
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383



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Conall Barclay

Conall did not immediately respond to Auria's explanation, instead only offering a thoughtful pause. He wasn't entirely satisfied by it - even buildings that seemed abandoned usually wound up being owned by somebody , and even if they didn't care for the building itself, they might still care for the damage money they could sue for.

Then again, the local law enforcement as well as the court systems of Alpha Base were not exactly known for their organization, efficiency, or fairness. As far as some were concerned, the very existence of such systems were entirely theoretical until seen in action.

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face as he overheard the nature of the job they were about to take. Although he held the Galactic Federation in a certain disdain, he had to admit he didn't entirely relish the idea of stealing unknown technology and handing it off to a shady stranger who intended to do who-knew-what with it. But the Captain seemed content to take the job. He looked at her blankly, and then shrugged.
"A job is a job,"
he muttered with clear unenthusiasm.

He offered a barely-perceptible nod to Hathka. He did not care for her people. Loathed them, in fact. But they had served together for years, and together they were the foremost stealth experts in the crew. Often had they been required to scout out or infiltrate enemy positions together. That had required him to develop a certain degree of tolerance, which had in turn developed into a very grudging respect. Between the two of them, he was the better shot, of course, but he reckoned her to be better in close quarters combat, which was fine by him.

He stepped over to Auria.
"Name's Conall. I can show you around, if ya want,"
he offered in a neutral, but polite tone.
"Bring you up to speed, and all that. What's yer name, by the way?"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

26-Jun-2022 21:13:42 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2022 23:06:16 by NotFishing



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Although she hadn’t expected to be participating in such a job immediately after joining, there was a part of Auria that was glad there wasn’t a lot of time to simply sit around beforehand. She knew that, if it was her on the crew, she wouldn’t entirely trust a newcomer yet, and perhaps the best way to be integrated was to be part of this before there was any time for much else.

Rhamnusia was of the opposite mindset, as evidenced by her comment,
Too bad, I’d like to get to know everyone a bit more first.
Auria knew this was as much due to gaining trust and network access as anything else, though. While it would be untrue to say she would be useless remaining in Auria’s mind - the two of them had survived for a long time, with that being the case, after all - it was certain that, as an AI, there was a lot more she could do if set up in the proper manner. It was, however, something that neither of them would be surprised at a refusal for, at least at this point when they weren’t really known. A lot of people mistrusted AI, and placing one in a position where it could do a lot of damage before it was really known wasn’t a decision most would make.

When it came to the Captain’s request, though, there was indeed something that she could do. A short time after the request was made, a message came through to Jaeden’s computer, detailing any possible Seyren ship design that she could find in both the government databases that she had access to and the less-than-reputable ones that had been picked up over the years that would fit the size and personnel class of the target. It came with the note of
This is what I can find easily, but I can’t be positive any of them will directly fit the target. I’ll continue searching for the target’s specs before we arrive.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

27-Jun-2022 04:26:53



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As for Conall and his introduction and offer, Auria nodded, saying, “
Sure, I appreciate it. I’m Auria, and she,
” here she made a motion towards the hologram, which showed back up as she went to do so, “
is Rhamnusia.

With the introduction done, Rhamnusia gave a small bow and vanished again.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

27-Jun-2022 04:27:03



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conall Barclay

"So that's one of them newfangled AI,"
Conall observed. He did not have much experience with such technology. Patania had always been a rather rustic world, and the Autumn Star had no AI of its own. He had heard a little bit about AI-related studies, however.

To tell the truth, it had mostly been conspiracy theories that AIs were out to eventually render humans obsolete and exterminate them. Of course, given that at least one of the Autumn Star's crew had lived through just one such horror story, they were not conspiracy theories after all.

Conall sympathized with the kid, of course, and believed that all new technology deserved skepticism, but he had to wonder just how much of that incident was due to active maliciousness on the AI's part, and how much was due to the stupidity of whoever programmed it, or whoever gave it so much power over an entire planet. 'Computers don't make mistakes, people make mistakes,' one of his uncles had once told him. Then again, if that was true, then what happened when a computer was given the intelligence and autonomy of a person?

Such thoughts were making his head hurt. He gestured for Auria to walk with him into the ship.
"How advanced is she, then?"
he asked her.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

28-Jun-2022 00:37:04



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Advanced is a…somewhat difficult thing to measure when it comes to an AI’s status.
” Auria replied as she fell into step with Conall. She was about to say more when a message flashed across her retinal display:
I’ll answer.
It made her pause, and Rhamnusia appeared once again in her usual spot above Auria’s right shoulder.

If you’re asking about how long ago my core programming was designed, I’m quite old.
” Rhamnusia told Conall, the hologram pulling a chair out of thin air and taking a seat, crossing her legs once she was seated. “
I’m not sure of the exact date; it doesn’t have a timestamp that I could find, although in comparison to some of the more recent data I’ve seen it hardly looks alike at all.

The AI paused, the hologram now pulling up a holo-screen that had a completely indecipherable diagram on it. She looked at it for a moment, shrugged, and waved it back out of existence before continuing, “
If you’re talking about capabilities, however, I am on par with most of the more recent designs. Unlike many, I have full capability to manage my core programming should I see fit to do so. We try to keep everything updated to a point where I do not lose effectiveness in comparison to the latest data we have, although that is as difficult for me as it is for anything in a constantly evolving universe.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

28-Jun-2022 00:59:47



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conall Barclay

Conall blinked. He had not expected such a long and comprehensive answer, but in hindsight, that's exactly the sort of thing he should have expected for asking a technological question to someone who was clearly interested in that sort of thing. At least the AI managed to avoid using too much jargon. The mention that she could update herself was surprising, and Conall quickly realized it would do nothing to alleviate whatever concerns the kid might have. Was the Captain certain it was a good idea to bring this lady aboard the ship?

