
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Rylan.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.

Appearance: For a human of his age Rylan is very short, only standing at a pitiful 5'1" tall - medical examinations determining that severe malnourishment in his childhood stunted his growth permanently. However, further signs of that malnourishment have since been wiped away, Rylan's physique slim but very wiry, his musculature compact. All in all, he's much, much healthier than he once was.

His skin is naturally pale and has a surprising number of scars scattered across it, some of the more notable ones being; a straight thin line across his left cheek, a darkened patch of skin on his right shoulder and a long, jagged cut on his back that runs several inches down, starting from just below his left shoulder. His hands have their share of scars as well, but those seem more specific to his work than the more notable ones.

Rylan's face is lightly freckled, cleanly shaven and fairly unassuming - were it not for his scar most would likely pass right over him as another face in the crowd. At least unless they meet his eyes. They're a bright, striking electric blue with a wild intensity, darting around to look at seemingly random things around him almost all the time; a sign of lack of attention to most, but others realize they're the eyes of a survivor scanning for dangers. Peculiarly, Rylan's short hair is a dark, coppery red colour that has led some people to speculate he and Captain Jaeden are related - but in reality it's mere coincidence.

Normal clothing: Around the ship Rylan is near always found in a set of dark overalls with no distinguishing marks or stand-out features, merely a fairly standard protective suit for engineering work. That said, underneath the overalls he has on a short-sleeved white shirt and a pair of shorts. A strong pair of black boots on his feet along with a thick pair of gloves, all well suited to engineering.
I am Inferi.

24-Jan-2022 17:46:59 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 16:19:47 by George Rozas

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Armour: Rylan likes to keep his armour light to maintain his full agility, finding being unhittable, or unnoticed, a much more reliable method of protection than weighty plates of metal. He wears a flexible midnight-blue suit of armour that extends to his ankles, wrists and neck, appearing as something similar to a skin-suit that isn't actually skin tight and coated by thin metal plating. A set of boots, gloves and a helmet (with a one-way black visor, allowing him to see out but only reflections to be seen from outside) of matching theme fit along with it, all of these pieces able to connect and seal with the rest of the suit to provide an airtight environment that work perfectly in the vacuum of space. The gloves and boots have mag locks built-in, activatable at Rylan's whim, giving him far more options for moving around.

He also has an in-built shield-emitter, which is where the true protection of the suit lies - especially when augmented with his technopath abilities.

Weapons: Rylan is a Technopath, currently having an L3 implant installed that he uses to incredible effect both in and out of fights.

His second weapon is a customized handgun that doesn't appear as much to others at first glance, aside from being a step up from standard projectile throwers by firing magnetized slugs rather than less effective unmagnetized rounds. The gun is only semi-bulky, still able to be fit in a side holster and never getting in the way, holding a capacity of ten rounds before needing to be reloaded. Still a dangerous gun, but there are worse things to be hit by - except that due to his abilities with technopathy Rylan can augment the gun as he's firing it, supercharging the barrel and magnetized slugs with electricity with an uncanny precision, the result being thus; each supercharged round acts more like a handheld railgun shell than a simple magnetized slug, creating far greater devastation than a gun of this size could ever ordinarily produce.
I am Inferi.

24-Jan-2022 17:47:13 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 16:56:29 by George Rozas

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rylan's third and final weapon is a mono-edged utility knife, both an excellent tool and unassuming weapon in the right hands. It's a robust tool, very durable, and using his skills with technopathy to augment it he's able to simply electrify the blade... if he's feeling uncreative, at least. Going more in depth he can augment the self-sharpening mono tech of the knife, supercharging the feature to effectively give the blade significantly more piercing power due to a rapid increase in sharpness.

Skills: Engineering, agility and technopathy. (Technically stealth as well, but that derives from his agility)

Job: General Engineer. Combat Engineer. Tech Saboteur.

Short history: Rylan was born on the planet Calypso III, out in the system of Codastra - a frontier system where few ships had traveled. Calypso III was a colony world still in its infancy, settled by humans some 26 years prior to the current time and built with an experimental AI system in mind, intended as a guardian to watch over the budding planet and assist its inhabitants. This AI was dubbed Gaia.

When Rylan was born all was still well on the planet, the colony was flourishing, their research into the various new floras and faunas was well underway and their brightest minds were working closely with Gaia to further progress their future home. This went on for several more years, things looked promising - only for things to take a sudden and drastic turn when Rylan was six years old; Gaia went rogue.

The specifics of those early days are unclear even now, but it's recounted by survivors that their droids and robots turned against them without warning, communications off-world had been cut off just as suddenly - the colonists were thrown into panic as they were attacked by their guardians. To this day none can explain why Gaia went rogue, only that the AI's actions were swift and merciless.

There began the new life of the colonists - running, hiding, fighting, scavenging, a constant struggle to avoid
I am Inferi.

