
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453



Posts: 3,550 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
you guys need to make some kind of tier emblems. Pures constantly die/get kills, this would be very easy for them to gain them.

Where as us maxed mains generally fight in ahrims and 99 def, we are far harder to kill in a hybrid match. This needs to be addressed.

24-Aug-2014 00:21:46 - Last edited on 24-Aug-2014 00:22:13 by TOENSIL50000



Posts: 10,978 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Since we understand that claiming dominion over your target and the adjacent PJ’ers is important

If bh is to be a success, anti pjing measures have to be in place. It's not for fairness. It's not for honour. It is to make it to where pking would actually be enjoyable . It is also to make Wilderness PvP more balanced , which is explained below:

The Issue of Balance

The issue is with magic. Magic does not work like the other combat skills do. Instead of k0 potential, it uses a combination of utility and very high accuracy. With pjing working like it does, this presents a major problem: What often happens is that a opponent will be forced to heal very often against a mage, moreso then when against other combat styles. Due to this, a mage gets opened up for pjing extremely frequently. This absolutely destroys the primary advantage that mages have! .

Pjing kills yet another advantage that mages have as well! This would be ability to bind fleeing opponents, but by doing so they are no longer considered in combat. This makes it to where anybody can attack them, preventing them from finishing the kill. (which makes it much safer for the mage's opponent.)

This makes it to where mages' two main advantages are ruined , leaving them with nothing.

The Issue of Risk

Many people attempts to defend pjers with the claim: "The wilderness is supposed to be dangerous." Does this not to apply to everybody?

If so, the following questions have to be taken into consideration:

What risk do the pjers face?

What risk is there in fighting someone low on supplies?

Where is the risk in tag teaming, to where one actually has help in areas specifically designed for 1v1 combat?

Where is the risk when one can have a friend attack their attacker, allowing them easy escape?
OSRS Mage Tank.

Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.

24-Aug-2014 00:30:06 - Last edited on 24-Aug-2014 04:50:17 by Ferocire

Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Posts: 344 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For a PVP store I would love to see original PVP armor and weapons just as they were, (Zuriels, Statius, Vestas, Morrigans) and their corrupt versions as well.

Other items I'd love to see are:



-Unnerfed Dclaws, I know everyone says they could only come back with a nerfed spec % but that would eliminate dclaw-maul combo and dclaw-ags combo.

-Zammy/Sara/Guthix arrows

-An upgraded version of Avas Accumulator

Maybe gloves with str/range bonus equal to or more than addy gloves since pures can't get addies.

Elite void? I know that's a longshot lol

-A buyable upgrade for occult neck to make it +15% mage damage bonus

-Ring imbues for everyone who can't do NMZ because of a low prayer build

-Ranging ammy

-(25) Rocktail packs

-Some of the cosmetic items from treasure trails

-Mind Body and Body Body

-An item that keeps track of Edgeville KD. (the system that records KD now isn't really effective because it only counts 20+ wildy and not everyone pks that far out.)

-The original Fist of Guthix Battle Robes and Berserker Shield

-Another longshot would be a cape similar to Kiln cape with +8 str bonus but a different design

These are all that I can think of. Even if you see this and decide against it, please consider adding some of the items mentioned sometime in the future.

Very excited for the BH update now that there are rewards, this is something that I will gladly grind depending on what rewards are added. This could easily be the next big thing in Oldschool RS if the rewards are right.

Also very glad to see Jmods that are open to having weapons that are considered OP by the majority of players come back. Gives a lot of hope for future account builds and PVP fun.

24-Aug-2014 01:07:37 - Last edited on 24-Aug-2014 01:41:47 by Tru Khaoz



Posts: 641 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i own u 4ev said :

One idea I saw, which I really liked, was creating another currency for skillers (they get a small chance of recieving it while skilling in the wild past a certain level, think gems from mining, etc. - would have to balance percentages ofc). I feel this is a brilliant idea, and that the two shops would have separate rewards. These tokens should also not be tradeable. I think that the PvM tokens should probably be grouped in with these also, rather than with the PvP emblems.

