Things I would personally like to see in this.
1. There should be a pj timer the same as in pvp worlds, especially if pvp worlds are removed since you said that is something you guys are looking into. That is the main reason I use those over wild.
2. Keep the emblems tradable. Honestly this is one of the best aspects of this proposal. Because people will most likely be bringing these along to increase their loot which means they will have more risk and therefore more reward if someone kills them. If they bring that extra risk but it doesn't have any pay off for other pkers it's not as good as it could be.
Not only that but if you're a 1 att 1 def pure or something and you can't use any the rewards from the shop and raw materials aren't added, it makes the emblems pointless for you. If they were tradable at least you could sell them.
3. Targets shouldn't need to be near the same risk as you, just have the minimum risk.
4. The way risk is calculated isn't great atm. If I remember correctly from the livestream it was based on what you're wearing(bad), doesn't take into account items you protect(bad) and goes off alchemy value(bad).
a. If you are a pure and can't wear good armor, how exactly do you get your risk up if it only counts the equipment you are wearing? A lot of pures need to bring cash for risk, with this system they couldn't do that. So the solution is to include all items you have with you.
b. The risk should remove your 4 protected items if you have lvl 25+ prayer + are unskulled or 1 item if you have lvl 25+ prayer and are skulled. Minus 1 in both cases with <25 prayer. I think this one is just common sense, why would you count something you're not risking as risk.
c. Alchemy value wouldn't be the ideal price to use. On one livestream one of you mentioned that for lootshare the jmods could put in the street price and update it whenever there's any large change, perhaps that could be used for this as well for any high value items.
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max
22-Aug-2014 16:33:56