
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383



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He thinks we’re strange.
Rhamnusia said when Conall got the troubled look on his face but didn’t say anything.
Does getting shot really matter all that much? It wasn’t like it was done with truly hostile intent; I just triggered an emotional response that none of us could have predicted without actually knowing what was going to happen.

We die when we’re shot, so yes, I’d say it matters.
Auria replied, although she knew full well that Rhamnusia was only being half serious. Part of it was true, though; if either of them had thought that the electrical bolt had been a conscious act of malice, the decision would have been different. As it was, if the rest of the crew felt that their being there would not be more of a detriment than a positive, they had no reason not to stay.

Hell, if the ultimatum was presented that either they had to leave or Rylan would, they would leave voluntarily. It wasn’t their intention at all to sow discord amongst the crew, or to hurt someone else with their presence.

To Conall’s question, Auria shrugged. “
I’m an ex-government military cyber warfare specialist and consultant. Very ex, ever since the base where the Wolf was being designed was destroyed by the Ghiak Feith and the whole project was declared a loss. Apart from that, my history isn’t exactly interesting, although if you’ve got something specific you want to know, go ahead and ask. I don’t really care to try and keep things about myself secret.

Most things.
” Rhamnusia spoke up, her tone and quick words indicating that this was a correction, not an addition.

There was a pause, and Auria nodded. “
Most things.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

28-Jun-2022 21:06:44



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Conall Barclay

A dark expression crossed Conall's features as soon as the Ghiak Feith were mentioned.
Conall cursed bitterly, as soon as Auria had finished speaking.
"Kething rotten termite-loving Ghiak bastards!"
He did not quite shout the words, but the anger was evident. He was probably more angry at the mere fact that the Ghiak Feith were mentioned rather than what they actually did, but he was pissed nonetheless.

He clenched his fists
he repeated again, this time quieter. Then he suddenly looked past Auria's shoulder, as if there was someone behind her. However if she turned around she would see nothing. He took a deep breath, and composed himself.

"Sorry about that,"
he mumbled.
"I uh..."
his voice trailed off, suddenly becoming awkward. A voice that only he could hear urged him to say stop mumbling and just say something.

"You ever hear 'bout the Ghost of Patania?"
he suddenly asked.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

29-Jun-2022 03:01:09



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The vitriol in Conall’s voice made Auria take an involuntary step backwards, although she recovered almost immediately and didn’t move any further away. The crew profiles had mentioned the apparent intense dislike of the Ghiak Feith that Conall had - although, like everything she would have been able to gather on the crew, it would be data from closer to wartime - but hearing him go off when they were mentioned was a bit shocking all the same. Maybe everyone still around wasn’t entirely changed by what had happened…

The sudden look behind her was not reacted upon, at least not physically, but this was only because Rhamnusia had told her almost immediately,
Don’t look, there’s nothing there.
It prompted the question of why he had done that, but given his sudden reaction just then both of them could venture a guess as to the reason.

Unsure what to say to his apology, Auria just stood there, looking about as awkward as Conall until he asked them if they had heard of something. Rhamnusia’s response was quicker than Auria, although since the latter had very little to say besides that she had not it was understandable.

Only through some vague rumors and stories. What I’ve read described it as a successful guerilla combatant during the Kanta occupation of Patenia in the days leading up to the war. One of the only ones to be given a moniker.
” was her description. With a look towards Conall, she asked, “
Is any of that actually accurate?
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

29-Jun-2022 04:19:45 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2022 04:20:38 by Inferi

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Cnossos snorted awake, needing several seconds to regain his senses. “Going already? I mean, yes! I’m ready!” At that, he’d lumber towards the armoury to get his gear ready. Like Conall, Cnossos actually took weapon-maintenance seriously. Even when drunk, it was something that just stuck with him. Muscle memory, habit, repetition...


Talks of AIs and holograms and their capabilities didn’t interest Ghivar, who’d very much rather chase after mechs than talk about weird things like...AIs, though Auria’s military history was impressive despite the conclusion made.

Anyways, the captain had her order, and the furball spoke in his PDA. “Yes, rrr eady,” he softly growled, making his way over...