24-Jan-2022 17:47:19 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 23:46:49 by George Rozas

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the gaze of the mad AI that seemingly sought to wipe them all out. Rylan lost his parents early and was raised by other survivors of the community, at least... as best they could. In the end he lost them as well when he was 12 and the boy was left to fend for himself, taking what he had been taught in those years to keep himself going. He had numerous close calls and encounters with wildlife and Gaia's droids, taking apart remnants of destroyed ones to use for his own ends.

Exactly how he received his L3 implant is unclear, but when the Galactic Federation finally deployed forces to investigate Calypso III the boy was 17 years old and was rescued from the planet with it already installed. With the war with the Ghiak Feith ended it still took the federation three years to investigate why the planet had gone dark over ten years prior. Any survivors that were found were evacuated out of the system, dumped on whatever planet seemed the most convenient all while the federation dealt with Gaia and ransacked whatever technology remained.

Rylan, lacking in a proper social development, half-wild, malnourished and paranoid, didn't do well in the refugee facility he was dumped in. He stole food, lashed out at others and never settled down - as if he still felt like he was in danger at every moment. Eventually he fled, escaping into the city streets of Lunara where he really didn't do any better. It was luck in the end. Pure luck that Jaeden found him, this short, malnourished teenager covered in muck with the wild look of a cornered animal.

The exact method used to get Rylan to agree to join the Star isn't actually clear among the rest of the crew, but when the AS left Lunara it was with one extra passenger. In the two years since then Rylan has improved considerably, his health much improved but still not up to par socially. Still, he's the Star's little weirdo now.

Other: Could do with some sparkly dice.

Rylan/General Engineer. Combat Engineer. Saboteur/George Rozas
I am Inferi.

24-Jan-2022 17:47:26 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2022 00:19:14 by George Rozas

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Ghivar Waghoba
Age: Thirty
Gender: Male
Race: Kathiss, short but robust feline humanoids, known for explosive speed, agility and power, and disregard for rules. Their homeworld is Mowzen of the Indigo Indus, a system nearing the Outer Veil. Mowzen is a hot planet notable for vast deserts, savannas, rain forests, steppes, oceans and mountains, and daytime double moons.

Packs of predatory birds, sabre-teeth, and entelodonts haunt the planet, ever watchful for easy prey.

The oceans are home to monstrous swimmers:

Kathiss build immense and impressive coastal cities. They rely especially on tidal energy, most of which is underwater and even capable of obtaining energy from typhoons, whirlpools and tsunamis, which empower antigravitational technology to redirect tsunamis and sea monsters away.

Although Kathiss are relatively rare, due to their openness to rulebreaking and violence, they earned a reputation as vicious pirates, mercenaries and smugglers before, during and after the Galactic War. Natural claws and pantherine jaws only make them more dangerous to mess with!

When the Ghiak Feith invaded, the Kathiss, being a minor species, stood little chance while their cities were blasted into the oceans. Whenever combat got up close, the Kathiss could even rip apart their superior foes, though physicality cannot overcome technological superiority. Displaced into the wilderness, many Kathiss resorted to hunting beasts to survive until the end of the invasion. All cities remain under repair to this day.

Appearance/Normal clothing/Armour:
six feet tall, two hundred forty pounds, yellow eyes
Ghivar prefers light armour at all times, to be ready for anything anytime, and not impede his movement. He will wear full-body equipment when necessary.

25-Jan-2022 02:47:24 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2022 08:01:51 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vagha, a large Kathiss auto shotgun (seen in image)


A handcannon with a mounted flashlight, nicknamed Sparkly Dice

Pantherine claws and teeth serve as bodily weapons.

Skills: fighting, hunting, athleticism

Job: Shock Trooper
Like a furious wave, Ghivar charges headstrong into any opposition

Short history: Growing up in city slums wasn’t easy but Ghivar learnt lots from the streets. Kathiss culture leaned more on physical force, so education was limited beyond high school for him. A rather mediocre student, Ghivar preferred a life of travel and excitement. Like most of his species, the call of the wild was quite strong, and he spent much time in the rain forests and deserts, hunting the avian and porcine pack predators.

In adulthood, Ghivar worked as a security guard but also cooperated with organized crime, his self-serving behavior sticking throughout his career amid the galaxy. His career eventually included paramilitary training, which he used against mafias and rivals. He got fired from several security companies so also worked in underworld stuff. Ghivar spent some years working in the black market in Sigma Base and as a guard at Upsilon Base, and even sent as a hitman to Omega Base to get rid of certain crime lords. His girlfriend, Safara, was murdered around this time, Ghivar going crazy.

Eventually, after causing quite a stir throughout Alpha Base, Ghivar escaped to civilized systems and stumbled upon the Autumn Star, serving as the muscled brute who gets things done (albeit sometimes in a questionable manner).

When the Ghiak Feith invaded, Ghivar frequently performed suicidal rampages into the enemy, acting with extreme speed and ferocity, overpowering multiple foes singlehandedly and winning seemingly impossible fights. Unrelenting aggression is a useful tool! However, he frequently got severely injured; were it not for modern medical practises (and intervention by squadmates), he’d probably be dead.

25-Jan-2022 02:49:04 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 06:21:27 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After the Federation betrayed the Autumn Star, Ghivar didn’t really care, accustomed to just that throughout his career in security and underworld protocol. It’s just something he even expects.