"Well, there are some days when I still struggle with my kething wrist computer,"
he joked with a rare smirk, tapping the screen on his arm as they walked through the halls.
"So at least you have that much over me."
Then his expression shifted back into neutral.
"So. How much homework did th' two of you do before signing up? Y'know what yer gettin' into?"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

28-Jun-2022 01:15:47 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2022 02:19:34 by NotFishing



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At least you can wear one. I’m stuck pretending.
” Rhamnusia replied with a grin of her own as a vastly oversized computer popped into existence attached to her wrist. She paused for a moment, holding it there as if for dramatic effect, before giving it a flick and sending the computer tumbling through the air until it reached the edge of the field where it could display and fizzled out of sight.

Are you sure you should have mentioned that?
Auria asked her. It wasn’t as though she didn’t trust her companion, but something of that nature was, as she knew well, a subject that could be problematic. She didn’t have to specify what; they both knew.

The response held no trace of doubt.
Yes. It’s going to come up eventually, and if we’re going to start trusting everyone here they need to know important things like that.

Mentally, Auria gave her a nod, along with,
If that’s the conclusion you came to, alright.

When Conall asked the more serious question, though, it was Auria who replied first.

Well enough. I know who you are and your basic history, although more recent events are less specific. If what we can do is useful, then I think it’s probably better off here than most other places we could go.

She’s just lonely and wants some other carbon-based lifeforms around that she doesn’t have to suspect of plotting to kill us every five minutes.
” Rhamnusia commented, prompting a sigh from Auria. She grinned again, giving Conall a wink.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

28-Jun-2022 02:30:09



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conall Barclay

"That's the reason I'm still here as well, to tell ye the truth,"
Conall said drily.
"Let's see..."
he checked his wrist computer.
"I reckon we've known each other for at least five minutes now, and we haven't tried to kill one another. But the day's still young. Let's see how we're doing after ten."
There was a glimmer of amusement in his eye.

He led her through a few of the common rooms, pointing out a few rather obvious details in each one, and occasionally throwing in some less obvious tips, like a warning about a finicky kitchen appliance, or which crew members had a tendency to want certain rooms to themselves at certain times.

"One thing I do need t' mention, though,"
he said as they stopped in the crew lounge.
"The capt'n may have told you this already, but I just want t' be clear. There's a kid in our crew... well, he's not really a kid. He's named Rylan. He has this thing about AI. Hates 'em. I won't go into detail, because it's not my place to go rattling off on other people's life stories, but there's a good reason for it - no offense. He's been through a lot. Just eh... be careful around him, and try not to pry. He don't like talkin' about himself."

There was a solemn look in Conall's eyes. Conall couldn't help but be sympathetic to the boy. From what little he knew about the boy's history, they had similar pasts. Well, not that similar, but Conall understood what it was like to be the sole survivor of an entire world. If it was his call, he would have rejected this newcomer - friendly as she and her AI friend seemed - solely for the kid's sake.

But he was not captain, and Jayden had made her decision.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

28-Jun-2022 03:08:28 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2022 03:24:59 by NotFishing



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Auria said little during the tour, taking in what was being said more than anything else. It was clear that, out of the pair, she was the less talkative one, as Rhamnusia would engage in conversation whenever the chance presented itself. It would likely seem a bit odd, as Rhamnusia didn’t speak in the same manner that many would think AI would. It was more like talking to another normal person rather than a being made purely of data.

The mention of the individual that they had run into when they had first encountered the crew prompted a mental sign from Rhamnusia, although it was not one of frustration or annoyance. While Auria was content to at least not be on the bad side of someone like that, she knew the AI truly wished there was something she could do about it. It wasn’t just due to cooperation between crew members; it ran deeper than that.

Already met him. Not the first person to shoot me at first sight, I suppose.
” Rhamnusia replied with a sigh, the tone of her voice more sad than anything else. “
I don’t intend to go near him unless he says it’s ok. I can’t help what I am, but that doesn’t mean it has to hurt someone else. I’ve made that mistake enough already.

Nemesis, you know that wasn’t entirely your fault.
Auria told her, giving Rhamnusia a slight mental nudge. She didn’t like to see her companion like this, rare though it might be.

There was a pause before the response
Doesn’t mean I want to repeat it.
finally came.

Don’t worry, I’ll be careful around him as well.
” Auria told him out loud. “
I’m not really one to pry into people’s lives.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

28-Jun-2022 04:49:13



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conall Barclay

At the mention of being shot at, Conall's mouth opened and he looked like he was about to say something. Already? And that hadn't turned either of them off the idea of signing on? That was... odd, to say the least. But then the conversation moved along, and he felt as if he lost the opportunity to say something. Looking a bit troubled, he decided to avoid addressing that for now. At least she was willing to keep her distance.

"Speaking of prying..."
Conall ventured.
"Anything yer willing to share about yerself? I've heard quite a but about Rhamnu there, but what about Auria?"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

28-Jun-2022 05:26:15 - Last edited on 28-Jun-2022 05:47:27 by NotFishing

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