
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

Apr Member 2016


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We were soldiers.

The denizens of the Sagittaria galaxy were at war. Humans. Djiro. Seyrens. Kanta. Other races were pulled in unwillingly. No-one could agree with each other. Each wanted to rule the galaxy and the other races. Over time, they each developed better technology, better medical care, better ships, spanning over decades of war.

But then the Ghiak Feith came. Thanks to our focus on each other, their strike was swift and effective, leaving many planets reeling from their brutality. Their technology outweighed ours, their unity unmatched as they overtook entire systems and spread across the galaxy. It was out of desperation and fear that we who were once at war with each other banded together to face the new threat.

We were heroes.

The Autumn Star became a symbol of hope – a beacon of light against the darkness as its crew hurtled into battle at the forefront of the retaliation against the Ghiak Feith. With courage, determination, skills, and a lot of luck, we stormed into the fray to turn the tide against the enemy. It was our actions in the end that determined the fate of the galaxy – and it was by our hands that the Ghiak Feith’s leader was killed, and his forces driven out.

Finally with the threat gone, the denizens of the Sagittaria galaxy banded together to form the Galactic Federation – headed by the Galactic Court. Representatives of each race came together to forge bonds once thought impossible. An alliance was agreed upon, and peace reigned through the galaxy. They were grateful to us for everything we did to save the galaxy. But the gratitude did not last. Eventually, they started shunting us aside, burying any memory of us. When they couldn’t succeed in that, they began finding petty reasons to start arresting members of the crew and lock them away.

We became criminals.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:50:50 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:43:04 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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As the biggest reminder of the Sagittaria War, the Autumn Star and her crew were driven out. My own parents – father, a respected military general, and mother, a gentle and well-known ambassador – disowned me and pushed me as far from them as possible. Eventually, like so many desperate people do, we turned to a life of crime and smuggling just to survive.

Now – five years on – something is happening at the edges of the galaxy. Outposts going dark, smuggling runs resulting in missing ships, reports of technology theft, wreckage found floating adrift. The Galactic Court do not consider the fringes of the galaxy worth patrolling, and no-one will help us.

I am Jaeden Castell, Captain of the Autumn Star. Dare you join us?
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:50:57 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:43:25 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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A Word from the Threadmaster

Welcome to the Autumn Star. You are either a member of the crew, or you’re about to be. You are considered a criminal and low life in the Galactic Federation, under the guidance of Captain Jaeden Castell. This is a sci-fi roleplay, inspired by the likes of Mass Effect and Star Wars. Life is tough on the outskirts of the Sagittaria galaxy, where this story takes place.

Please note that this is a semi-sandbox roleplay, following a storyline that will allow for character interactions and sandbox exploration between missions. It is expected that this will have a definite end to it.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:03 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:10:16 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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• All Jagex rules apply, see Specific Rules on the front page of the roleplaying forums for and the Code of Conduct on the front page of the main forums for details.

• No spamming, trolling, flaming or advertising on this thread. This is strictly a roleplaying thread only.

• Keep things relatively PG-13. If you start romancing characters, you will be expected not to write about the more intimate details of their relationships. No ERP, and no overly gratuitous violent gore that you're only writing for the "cool factor".

• You may play any alien race provided by this thread save for the Ghiak Feith. They are strictly an NPC race to be played by the Thread Master only.

• No godemoting or meta-gaming. You are expected not to force any character to act or react a certain way.

• For whatever reason, a previous rule was to add "sparkly dice" to your bio to prove you have read these rules. As I have no better ideas, this rule is reinstated.

• It will be made obvious when I am DMing chapters in this story. However, please consider driving your own RP during downtime between chapters. I can make suggestions as to what you can do – such as side missions in whatever system we happen to be in – but other than that, downtime between chapters is my way of winding down and not putting too much on myself. Please respect this.

• All DM posts for players to react to/be informed of something occurring will be written in
. I ask that you avoid this colour in your own posts to avoid potential confusion. This is to make sure players can see the difference between DM posts and my character posts. Other shades of red are fine.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:12 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:45:49 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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How It All Began

The year is 3676. Eight hundred years ago, humans left the Milky Way as soon as they developed the technology to escape the growing issues of overpopulations and pollution of their world. At first, the Sagittaria system seemed quiet, and humankind were all that existed here. But over time, other races came into contact with us.

At first, we co-existed just fine. Then skirmishes started happening along the borders. Skirmishes turned into battles. Battles turned into small wars. Small wars spread across the galaxy and turned into an all out Galactic War that threatened to destroy everything we all held dear. Despite technology developing faster, our soldiers growing stronger and more durable, our technopath abilities increasing, we were all facing extinction.

Thanks to this, it was easy for a new enemy to appear on the scene and take advantage of our weakened state: the Ghiak Feith. Although they looked like the seyren – albeit with some differences – they were not the same. They were brutal, violent, dominating. In 3643, they struck world after world, no matter what races were stationed there. It took their tyrannical invasion to force the races of the Sagittaria Galaxy to band together and fight back.