Other: Feline eyes pierce darkness better than humans. Ghivar dislikes Cnossos and can’t seem to get along with him.

Ghivar Waghoba/Shock Trooper/Azi Demonica

Name: Cnossos Veshohm Na'ari
Age: Forty
Gender: Male

Race: A’kasa, reptilian humanoids infamous for their brutality, strength and durability. Their home planet is Kash’ka, located in the Vermillion Verge, a system just before the Outer Veil. Kash’ka is a humid world plagued with gargantuan horrors:

Awful diseases inhabit the wetlands, usually only the natives resisting them. Dense jungles, wetlands, deep rivers and typhoon-prone seas endanger the wild planet; it is easy to get lost or avoid authorities, making Kash’ka a popular place for gangs, pirates and outlaws to evade Galactic authorities.

Many foreign criminals, however, met their doom when crocodilian monsters suddenly erupted from the waters, dragging them to a bloody, submerged fate. Such a fate the native A’kasa are accustomed to, and despite occasional deaths, hunting both on land and underwater remain common.

During the Galactic War, the A’kasa remained defensive, uninterested in extensive warfare. They had a fearsome reputation defending their wildlands and homes; rumours spread that they fed dead (and dying!) enemies to the roaming giant predators!

Sávra, the only city on Kash’ka, consists of skyscrapers and pyramidal megastructures, built atop the planet’s largest mountain range, Ekar,

Mostly destroyed during the Ghiak Feith invasion, the city remains in repair.

25-Jan-2022 02:50:28

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Appearance: eight feet tall, five hundred pounds, hundred pound tail, athletic musculature, green scales, blue eyes

Normal clothing: sleek gray full-body outfit

Armour: Cnossos, far right:

Left to right: Division-07, Onibi Yamamoto, Veronica Walters, Natalia Anna Pulaski; Cnossos’ former squad, KIA by Narchon


A powerful sniper rifle with a high-powered scope, capable of firing projectiles at supersonic speeds via an inbuilt miniature mass accelerator.

M-909 Q

A rapid-fire SMG.

Left vambrace has an inbuilt Electroblade (visible in image).

Skills: hunting, swimming, ambush

Job: Vanguard
Cnossos stands at the front of the advance, looking for any topological advantages whether they be on land or in water, where he can intercept enemies or wait to ambush them

Short history: Descending from a traditional bloodline, Cnossos Veshohm Na'ari grew up hunting in the poisonous humid jungles of Kash’ka. Endurance, adaptability, aiming, stalking, using the waters for escape or ambush, and the willingness to take a life can all be honed during a watery hunt. When not hunting, he practised swimming and wrestling with his father (Kalstos) and older brothers (Laserta, Tralsk and Renlas), having quite a few close calls with underwater predators! He married his future wife Xuhlti, who had fertility issues but they stayed childless together.

As a youth, Cnossos joined the militia then military to catch up with his brothers. Although his aiming and hand-to-hand were good, Cnossos was more stubborn and impulsive than his family. Although rock-ribbed, he was discharged due to disobedience.

Betrayed but eager for adventure, Cnossos stumbled upon Atlas, a team of Human mercenaries working in Kash’ka as private security. He taught them what he knew and they went abroad the galaxy as hired guns and bodyguards, getting his nickname, Bigtail .

25-Jan-2022 02:50:54 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2022 02:57:19 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When the Ghiak Feith invaded, Atlas team went to battle. However, only Cnossos escaped, saved by the Autumn Star whom he later joined. After the war, Cnossos’ pride was cut short--he found out his father, brothers and Xuhlti had all fallen in the defence of Kash’ka. Afterwards, his mother died over health complications. With nothing left for him at home, he went with Autumn Star and never looked back.

Other: Stoic, stolid and cold-blooded--as would be expected of reptilian beings--though his suit's thermoregulator automatically adjusts to keep his body temperature optimum.

Since his tail is quite large, it drags behind him wherever he goes. It does, however, serve as a strong propeller for swimming. Due to the semi-amphibious physiology of reptiles and experience as a diver, he can hold his breath for about half an hour.

The A’kasa are exceptionally durable and adaptable, especially when armoured, however they possess several weaknesses:
Reptilians, although possessing good memory, have lower intelligence than mammalians; Cnossos can be oafish and dimwitted.
Ironically, although master ambushers, A’kasa are themselves susceptible to ambushes and blitzkrieg; they can’t really take chances or rely on luck, not even sparkly dice.
Full-grown A’kasa are too bulky to climb well; Cnossos is so heavy he can’t even climb at all, let alone pull himself up! He instead resorts to crawling up and over things.

Unsurprisingly for reptiles, A’kasa can only remain in warmer climates. Without artificial thermoregulation, they will fall into suspended animation in even mildly freezing temperatures within minutes! Although they can survive up to a few months in suspended animation, they will die if unable to wake up.

Cnossos Veshohm Na'ari/Vanguard/Azi Demonica

25-Jan-2022 02:51:28

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