
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383



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From the distance, there was the faintest sound of something breaking, like a wall had just been smashed. For a moment after, there was silence, until the noise of an engine could begin to be heard over the relative quiet. The noise increased, although less than one would expect from a vehicle engine in atmo, until the strange-looking mech came soaring into view. Dipping low so that it nearly skimmed the rooftops, the several pieces providing lift constantly rearranged themselves to avoid building parts sticking out, which in turn made the trajectory of the mech never seem as though it was constant. It bobbed through the air like a bird constantly buffeted by winds on all sides, yet at the same time it never came into contact with anything despite coming within inches of buildings many times.

Auria knew that this was just Rhamnusia having fun, since there was nothing else she needed to focus her attention on and could make it do whatever she wanted, but nobody else would know that.

As it reached the ship, the mech came in close - although not too close, giving a more respectful berth than it had to any of the buildings - and began a slow circle around the Star itself. In the course of its movement, the image on the side, that of the wolf, would be clearly seen by everyone should they care enough to glance upwards. The lift-providing nanomachine arrays remained more constant at this point as well, and it seemed that Rhamnusia was being much more careful about this bit than she had been for the approach.

Once it circled, and then twice. After the second revolution, it moved in, landing gently in the open hangar once it glided past the doors as the shell closed around it and it changed its movement style to ground-based. At that point it was a simple matter of rolling over into an empty corner and deploying the landing gear.

Back outside the ship, Rhamnusia’s hologram gave a thumbs-up to everyone present and then blinked back out of existence.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

22-Feb-2022 04:48:32

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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“About damn time a mission came,” Ghivar growled. His ears flicked as a noise came. His eyes narrowed as the bobbing mechinations appeared, a strange sight indeed. Ghivar’s mouth popped open then snapped shut, momentarily lost to reflex.

While the lupine mech flew around the Star, Cnossos sort of ascended something that didn’t exist. Not only that, but he remained on his back, limbs moving as if climbing or swimming, tail sometimes swaying. He grumbled incoherence, drowning in delirium. He’d enter the ship...eventually. Maybe he needed a good kick to get back to reality?

Ghivar glanced at the holographic thumbs up then pranced after the mech as it rolled along the hangar, thoroughly interested.

22-Feb-2022 06:39:57

Mar Member 2023


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Hathka, apparently satisfied with whatever checks she’d been doing, nodded to herself and left the galley. After a moment, she got a message on her wrist computer that the crew should be returning to the ship soon. Of course, the captain could expect Hathka to be on board already, but it never hurt the Kanta’s favor to meet the crew earlier than later.

The woman walked back out to the boarding dock, arms crossed. Cnossos was, for whatever reason, currently rolling about on the ground. Though it was amusing to see, Hathka knew that such behavior would only cause problems down the line once the mission had been stated. With a small smirk, the Kanta first nudged the A’kasa, and, assuming he didn’t sit up from that, wound up to give him a much firmer kick to the side.

She nodded to Auria, shooting the woman a welcoming smile despite the minor display of violence to her crewmate.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

06-Mar-2022 20:54:46



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Conall Barclay

The embers of warmth in Conall's expression were quickly snuffed out at Cnossos's interruption. He had a certain seething contempt for drunkards. Not the sort of drunkards who only had a few drinks and slurred their words slightly, but the drunkards who insisted on getting so drunk they couldn't even remain on their feet.

Then Ghivar came in to sass him for maintaining his weapon, something which he took very seriously, and it just seemed like the Captain's furry friends were going out of their way to push his buttons today. He could not keep a scowl from appearing across his features.

Then a new arrival appeared. Conall inclined his head and shot her an appraising look. A new crewmember? No sane or normal person would sign on with them. What baggage was-


For a brief second he wondered if only he could see the apparition, but then it spoke, and the Captain responded. It was a hologram. An AI.

"The kid is gonna hate that,"
Conall noted as he reassembled his weapon and rose from his folding chair. He nodded at the Captain's orders, then watched as the hangar doors opened. When he heard the smashing sound, followed by an engine, he immediately shouldered his rifle. Then the mech appeared, and when it became clear that it was somehow under the newcomer's control, he lowered his weapon.
"We gettin' banned from the planet too?"
he asked.
"We'd best leave before the owner of whatever it crashed into on the way here decides to hold us liable."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

12-Mar-2022 22:05:46 - Last edited on 14-Mar-2022 04:50:33 by NotFishing

Apr Member 2016


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The wrist computer on Jaeden's wrist flickered, before the holographic took the form of a human face - dark skinned, bearded, sunken and hooded eyes. He stared up at Jaeden with a mixture of boredom, annoyance, and a faint flicker of respect.

"Captain Castell - glad to see someone can pick up on time," he growled at last, offering her a nod. "I'll keep this short an' sweet. We are aware of a shipment that is due to be transporting Djiro technology to the Aquarii system. My employer is offering a....Substantial reward - thirty thousand credits - if you would be so kind as to intercept this shipment and bring the cargo back to Zeta Base, where our contact will be meeting you. We expect the ship to be mainly crewed by Seyren - the ship's name is the Goddess' Gaze."

He paused, eyeing Jaeden thoughtfully. "Will you accept the mission?"


Jaeden slowly blinked. Thirty thousand credits was a lot of money - enough to see her crew fed and get a lot of the repairs the Autumn Star needed. She did not even hesitate.