In 3667, the Autumn Star sprang into action. Where armies struggled against the enemy, it was the Autumn Star and the brave souls who crewed her who dove in behind enemy lines to take out the Ghiak Feith’s best ships and commanders, who led the charge against the enemy’s invasion forces. The Autumn Star was a shining beacon of hope that we could make it out of this war alive. And when they managed to destroy the Ghiak Feith’s leader – Narchon – they were lauded as heroes.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:19 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:12:29 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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In 3671, the Galactic Federation was formed – an alliance between all races of the Sagittaria Galaxy. We would work together to rebuild and reach for a better future for all, and pool our knowledge to aid each other so that no enemy could ever strike us as hard as the Ghiak Feith did. Still, there was a great deal of shame that an enemy like them was even needed to put an end to a pointless war. The shame grew greater, and as fickle politicians often do, things that reminded them of that shame kept getting swept under the rug. And sadly, this was what happened to the Autumn Star.

Over the course of five years, the Autumn Star’s reputation became tarnished. Some of the crew were caught and arrested for the pettiest of reasons. A couple were even killed. What remained of the crew became mercenaries and criminals for the sake of survival.

Now there are rumours of Ghiak Feith activity on the rise – enough that the Galactic Court cannot silence them all. The question is: who will save us now if they should return?
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:25 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:12:54 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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Races of the Galactic Court

Although there is room for other races to be created further down the line, there are four main races that dominate the Sagittaria galaxy.


- Honestly, self-explanatory. If you’re not sure what a human is, mirrors are fantastic inventions.

- Left Earth and the Milky Way some centuries ago, finding a new home in the Sagittaria galaxy.

- Humans create the most varied types of weaponry, leading the charge in weapons technology.

- Home planet: New Earth.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:29 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:14:43 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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- A small, dragon-like race, the Djiro walk as humanoids with digitigrade legs (think cat legs). Their faces are relative round, like a pointier version of Toothless from HTTYD, and they have scaled hides that come in a myriad of vibrant colours. They can have up to four horns. Their leaders have six, with some horns transplanted on.

- They can grow up to anywhere between 2’6” to 3’.

- They have no distinguishing features that make it obvious to other races what their gender is.

- They can breathe fire, though there are laws in place to ensure they do not breathe fire at random, much like weapon laws.

- Naming conventions similar to Native Americans.

- Home planet: Arvor. Also semi-migrant – Djiro ships are known to leave Arvor for years, even decades at a time to travel the galaxy in their quest for knowledge. They are the forerunners in discovering everything in the galaxy, even currently preparing to go beyond the galaxy to discover others.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:34 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:14:32 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


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- Tall, elven-like race that comes in varying shades of blues and purples, their limbs darkening in a subtle gradient down to near-black hands and feet.

- Rounded spike-like bumps sticking out of their vertebrae, though still covered in skin.

- Long thin devil-like tails with naturally barbed tips that can paralyse those stung by it – in some cases this can lead to death. Galactic Federation laws decree that all seyren tail tips are covered up by government issued covers.

- Pink eyes – their sight differs from what is considered normal in that they can only see heat signatures of natural beings. They are unable to see artificial structures with the naked eye. Hence, they usually have goggles made specifically to grant them the same sight as other beings as long as they keep them on.

- All Seyrens believe the Goddess Artema created the galaxy, though they are respectful of the beliefs of others. Devotion varies from seyren to seyren, with some just simply believing, whilst others are dedicated to her worship.

- Although they can speak out loud, seyrens prefer direction telepathic communication and can reach everyone in a similar radius as yelling. This does not mean mind domination or mind reading, only direct communication from them. They have had to learn to live with the fact that those not of their race cannot communicate telepathically in turn with them.

- Masters of medical technology. They dislike violence, though they will not hesitate to retaliate with violence if threatened.

- Home planet: Malora.

- Naming conventions similar to Sindarin.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:38 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2022 12:15:45 by Taleisin

Apr Member 2016


Posts: 14,672 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Batlike creatures with sloped foreheads merging straight into the nose without an indented bridge. They have large bat-like ears, suitable for giving them excellent hearing. Their arms have a normal appearance save for clawed hands and wings stretched between their arms and sides, along with a singular claw sticking out from each elbow. They come in various shades of brown and are covered in short fur. Like the djio, they have digitigrade legs.

- They have an ability to create sonar with their voices but can also screech like a banshee – which can cause enough pain to rupture ear drums.

- They do not have a specific home planet, but a home system made up of several planets under their rule. You can usually tell which planet a kanta is from due to extra characteristics depending on which planet they hail from:-

A’kasi: Kanta born here have pupils that grow so small they are resistant to bright light.

Sharkta: Kanta born here are very muscular and have a natural ability to trace ores and minerals.

Iktor: Kanta born here can ‘fly’ underwater and have webbing between their claws. They can also hold their breath for up to an hour.

Varish: Kanta born here are faster and more agile than their planetary counterparts.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

24-Jan-2022 11:51:43 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 06:24:38 by Taleisin

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