
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

Mar Member 2023


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Hathka's ears twitched in irritation at the arrival of, for some reason, basically everyone else on the crew. She'd left the bar for some peace and quiet - however much could be attained on this shithole planet - and now suddenly everyone was clustering in the street. The unknown human introduced herself as being a prospective crew member. At this point, she was more clearly addressing the captain, though she seemed to be moving closer to Hathka.

The Kanta's lips quirked up, amused that somehow she'd been singled out as the safest person to be near at this point. Jaeden asked for the woman's skills, and Hathka had been at Jaeden's side long enough to tell that her expression was thoughtful - at least as much as could be expected of the captain.

The woman listed off a rather impressive set of skills. She filled a niche that wasn't quite covered by the existing crew, and the addition that she'd be able to bring her own vessel to complement her skills was certainly intriguing.

But before the woman had even given her name, she added that she had an AI partner. Hathka's excellent hearing alerted her to the earliest cracklings of lightning coming from Rylan's direction, and she whipped the electroblade out from under her poncho and attempted to redirect the lightning bolt. Unfortunately, she was a moment too late - the bolt burst past her blade, but it also clearly burst past the woman's head.

Instead, it seemed to phase through the holographic display of Rhamnusia. Hathka twirled her blade once before tucking it back into its home under her poncho.

"Seems like a good set of skills, Captain. I think we might be able to use one like her,"
Hathka said, returning to her wall-leaning. Her hazel eyes scanned the human's appearance, taking her in much more carefully.
"We've met your friend. What's your name?
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

31-Jan-2022 01:39:08

Apr Member 2016


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Jaeden stared unblinkingly at Auria as the other woman introduced her skillset. She could not help but contemplate how useful she sounded. But there had to be a catch - there was always a catch.

And although it was not a catch in the way she thought it would be, the AI was nevertheless a surprising sight. Even the Autumn Star was never outfitted with an AI. Jaeden had contemplated looking into stealing one - but then Rylan had come along, and she decided against it after seeing how he reached to technology on that level.

Oh crap.



The lightning shot out as the thoughts ran through her head. At the same time, she instinctively knew she was too late to do anything but look on. Her hand started to rise, not knowing what she even planned to do next. It was only when Hathka moved to react and the lightning shot through the AI that a moment of relief flooded through her before she looked over to Rylan.

Now that Lorne had finished cleaning her up, she began striding past the others to get closer to Rylan, though she did not fully approach. Instead, she raised a hand and beckoned him towards her, her expression as yet unreadable.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

31-Jan-2022 01:55:33



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh. Looks like not.

The words Rhamnusia spoke in a very “oh come on” tone were certainly not the same ones that Auria was thinking of, although in fairness she had essentially no time to react anyways. She had seen the immediate withdrawal of what had appeared to be the medic of the ship, and had chalked it up to the fact that not everyone liked the fact that artificial intelligence existed. That was to be expected; she didn’t think everyone - or even anyone - would like her or her situation when she had explained it.

What she had not expected was being attacked, and the look of surprise had barely been able to register on her face when the lightning blasted past her ear, hitting the hologram and making Rhamnusia’s avatar dissipate, first into static and then into nothing. It was immediately followed by a,
There wasn’t anyone in the records like that!
from Rhamnusia in Auria’s head that was also accompanied by some extremely colorful language from the AI.

Given that she had barely had time to be surprised, and that the Kanta she had originally spoken to had moved to stop the attack, Auria both had the opportunity to keep herself from reacting badly and time to recover from the fact that the sudden attack had made her freeze in place. Taking a breath came first; she hadn’t even realized she had stopped listening to that most basic of survival instincts in the shock of what had happened.

Once that was accomplished, it was much easier to recover, and the foul language from Rhamnusia actually helped to bring things back into a semblance of normalcy. There was no follow-up, and with the actions of everyone involved telling her that she wasn’t going to die right here she could focus on, and answer, the question that was being posed to her.

Auria. Auria Silvandros.
” was her reply, her rather shaky voice betraying the fact that she was certainly not yet entirely composed.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

31-Jan-2022 02:40:22

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Electricity continued to crackle across Rylan's outstretched hand even after his bolt dissipated the hologram, his knees bent in preparation to spring away - to escape and hide before the reinforcements arrived. He didn't have a hiding hole dugout near here so he'd have to squeeze into one of the crevices between buildings, perhaps find a gap that went deeper if he was lucky - he'd seen a lot of mud not far, he could use that to throw off the heat sensors again, he just needed to coat himself and go still somewhere out of sight. The machines would search for a few days but he just needed to remain still and ignore the hunger, ignore Her voice filling the air-

The wild eyed expression on Rylan's face told a story all on its own, his mind rattling through this rapid thought process at lightning speed - his legs started to push off, only for his darting eyes to catch Jaeden striding towards him. The boy caught himself, the slight glaze over his eyes clearing as he came back to himself and his surroundings - he wasn't there. She wasn't there. This wasn't there. He hadn't been there in two years. He never had to go back there.

Even as the electricity arcing between his fingers fizzled out Rylan's eyes flickered between the captain's beckoning hand and the shock-still figure somewhere behind her. Still, his arm slowly lowered - legs straightening out and body partially untensing. He stepped towards Jaeden slowly, reminiscent of a jittery animal ready to hightail it out of there if someone moved too quickly.

At no point did he allow the harbinger of the AI out of his field of view.
I am Inferi.