As someone who has zero interest in pking and also does not have much of a strong interest in skilling in the wild, I like this idea. Depending on rewards, this might entice me to find some skill-based things to do in the wild occasionally. I do think it should be the entire wild, however, rather than just a chance of receiving it past a certain level. I would support lower wilderness levels giving a much slower rate of the currency. The further you get from the safety of teleports, the better the return should be.

I strongly disagree with any mention of brawlers being added, but potential non-xp-boosting upgrades to existing items would be interesting for the shop. Perhaps one unlockable could be a hunter imp that can only be caught in the wild that has strong enough magic to teleport items from a higher level of wilderness than regular imp boxes. Or some way to supercharge herb tars within the wild so that they do more damage or have special effects on targets. Or various agility shortcuts that would help me escape death.Though honestly, the more I think about it, the more I feel like this kind of idea should have just been part of the wilderness rejuvenation project, rather than part of BH.

24-Aug-2014 01:41:04



Posts: 35,372 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you ask me, the reason players don't risk is armour and weapons are too hard to get and replace.

I believe the solution is stop making all the best weapons and armours come into the game as boss hunting rewards and update the skills meant for making armour and weapons to have the best stat items, and leave the boss drop rewards as cosmetically different looking to what players can make with their non combat skills but not better statwise than what a player can make through mining, smithing, and crafting, etc.

PKing seemed to be the most popular when players could make their own armour and weapons and not have to boss hunt to get their gear.

The game was originally made with skills such as mining and smithing and crafting, and no boss drops were better than anything a player could make, it just took longer to get your smithing and crafting up so most players killed monsters and hoped for a lucky drop.

It seems to me like mining and smithing have not been updated since the game originally made, and it seems like such a waste of a skill I love to not have mining and smithing be as useful as killing bosses.

Not everyone even likes to kill bosses, but it seems to me Jagex never thinks about anything else except boss fighting.

Why is boss fighting allowed to devalue mining and smithing and crafting, but mining and smithing and crafting are not allowed to devalue boss drops?

Fix the non combat skills and let players make items equal to or even better than what you can get from boss drops, and people will be willing to risk more most likely.

Gear should not depend on lucky boss drops or treasure trails or on paying a billion GP. Players should be able to make anything they need through non combat skills.

That's my opinion, and I think its time what players can make through their non combat skills were made to be just as good if not better than boss drops.

24-Aug-2014 02:32:09



Posts: 35,372 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PvP store

There needs to be a way for non combat skillers to earn emblems by skilling in the wild and not having to PK to get them, but by skilling in the wild. That is all I have to say about that.

And it needs to be not through boss or monster fighting but through no combat skilling, but that does not mean without risk. There should be risk and the possibility of the resources harming the skiller through accidents or because of the magic in the wild turning resources against them to damage them.

Why can't non combat skillers be rewarded as much as people engaging in combat are, if we are willing to risk?

I've for a long time thought skillers should be able to get lucky treasure chests full of items while skilling, just like monster fighters get rare drops, skillers should get rare drops, and have just as much chance as a boss fighter of getting something worth a lot of GP, but also with as much chance of risk of being killed while skilling and not by just by pvp, like getting hurt when skilling like a tree falling on them, or a rock breaking and hitting them with fragments, or a cave in, or something, but with rare good drops also.

24-Aug-2014 02:41:25 - Last edited on 24-Aug-2014 02:54:26 by Transcendent

Techno Hippy
Mar Member 2024

Techno Hippy

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
However please dont add dragon claws as they were! that level of rushing wasn't fun in any way.
Add things like potions, cosmetics (eg. lava whip?), cosmetic armours and maybe something kind of like herb boxes with a daily limit on purchases
Also I LOVE the shortcut / worldy advantages ect.

24-Aug-2014 03:06:17

C o d y
Jun Member 2022

C o d y

Posts: 938 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Accel_Vent said :
You guys are finally listening to what the players want, and for that you have my gratitude and my respect. As far as the store goes, I would love the armor and weapons in this store. You can also add certain types of rewards that can only be used in the wilderness such as, Boost mode increases Damage by 10% percent. Something like that.

actually if the vote gets 74 % they are listening to a select few.

Mainly the No voters. with 3 X the power.
"Who are you really? deep... deep down... far far in... Once you figure that out you will laugh your self Silly!" - Alan Watts.

24-Aug-2014 04:25:08

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