I came up with this idea in about a minute or two regarding multi-pking, so would be nice to receive constructive criticism instead of nerd rage on it.
How about having some kind of "hot spot" within a certain radius of deep wildy (some multi some single, but mostly multi areas) where you get points on your emblem for slaying NPCs around that area.
An idea I was thinking about was bringing back the revenant cave, they could drop emblems as well and/or be able to talk to Mandrith in Edgeville and he could upgrade or give your emblem points for purchasing items in the PVP shop depending on how many revenant kills you may have.
Maybe place the Bounty Hunter crater in the middle of the wildy with various NPCs in it to kill for slayer exp/drops? For every kill you get a point on your emblem, or every 5 kills a point and so on.
This will bring clans, small teams, and single PVM'ers/PK'ers rushing into this place. We can all benefit from this.
Clans massing vs other clans for multiple emblem points and drops. Small teams scouting a PVM'er trying to get slayer levels in this crater, and all PK'ers with the rush to kill someone in the crater that might be solo and with some drops from the NPCs in the crater.
Just a small idea I came up with. Its sad to see as a PK'er that past 20 wildy theres nobody in sight. Where as before it would be thriving with PK'ers. I believe some form of this idea will make the wildy alive as before.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, NPCs and revenants should give points too, that way PVM'ers are able to purchase items off the PVP shop, making the wildy live again. And also, down-on-luck PK'ers can get back on their feet to purchase a few pking supplies from the points provided by killing these NPCs.
22-Aug-2014 16:22:53
- Last edited on
22-Aug-2014 16:27:00