31-Jan-2022 03:15:02

Drahcir Evan

Drahcir Evan

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Lorne stumbled clumsily backward with a loud "Eep!" as the bolt of electricity soared. She very nearly fell backward, saved only be the grimy outer wall of the bar behind. Her multi-tool found its way into her hand as she tripped, and the Seyren whipped out the first thing to catch her grasp, which left her defensively backed against the wall with a very menacing spoon held erect before her.

31-Jan-2022 09:14:29

Apr Member 2016


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Jaeden stopped and waited for Rylan to come to her. Hearing Auria speak to Hathka, she trusted that Hathka could deal with the situation for the time being. The Captain's focus was on the young man before her. Her stance was relaxed, unstressed. But her eyes spoke of a concern that went unspoken.

Once he was within reach, she reached out to carefully guide him into a tight hug, like a mother embracing her long lost child - carefully positioning herself so that she stood between him and Auria. She blocked out all other noise, ignored the aches and pains that ran all over her body. Her hand gently stroked his hair, willing him to try and calm down.

"It's okay. It's not the same AI. This one won't hurt you,
she murmured gently.
"And if it does, I'll rip it apart myself. I won't let it hurt you. You're safe."
Her voice was low, meant only for him. It was a stark contrast to the harsh and violent behaviour she had showcased in the cantina. A sliver perhaps of who Jaeden had once been for those who had served with her from the beginning.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

31-Jan-2022 11:07:45

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 3,493 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hathka frowned at the outbursts from her crewmates. Obviously, the AI was not as okay as she'd thought. Still, it seemed that the captain was dealing with the most violent outburst, so Hathka, as the other most-senior crew member in current attendance, decided to turn her attention back to the woman. She introduced herself as Auria Silvandros.

"Hathka Dalrak. Ship's cook."
she said, her voice sounding much sharper when speaking her own name. Hathka offered Auria a clawed hand. She heard the medic fiddling with her multitool, but didn't acknowledge it besides.

Assuming Auria accepted the offered handshake, she'd receive a sturdy grip that betrayed a strength beyond what was readily visible on the Kanta's form.

"You mentioned small-craft piloting, and that you could provide your own equipment for that. Could you detail that a bit more?"
Hathka asked, withdrawing her arms to herself once more.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

31-Jan-2022 14:51:29



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Three deep breaths. Four. And finally, five. That was enough for a return of composure, enough to get herself back under control. Rhamnusia’s tirade had subsided as well, although several signals came across Auria’s vision from her that marked the teenager as dangerous, outlining him in red and making several warning signs pop up whenever he entered her field of vision.

For the moment, she ignored that, and although she understood why Rhamnusia was taking these measures it wasn’t something she was yet willing to commit to. The look on his face and the reflexual action that had sent the lightning at her had not been calculated. It was a look she had seen before, one of desperation and terror, and she did not believe he truly meant harm.

Although she was a bit slow to accept the hand extended to her, Auria did take it, her grip not exactly weak but probably one of the lesser ones from the crew. It was pretty clear she didn’t have any hidden physical capabilities or anything or that sort, at least to the extent one could tell from such an action.

Trying not to glance around - more out of a continuing reaction to a sudden attack than habit - Auria nodded, answering, “
Um, right, I can pilot most single-pilot fighter craft and a few small transport craft, although there’s certain models I will not be able to. My personal craft is an experimental military mech design, made for both in atmosphere and zero-G environments. I can send the basic specifications for examination if you would like.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

31-Jan-2022 21:19:15

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I was never much good at technology stuff...” Crosses admitted while overhearing Lorne’s verbal resume, unsure of the purpose of cotton. He took a step then briefly and slightly gestured to Rhamnusia, Rylan also noticing the holographic figure. “I think these two would fit right in.”

Rylan’s electrical pulses went forth... Rhamnusia didn’t seem happy.

Amidst all the discussion, Cnossos nodding along.

Meanwhile, presumably unopposed whilst not the centre of attention, Ghivar lowered his head to the bucket of organs, nuzzling them, then licking, then...

01-Feb-2022 00:39:42

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As he found himself pulled into Jaeden's tight embrace Rylan's body stiffened in rebellion, still unused to the feeling of being constricted in some way even if this was a grip he logically knew he could pull free of. He remained still, listening to the reassuring whispers as his mind and body fought with themselves over the clash of instinct, emotion and logic.

It was not Her... he knew that. The AI looked nothing like Her, there was no logical reason for it to have been Her... even if the possibility remained. That She wouldn't let him go, that She found her way off that planet and was searching for him - one of the few who got away from Her wrath. Rylan forced himself to close his eyes, just for a moment, and breathe deep as he had been taught to do - releasing a great portion of his tension when combined with the soothing words of the captain.

His eyes opened again. The boy raised his hands and gently freed himself from the embrace, his eyes still managing to flicker past Jaeden's form to the woman behind her - an involuntary twitch running over his fingers. It was not Her... but he remembered when everyone trusted Her, before She broke them. His eyes darted back to Jaeden, the new woman staying in his peripherals. He could hear the conversation, they liked what she was saying.

" ...Gonna go home, " He said quietly, his eyes locked on the captain's for a moment before he abruptly averted them as he turned away. He didn't say anything to the rest of the gathered crew and instead walked past them all, albeit as he passed Auria would likely still feel the static-like tingle of his eyes staying on her up until he disappeared around the first street corner.
I am Inferi.

01-Feb-2022 02:10:54

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