantherine brute wrestled in explosive bursts, throwing aside even large men as if sacks of potatoes, sometimes clawing them while they were still mid-air!

Nearby, Cnossos had gulped a mouthful of vodka then stood as brawling reached him, his size and movement overturning a table. Chaos erupted as limbs flew, soon followed by thrown chairs and bottles, some of which smashed upon Cnossos, though his scales--his biological armour--withstood them. Although usually slow, and quite big, the reptilian beast was quite fast when he wanted to be so, smashing his head and shoulders into foes, mass alone hurling them away. Lacking agility, he was forced to sometimes twirl to face attackers, immense tail unintentionally flailing across the legs of several brawlers at once and tripping them while overturning a few tables and chairs--an unintentional consequence Cnossos didn’t notice but quite a effective one!

27-Jan-2022 01:25:51



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This was about the least ideal situation someone not physically inclined could find themselves in.

She had known this was going to happen. She had known it, and yet with the person she was trying to find out of the ship this had been the most reasonable course of action to take. There was no telling if there would be a chance after Captain Jaeden returned to the Star, and Auria wasn’t going to be the best off if she missed this chance to go with them. The Wolf needed somewhere to sit, and she didn’t feel like commandeering herself another ship.

Not that any of this would matter if she got caught up in the brawl unfolding in front of her. Nobody was going to stop this, her least of all, and that left a rather unfortunate predicament in front of her. How was she supposed to meet with the captain of the Autumn Star when said captain was in the center of a brawl? This wasn’t even adding the fact that even a minor observation had shown that the person in question was quite drunk, and looked extremely unhappy with the current situation.

That’s what we came here for? It’s the same as everywhere else.

Rhamnusia’s disappointed voice echoed in her head, a sentiment that Auria understood but did not quite share. She had not expected to find a hero here; no, she knew reality too well to expect that. This was someone ignored, someone pushed away, someone that had done what nobody else could and then been told, “Thanks, but we don’t need you anymore.” That type of person went one of two ways, and with the rumors that had begun to circulate everywhere Auria wanted - or needed, perhaps - to know which one it was.

You should know better than anyone what happens when someone is put in a situation like theirs.
she replied as she casually, but swiftly, moved as far away from the outskirts of the brawl as she could.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

27-Jan-2022 02:53:44



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just because the scene here matches everywhere else in this hellhole doesn’t mean the people have to be the same.

I suppose, but…hey, someone has good taste.
Rhamnusia commented as the music came back with a blast. Although her hologram wasn’t deployed - she tended to just stay inside Auria’s head for most of the time in public - Auria could hear the grin in her tone. She knew it was accentuated by the fact that Rhamnusia was enjoying watching everyone beat each other down, as the uncontrolled chaos was something the AI liked to observe from a safe distance.

Hey, if you want to break this up, I can always-
Rhamnusia began, a mischievous tone in her voice, but Auria already knew exactly what she was going to say and cut her off immediately.

We’re not calling the Wolf into here.

There was a pause, followed by a sulky,
You suck.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

27-Jan-2022 02:53:58 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2022 02:55:02 by Inferi

Apr Member 2016


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Jaeden was a dark and coppery red blur amidst the sea of violence and death, her knuckles bruised and bloodied from her fists continuously smashing into face after face after face. Blood trickled from her nose, and her bottom lip had been split at some point, whilst purple bruising had begun to form along her jaw where the first man had hit her. The music suddenly blaring across the room had caught her by surprise - momentarily losing her momentum until a blaster shot streaked past her head.

Turning to see where it had come from, her expression darkened upon spotting that very man who had struck her to begin with - pointing his blaster at her in a shaking hand. He looked like he was struggling just to keep from passing out, judging by the glorious cuts and bruises covering his face, as well as the broken nose Jaeden had so thoughtfully given him.
"Bitch, I'm gonna wish y-yer'd never laid 'ands on me...!"
he managed to gasp out, his words slurring. A mixture of blood and dribble slid out over his lower lip and down his chin to gloop down into his shirt.

Another Seyren stumbled into her, and she shoved him away from her into Cnossos' path before ducking down to slide under a kanta's claws as it flew overhead to slide up onto her feet - her hand shooting up to grab the man by the jaw and keep thundering forwards towards the bar, where the bartenders were cowering under the counter. Without stopping, she slammed the man's head backwards into the bar. BAM!

He was stunned with the first strike. But she was not done yet. She yanked his head forward and smacked it back down into the bar. BAM! And again. BAM! And again. BAM! She did not stop until there was a sudden, nasty crack and his head was suddenly floppy. She let go, watching his body slide down onto the floor. She squatted down, and carefully wiped her hand on his clothes. Dirt was better than the disgusting bloody drool that she'd managed to coat her palm with.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

27-Jan-2022 12:25:13

Apr Member 2016


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Looking around nonchalantly as she straightened up, she observed that the fight was still in full swing - albeit with a lot more bodies on the floor than there was to begin with. She looked around at the bar, and spotted the drink the man had pulled away from her. She reached out to pick it up, and take a long, long gulp. A djiro hurtled through the air towards her, thrown by a bulky woman who was then cut down by a kanta behind her. Jaeden half turned towards the tiny screeching reptile and raised her fist to slam it into the djiro's face, sending it flying back into the fray. Then she took another gulp of her drink, coughed for a moment as the burning sensation slithered down her throat, then finished the rest off before heading back into the fight. After all, her shipmates were still in there somewhere.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

27-Jan-2022 12:25:20

Mar Member 2023


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Hathka Dalrak
Varish Kanta

Like most Varish Kanta, Hathka is shorter and slimmer than the average Kanta. Standing at about 4'11, and built with lots of lean muscle, one could say she strikes an odd figure. Taken without size reference, she might be much more imposing - but when she's short enough to use as an armrest, who could possibly be afraid? Her bronze skin is covered in an auburn fur.

