
[RP] Autumn Star

Quick find code: 49-50-361-66244383

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The brawl only grew more violent as it went on. Rylan saw near everything from his vantage point, eyes back to their constant movement and flickering from place to place - feeling the support he lay upon shake from the weight of Ghivar bouncing off of it, the flying bodies from Cnossos' entrance into the fray. He twitched as a blaster bolt flew through the air inches from the captain's head but Jaeden handled the culprit without need of help, a message echoed in his head - familiar. The new Seyren? His eyes saw her too. Hathka made for the door. Were they leaving, finally?

Whether they were or not Rylan pushed himself to his feet and walked along the support, already aware of the route he needed to avoid the ball of fists and claws. He stepped off of the support after a couple metres, catching the edge with his hand and swinging himself through the vacant air over the heads of a group of fighters - momentum carrying him far enough for his other hand to grab another support and swing again, flinging himself over a few more heads and landing on the edge of the bar with a surprisingly soft thump a few feet down from a human woman who'd been watching the fight.

Smoothly Rylan hopped down from the bar without even drawing the eye of the bartender, though perhaps that's because the man was more focused on the brawl. His gaze turned to the woman for a moment, the striking blue burning through her as he judged the risk of her taking a swing at him for less than a second before turning away and making to move around the fight towards the door - using a different path than Hathka but, all the same, not even he could slip out unmolested. A Seyren that'd been pushed back from the centre of the brawl stumbled back, seeming to catch sight of Rylan in the peripherals of his goggles and whirled on him - the stinger of his tail uncovered and jabbing at the boy.

Rylan ducked aside to avoid both the stinger and the fist that came with it, quick footwork bringing him behind the
I am Inferi.

28-Jan-2022 21:32:56

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Seyren before the alien had realized where he'd gone - Rylan's hand darting out and smacking into the Seyren's ribs with an open palm, at the exact same moment letting the dam of electrical power in his mind flow through his hand and discharge into his attacker. His hand lit up blue as the jolts of electricity flowed over it, the Seyren's body locking up as they entered his body and sent him crashing down paralyzed to the ground. Rylan didn't linger, letting the Seyren twitch helplessly on the ground while he made his way around to the exit.

He still didn't like bars.
I am Inferi.

28-Jan-2022 21:33:08

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There would be no mechs joining the bar fight--a blaster shot whizzed, Ghivar jumping from a mighty flinch, though Cnossos didn’t notice the projectile and kept wrestling.

The captain threw a djiro through the air, which ended up latching on Ghivar’s face and clawing him up while the captain pummeled her initial attacker’s face. Ghivar flailed his head until the djiro flung off his face squealing, landing on Cnossos’ tail and staying there. Ghivar buried his claws into various foes one after the other, slamming them into the floor--a mental message waved, Ghivar’s ears pricking. Gaze frequently changing direction, he hopped about the brawling, trying to find what mysterious plaything had tickled his attention, swerving past Hathka once but unable to find that tickly sensation...

Cnossos felt the message but didn’t receive it; wrapping his arms around a burly man, he lifted him, ran across the bar while trampling those in his wake, and slammed the man into the wall with great force. Nearly two feet taller than most, Cnossos’ size deterred even the most drunken criminal, giving him time to analyze the situation. His scaly face contorted. An umbrella at a corner? Why’s that there? he pondered.
The reptilian brute stared at the umbrella, unable to fathom its existence while the djiro crept off his oblivious ride’s tail.

28-Jan-2022 22:48:02 - Last edited on 30-Jan-2022 01:03:58 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Conall Barclay
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Conall is tall and lean, standing at 6'4" with light, gaunt skin. He has short grey hair, and bright green eyes. Although his hair is often left wild and unkempt, his jaw and chin are meticulously clean-shaven.

Normal Clothing: Conall's usual clothing is rather simple - a green T-shirt, an old brown leather jacket, grey cargo pants, black combat-boots, and fingerless black leather gloves.