30-Jun-2022 05:09:15



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Conall Barclay

"More or less, aye,"
Conall nodded.
"I didn't choose the name, but it stuck. I just wanted to make the bastards who invaded my world pay. Then the Ghiak-kething-Feith starting swinging their junk around and the Kanta withdrew t' defend their own worlds. I decided t' take the fight abroad, but didn't think too kindly of most militaries, so I ended up on this ship. And then when I was gone those Ghiak bastards murdered my world."
the words came out almost as a growl, with an undertone of fury in his voice. And I wasn't there to fight for it, he lamented sadly to himself.

"Then the war ended, thanks in some small part to yours truly, but everyone just expected me t' forget what the Kanta did to my world. Buncha war-crime apologists started crawlin' out of the woodwork to call me a war criminal, remind me that the Ghiak did my world worse, tell me that the Kanta actually had a valid 'claim' for my world, or spit out some bullshit platitudes about how I need to 'heal' or 'move on.'"
He shook his head furiously.
"I was one of the only ones who actually cared. Who actually remembered the conflicts that came before. But the rest of th' galaxy just wanted t' forget. Pretend it never happened. It's why they shunted us all aside. Because we didn't fit in with their idea of a 'peaceful' or 'united' galaxy. Even if we were the ones who helped create it."

He grit his teeth, then took another deep breath. He actually felt a rush of relief. It always felt refreshing, to vent all this out, even though the anger would eventually come creeping back. When he next spoke, his voice sounded casual - friendly, even.
"So y'see, I have a bit of a chip on me shoulder."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

01-Jul-2022 03:12:19 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2022 03:23:01 by NotFishing

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Nootau
Age: By the standards of her own species, elderly
Gender: Female
Race: Djiro

Appearance: Nootau is djiro, and so has the typical features of that race; scales, snout, twin horns. Her scales are a rusted colour, as though its colouration had faded through her longevity. Nootau is 2'6, on the small end of the height scale, though her slightly crooked nature gives her an even shorter presentation.

Normal clothing: Nootau wears an item of clothing from her native world, a long orange cloth with silver stars sewn in that must be intricately wrapped around the body to end up giving an appearance somewhere between a dress and a robe. Mechanical vambraces are fitted to her forearms, which help to regulate Nootau's body temperature. A straw hat, overly large on her small form, is often also a feature.

Armour: When on duty, Nootau wears a grey mesh jumpsuit linked to her wrist computer which allows her to control her exact body temperature, to make up with some thermoregulatory flaws in the djiro species but also to coax her aging and failing glands to continue to produce flame.

Due to her advancing years and need to bring in the ship at a moment's notice to aid in quick escapes, Nootau generally does not find herself on the frontlines. However, when situations call for it Nootau wears a reinforced metal helmet with goggles that, when activated, give an inverse-thermal reading that removes superheated objects from sight and increases the visibility of that at body temperature and below. This is djiro technology and a particular necessity for those moments when firebreathing gets out of hand.

Weapons: Stun rod (used as a walking stick), blaster pistol

Skills: Navigation, stealth

Job: Pilot
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

03-Jul-2022 01:05:48

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Short history: Djiro are a race of spacefarers renowned across the galaxy, the envy of the starfleets of many other species. Amongst the djiro, Nootau is considered a prodigy. The scion of a wealthy and benevolent family, Nootau's hobbyist interest in spaceflight in her youth quickly went from aristocratic fancy to lifelong passion which resulted in her becoming first a commercial pilot and later a part of the djiro armada.

Though ostensibly a war pilot, Nootau's work surrounded troop transport, medical supply runs and the occasional smuggling saboteurs behind enemy lines and retrieving deep cover operatives. Nootau certainly saw her fair share of combat, but mainly flew ships outfitted with gunners that meant Nootau had no blood on her hands. Though the eventual progression of the Galactic War led to Nootau finally accepting redeployment as a combat pilot, succeeding in many deep space dog fights before being commander of a squadron that successfully eradicated a large human outpost and adjoining settlement.

News of the Ghiak Feith had already spread across the Sagitarria Galaxy at that stage, however Nootau like many others had been unaware just how close her leaders were coming to forging an alliance with their erstwhile enemies. As history remembers it, Nootau led one of the final attacks on the djiro-human front, a brutal massacre directly preceding a non-aggression pact. Having so recently been converted to the concept of being a military combatant, Nootau discovered that the lives she had taken were essentially meaningless.