"Aye, we'll take the mission. Where is the Goddess' Gaze meant to be loading up at?"
she asked sharply.

"The ship is currently loading up in the Ciqala system - specifically, the Shipyard. I recommend not pissin' off the Djiro while you're at it. A nice and quick hit, grab and run should do the trick. My employer does not want too much attention drawn to you.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

09-May-2022 21:28:12



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There won’t be any trouble. That building was abandoned; I wouldn’t have stored it there otherwise.
” Auria replied to the comment made by the man who had been guarding the approach. With the sound of it crashing and what she had seen at the bar, a comment like that certainly didn’t seem to be unfounded.

The mission briefing, or more accurately request, came in quickly, before she had even had time to enter the ship. A bit interested in seeing what had to be done - and what she probably had to make a least a neutral impression during - she paused and listened. It sounded like a simple theft, but that generally meant it was probably anything but. Paranoia, perhaps, but that was something that she had realized was healthy in reasonable quantities.

That was only added to when the pay was announced, a rather large sum for a simple job. Whatever was there meant a lot to whoever they were working for. In most situations, that meant this was some tech they weren’t supposed to have, at least by the metrics of whoever was distributing said tech. Not that she really cared; it wasn’t her tech, and this was just the sort of thing that happened all the time.

I’m going to need to get integrated. We can’t help if I can’t access the ship’s systems
Rhamnusia cut into Auria’s thoughts.
We’re probably going to just be support for this anyways; heavy combat doesn’t seem smart.

We can worry about that on the way. You don’t need to get everything done before we even enter the ship.
was Auria’s reply. Even though the pair of them had been together for a while, Rhamnusia still had the bad habit of treating things like everyone could multitask to the same level that she could. It was better than it had been, but by no means fixed.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

13-May-2022 03:06:55



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There was a pause followed by a,
Yeah, ok.

By that point, the job had been accepted officially - with no hesitation either way, something that Auria did like to see in someone who was in a position of command - and they had the location as well. It being at the Shipyard, and the recommendation not to piss off the Djiro, gave a more solid possibility of what they might possibly be stealing. That in itself was a dangerous line of thinking, though, and one that Auria knew they had to tread very carefully if they did so at all.

Knowing things was a risk, after all.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

13-May-2022 03:07:05 - Last edited on 13-May-2022 03:07:18 by Inferi

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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A nudge, then a kick (or more, if anyone else joined), helped save the drowning lizard...sort of.
Cnossos snorted awake, sitting up, bent knees flopping to the sides while his tail uncurled between them. He looked to the left, then to the right... “Um, where am I?”

Meanwhile, Conall didn’t appreciate Ghivar’s comment, though the furball didn’t seem to realize, and was more interested in Auria’s mech anyways.

* * *

Eventually, Ghivar got bored of running after Auria’s mech, and Cnossos crawled like a sleepy crocodile into the hangar. There, he curled up into a ball, rolled into a corner, and took a nap.

Meanwhile, the captain received a request, Auria taking note, and then...

15-May-2022 06:34:21

Mar Member 2023


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Hathka hadn’t time to speak to anyone after her show of aggression to the massive lizard before the Captain’s wrist computer flashed on with the message containing assignment details. Though she had no real love for the Djiro, stealing their tech was moralistically a far cry from the war heroes they had supposedly been years ago. Some days the Kanta could hardly believe the crew of the Autumn Star had been heroes.

But for better or worse, credits were credits. And whatever tech that ship had on board seemed to be worth a lot of credits. There was a brief moment where the Captain considered the voice’s words, but without a hint of doubt, she accepted the mission and asked for further details.

And, well, that was that. The crew would be off probably within the next hour or two. Presumably the group would meet on the ship and discuss strategy – and more than likely they’d try to work out what the Dijro tech in question was, since anything worth thirty thousand credits must be pretty damn important.

"Well, Captain, when are we heading out? I believe most of us are here, and we probably want to get the new ones acquainted with how things work around here before we arrive."
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

21-May-2022 20:31:39

Apr Member 2016


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"Alright. I'll check in with you once we're close to the Aquarii system,"
Jaeden stated with a nod, switching off the connection with the figure. She turned to eye up everyone who had gathered to hear the message. She pressed her lips in a thin line, before planting her hands on her hips.

"You heard what the mission entails. We're taking the job - I want everyone to be prepared for boarding a seyren ship. I want a map of the Goddess' Gaze, or a map of a ship of the same type. Someone make that happen,"
she raised her voice so that everyone could hear her.
"Everyone get aboard and get ready - we're takin' off!"

And with that, she strode up the ramp into the Autumn Star, her boots clicking against the metal floors with a hollow echo. Her goal was the cockpit and the galaxy map, coordinates in hand to punch in and start the journey. The Aquarii system was some hours away, so the crew had time to prepare, eat, maybe even nap and get a training session in or two.

Entering the cockpit, she stopped, staring at the pilot's chair. A memory came unbidden to her. "Good to see ya too, Cap'n! Round number 47 it is!" A smug voice echoed in her head, the shadow of a man getting ready for a fight briefly passing through her mind. She blinked and closed her eyes, exhaling sharply before approaching the pilot's chair, slumping down into it. She reached out and punched the coordinates into the computer, before holding back on entering them until everyone was aboard and ready to go. She flicked the comm channel on her wrist computer on.

"Report when you're ready to go,"
she barked into the wrist computer.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

26-Jun-2022 20:09:09

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