Armour: Conall's armour consists of flexible forest-green metal plates that are just the right thickness and position to offer as much protection as possible without interfering with speed or mobility. He wears a visored helmet that is atmospherically sealed with a filter to keep out noxious gases and chemicals. The armour also comes with a built-in optical camouflage system, allowing him to become completely invisible so long as he isn't running or sprinting, and also generally ensuring he cannot be detected by any thermal or vital sensors. Lastly, the armour also possesses its own shielding unit, although the armour does not normally have enough power to operate both the shields and the camouflage unit simultaneously.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

29-Jan-2022 01:19:42 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2022 16:53:42 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Weapons: Conall carries the following weapons:
Solarian Beam Rifle Mk3 (Stealth Variant) - Developed by humans shortly before the arrival of the Ghiak Feith, during a war with the Seyrens. The Solarian Beam Rifle is one of the most lethal and versatile long-range sniper rifles in the Galactic Federation. It is loaded with battery clips and has various settings which determine the power of the shot - the highest setting drains an entire battery but can punch through just about any armour and shield. On lower settings, it can be used as if it were a long-range assault rifle. It is almost completely silent when firing, and is equipped with a scope that has a variety of settings, including thermal and night-vision, as well as the ability to see life-signs through walls.

Plutorian Blaster Pistol - Blaster pistol developed on Plutoria. Effectively identical to the standard blaster pistol, but considerably more durable and reliable.

A'kasi Hellcutter - A long knife forged from a metal found within A'kasi volcanoes, with a ludicriously high melting temperature. A switch on the hilt superheats the blade to the point where it can cut through most known metals in the galaxy with ease.

-Wilderness Survival.

Job: Sniper
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

29-Jan-2022 01:19:46 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2022 04:19:45 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Short History: Conall was born on the moonworld of Patania - a somewhat backwoods and isolated human colony. It was a moon capable of supporting life, known for its lush forests but little else. Conall had a younger brother and a younger sister, and his father owned a lumber mill. He was expected to take up the family business.

Conall, however, had other interests. When he was eighteen he volunteered for the local militia, and turned out to be a natural with firearms. He always thought about fully enlisting in the military, but for some reason never fully carried it out.

His martial skills were first put to the test when the Kanta invaded his homeworld, overwhelming its defenses with ease. Conall and four of his comrades fled into the wilderness, from which they waged a guerilla resistance. One by one they were captured or killed, until only Conall remained, but he fought on - killing dozens of foes and becoming known as the 'Ghost of Patania.'

Then one day the Kanta simply withdrew, abandoning the planet. Conall then returned home to discover that somehow, the Kanta had figured out who he was, and some rogue soldiers had taken it upon themselves to execute his family in retaliation for the deaths of their comrades.

Weeks later human ships finally began to arrive again in Patania, and they brought news: the Kanta had abandoned the planet not because of the efforts of its guerilla fighters or because of any attempts humankind made to retake it, but because a new species had arrived and now posed a much greater threat. The Ghiak Feith.

Apparently, they were performing atrocities that made the Kanta occupation of Patania look merciful by comparison.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

29-Jan-2022 01:20:05 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2022 04:18:55 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although Conall found such claims hard to believe, he had no wish to see the invasion and occupation his homeworld endured happen again on a larger scale. Especially when the Ghiak Feith might eventually attack his homeworld as well. So, he signed on with a ship that happened to be passing by the - the Autumn Star - whose captain seemed interested in taking the fight to the Ghiak Feith. Conall believed he would be doing his small part to keep his planet safe.

He was wrong.

Just before the tide was turned, the Ghiak Feith had begun experimenting with new technology, and whether or not it was possible to weaponize asteroids. Believing that Patania was small enough and strategically unimportant enough to serve as a testing ground, they used their technology to redirect an asteroid at the moonworld. The resulting impact ended all life on the planet and rendered it uninhabitable.

Conall was devastated. Now he truly was the Ghost of Patania. All he had left was vengeance. So he threw himself into the fight with everything he had. His kill-count rose into the hundreds, and he came to genuinely enjoy it.

Then the war ended, and the fight was over.

Conall had nowhere to go after that. He resented his fellow humans for failing to protect his homeworld on two separate occasions. He resented the non-human species who were simply forgiven after all the wars they waged. He resented the Ghiak Feith's continued existence. And he resented himself for not being there to defend his homeworld, despite knowing there was nothing he could have done. He stays with the Autumn Star because it is the closest thing he has to a home after all this.