Amongst the dead of the human colony was a male toddler, who Nootau as penance took in as her own - given she had undoubtedly killed the boy's parents with her bombing raid and laser arsenal. Nootau's leave of absence stretched over a decade and a half, though when her son became a teenager she would rejoin the fight, this time alongside humanity against the Ghiak Feith.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

03-Jul-2022 01:06:03

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nootau is considered an ace pilot for her actions towards the end of the war with the Ghiak Feith, and the bloody path of destruction she had carved on a settler's moon some two decades ago was heavily suppressed by djiro and human leadership alike to protect the fragile peace that had developed.

Some time after the conclusion of that war, Nootau was nominated by the Galactic Court to be considered by Captain Jaeden Castell as replacement for a newly vacant pilot position aboard the Autumn Star. It is perhaps one of the last few good deeds the Galactic Court paid towards the members of the Autumn Star before their policy of distancing between the Government and its once heroes became codified.

Other: Has a very poor grasp of human language

Nootau/Pilot/D F Angel
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

03-Jul-2022 01:06:17

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Tyler Blank
Age: 36 (presumed)
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Tyler is five foot eleven, a broad shouldered individual who in better times was solidly muscular, though has thinned out somewhat during the shared times of leanness experience aboard the now shunned Autumn Star. Tyler has dark brown eyes, a thin nose and solid chin. His brown hair is swept back from his forehead and falls behind him in curls that go down to the nape.

His skin is unblemished, meticulously kept clear of body hair, and his easy smile is the pure whiteness indicative of expensive dental work. A winding piercing goes through the top of his left ear, golden and shaped to give the impression of a lizard's scaled appendage. Around his neck he always has his signature wood-bead necklace, with a pair of sparkly dice tied to the end.

Normal clothing: Tyler favours baggy cargo shorts and gaudy button-ups that, a millennia ago, would have been described as Hawaiian. Vibrant pinks and oranges and greens with birds and palm trees and bananas and sunsets loudly depicted. Tyler also favours socks with sandals.

Armour: Tyler wears a full set of plated metal atop a fibrous mesh, not necessarily heavy armour but certainly bulkier than that which is usually favoured by the crew of the Autumn Star. The plating, which covers near the entire body similar to protective sporting gear of aeons past, is a light grey atop the black mesh and very neutral looking. A visored helmet completed the ensemble.

Tyler can, through the use of his wrist computer, activate pigments which changes the colours of his armour plating. Tyler generally uses this to turn his attire from dull and professional to vibrant and garish, to fulfil his duty of being mostly a distraction whilst his much more specialised crewmates do the heavy lifting in dispatching the enemy.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

03-Jul-2022 01:06:35

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally, Tyler has two small propulsion outputs attached to his heels that can give a short, two-second burst of propulsion. This is mostly used to allow him to gracelessly leapfrog from one area of cover to another.

Weapons: Assault Rifle, Stun Gun, Electroblade

Skills: Diplomacy, espionage

Job: Co-Pilot

Short history: The adopted son of ship's pilot Nootau, Tyler was taken in by the aged starfarer when he was a child following the violent deaths of his parents during the Galactic War. Tyler's youth was spent aboard transport ships, traders and hauliers, the odd jobs that his carer took up to keep their family going. Tyler met many hundreds of people across countless worlds, developing good interpersonal skills and gaining a good, wide understanding of the scope of the living experience.

When Tyler reached his mid teens, Nootau re-enrolled in the galactic armada to take the fight to the Ghiak Feith. Tyler spent these years studying at a military boarding academy and, upon completion of those studies enrolled as well. Tyler served under a number of officers, first as a grounds troop and later as a gunner aboard a starship. Tyler served well until war's completion a decade later, though his achievements did not merit galactic coverage.

After the war and the birth of the Galactic Federation, the parent and child duo served together on peacekeeping missions for a period of time before Nootau was offered transfer to the Autumn Star, with Tyler being thrown into the bargain as somewhat of an accessory. Tyler is amiable, breezy, and a team player who has acclimatised well to the crew. His role as copilot mostly involves translating Nootau's garbled attempts at the human language, and being drafted in for grunt work whenever there's the need for boots on the ground.

Tyler Blank/Co-Pilot/D F Angel
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

03-Jul-2022 01:06:43

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