Her eyes are a hazel color, making most of her body rather homogenously colored. Like all Kanta, Hathka's forehead dips directly into her nose. This serves to lend her a fierce RBF - though it's often unclear how much is facial structure and how much is personality. Her head is rather square, with her ears reaching up past the top of her head. She keeps her fur quite short to prevent it from snagging on anything, though she'd never willfully shave it entirely off.

Again, like all Kanta, she has wings stretched from her arms to her sides. She rarely seeks to use these, except when necessary on missions. Her clawed hands and elbows are much like others of her race, though she definitely enjoys combat training involving these features quite a bit, occasionally resulting in minor chips and scratches here and there.

Normal clothing:
Hathka usually wears a loose, comfortable poncho style top in a dark leaf green. She pairs this with a pair of dark pants and black shoes and keeps well on her way.

When armored, Hathka prefers light armor with lots of mobility. She has extra padding on the torso and legs. All of her gear is darkly colored. Her top has very short sleeves - allowing full use of her wings. She has additional padding along her arms. She has a belt with locations for her weapons. Most importantly, her armor is fitted with a protective layer of
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

27-Jan-2022 17:43:38

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 3,493 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
shielding meant to soften physical blows and ground as much electricity as possible. This does not make her immune to attacks - blows still hurt, and the electrical barrier can only withstand so much voltage - but it does help to ease some of the danger of scouting alone.

Electroblade, crossbow (laser)


Cook on board, scout on missions

Short history:
Hathka was born and raised on Varish. Her parents were both involved in farming for the Kanta people, but she started joining the hunting parties when she was only 13. The young Kanta had a particular affinity for the hunt, often managing to find their quarry first, and somehow staying one step ahead of its range while the rest of the party caught up.

Her family helped teach her how to cook, and on Varish, she always had access to fresh, high quality ingredients. So when she left the planet at age 20 in search of excitement, she had a decent skillset suited for survival. Somewhere along the way, she met Captain Jaeden. Jaeden was recently in need of a cook on board, and the Kanta felt it was exactly the sort of "excitement" she'd been seeking.

these dice do be sparkly

Hathka Dalrak / Cook/Scout / Maddy Blue
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

27-Jan-2022 17:43:47

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

Posts: 8,409 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The tempest of bodies swirling through the room had grown far more fierce in the time since Lorne had turned her back. What once was a gust of wind from a storm on the horizon was now an all out maelstrom.

With unassisted vision, the Seyren could only see a writhing mass of heat signatures blurring together into a ball of flailing limbs. She sighed again, all senses drowned out with the oppressive odor of beer and sweat, set to the beat of an extremely loud and antiquated song. The medic was out of her depth, to say the least.

Disappointment crossed her face as she once again reached for her multi-tool and folded out and folded out and folded out what revealed its self to be an excessively compacted umbrella – a wonder of the modern age. The Seyren slunk back into the corner and leaned against the wall. She tilted her umbrella toward the chaos in an optimistic hope of maintaining the stain-free nature of her blouse.

“Standing by.” she projected across the mental airwaves, no doubt reaching everyone in the room. Whether or not they’d notice it in the frenzy was another matter, but most of the Autumn Star crew would be able to recognize her signature.

She was suddenly having second thoughts about leaving her gun on the ship. There was no such thing as a casual visit on Sigma Base, but even this place was far more civilized than where she’d grown up on Omega. Lorne was perfectly confident in her ability to traverse the planet with only her tail to protect her, but that was under the ordinary circumstances she had been expecting – not whatever this was shaping up to be.

The Seyren tapped her foot to the music while watching with an amount of disinterest as the fight continued.

27-Jan-2022 20:47:17

Mar Member 2023


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Hathka sat in the bar, taking in the scenes. The air here was thick. Sometimes, on planets like these, she longed for the fresh air of her home planet. But who knows what her return would entail. While the Autumn Star crew had been heroes, once... Well, let's just say life has a funny way of treating heroes after the fact.

The Kanta sipped her drink. It wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't bottom shelf either. Someone challenged Jaeden, loudly , and Jaeden attempted to shrug it off. But when the asshole decided to throw a decently sloppy punch...



Why did planets in the Alpha Base system hinge so aggressively on violence? It felt... Unnecessary, to say the least. But very quickly, members of her crew scrambled into action once their captain returned a swing. Hathka noted the Seyren medic's response to the situation, which was largely concerning and then total disinterest. The music queued back quickly, louder than before. It almost startled Hathka, but she outwardly kept her composure.

A few others kept their distance from the fight, though they seemed more interested in it than Lorne did. One, in particular, seemed to be watching specifically the captain's fighting. Hathka sipped her drink as she surveyed the field.

All too quickly, the glass was empty. Hathka sighed. It didn't seem like the best time to order a second - certainly not while half of Sigma Base was here killing each other. Instead, the small Varish rose from her chair and started ducking punches and dodging around flailing bodies. A few blows landed, but Hathka navigated the fray with surprising ease.

Her target was the door. She did not desire to be in this fracas any longer. As she pushed the door open, she breathed a deep breath. It wasn't nice, but it was better than the stench of death and alcohol inside of the bar. She leaned against the side of the building just outside the door, knowing that her crew would catch up as soon as they were able.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

28-Jan-2022 13:42:58

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