Other: Conall suffers from delusions - sometimes seeing hallucinations of people and hearing voices. He has hid this from the rest of the crew, but they may have caught on to the fact that he sometimes mutters to himself or gets distracted mid-conversation. Also sparkly dice.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

29-Jan-2022 01:20:10 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2022 04:30:06 by NotFishing



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Contrary to Auria’s hopes but in line with her expectations, the chaos was only escalating. It wasn’t enough to pummel everything with their fists, apparently, as now some participants were beginning to draw weapons. It seemed like they still have the disadvantage, though, at least if a few of the combatants, including a massive reptilian that was laying waste to the crowd and making cracks in the wall using their bodies.

Interestingly enough, it was not the destruction that was the final straw, but rather the telepathic message that came in from an unknown source. WIthout knowledge of who had sent it, there was no way to know what it might mean, and the fact that it was far calmer than anything in here had a right to be set off far too many alarm bells. The most likely situation was that this place was about to go up in a hail of weapons fire, and Auria wanted absolutely no part in that. It didn’t matter what she was here for, at this point it was time to leave.

We’re going, then?
Rhamnusia asked as Auria went to rise, to which she replied,
Yes, but keep an eye on everything, just in case.
She had already gotten into the camera system of both the building and anywhere around it, and while she could not watch it all, Rhamnusia could.

Her move to leave was almost immediately held up by someone dropping from the ceiling and landing directly next to her. They each paused for a moment, seeing if the other was going to strike, before deciding that the other was not a threat. Unfortunately, his movement away took the route she was about to, but she decided to continue regardless. At this point, getting out was more of a priority.

That was even after he displayed that, despite the lack of visible weapons, that he was able to immobilize an attacker in a way that clearly indicated some form of electrical discharge.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

29-Jan-2022 04:56:36



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That was Rhamnusia’s analysis upon seeing it, at least, as she said,
Looks like a weaponized implant. Those are fun, still don’t know why you never bothered getting one.

Fortunately that had been the only real obstacle in the path to the door, as the chaos in the middle had not spread enough to the walls to prevent Auria from sliding her way past the few people who had either spread their fight to the outer rim or attempted to retreat as she was doing. Stepping aside to let an injured human dash out, gripping their bloody arm, she ducked though the exit, leaving the chaos of the bar behind her.

Taking a step to the side to keep away from the inevitable patrons who would follow, she breathed a sigh of relief before looking up to take stock of her surroundings. That posed another problem: there was someone else right there that, while she didn’t catch it immediately, Rhamnusia did, and said nonchalantly,
That Kanta is listed as one of the Star’s crew.
while sending a very clear visual indication to her cybernetic eye marking who it was.

Of course, that prompted her to look directly at the individual…which, depending on what they were feeling like, might not be her greatest idea of the night.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

29-Jan-2022 04:56:49 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2022 05:08:36 by Inferi

Apr Member 2016


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Some of those involved in the fight were filtering out to the edges of the room to lick their wounds - bloodied and bruised. Others were not so lucky and were lying on the floor or slumped over tables and chairs, and it was a toss up as to whether they were alive or not. It was more obvious with some than others.

Those who lingered slowly realised their numbers were less and less. Between the pissed off Captain, the bouncing kathiss and the storming a'kasa, the number of people giving up or fleeing grew until finally, it was just the three of them standing amidst the settling chaos. The sound of the music continued to pound throughout the room, drowning out the pitiful moans of the injured and dying. Blood could be seen staining the floor and part of the walls, gleaming even in the dimmer lights of the cantina.

Jaeden surveyed the room, her head turning this way and that - checking for any other blasters pointing her way. When none could be seen, she snorts with annoyance before fixating her state on Cnossos and Ghivar.

she thanked them shortly, raising a curled hand to wipe nonchalantly at her nose. Now that the fight was over, she was beginning to feel her nose and jaw aching, and she could feel the bruising forming on her ribcage, arms and legs. She tossed her mug back onto the bar, where it bounced and skidded across the surface before sailing off to clatter beyond the bar. By the time it finished clattering, she was already striding out of the cantina, leaving the horrific scene behind her.

Annoyed with the way her hair kept falling out of her scrunchie and into her face, she yanked the scrunchie out of her hair and shook her head as she stepped out into the sunlight, running her fingers through her coppery red locks to rid herself of large knots. Popping the edge of the scrunchie between her teeth to make sure she didn't lose it, she reached up with both hands to gather some of her hair and pull it back. She glanced around
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

29-Jan-2022 09:31:19

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