
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 1,253 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Check out this thread for a Bounty Hunter Rewards System that generates no money into the game and cannot be abused.

Quick Find Code: 322-323-866-65447857
I'm a huge fan of Construction; love the skill. In particular I'm absolutely fascinated with the
Player-Owned House Dungeon.
My dream is for everyone to be able to build their own personal PvM challenge, one that rivals even current content.

22-Aug-2014 16:21:39



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great job putting the time and effort into reviewing the bounty hunter Jagex. I'm looking forward to seeing great improvements and the constructive criticism from our fellow players.

I think possibly Vls, Vesta etc should be added into the game. That was Pre-Eoc when BH was out I believe.

Great Job @Jagex,


22-Aug-2014 16:21:48



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I came up with this idea in about a minute or two regarding multi-pking, so would be nice to receive constructive criticism instead of nerd rage on it.

How about having some kind of "hot spot" within a certain radius of deep wildy (some multi some single, but mostly multi areas) where you get points on your emblem for slaying NPCs around that area.

An idea I was thinking about was bringing back the revenant cave, they could drop emblems as well and/or be able to talk to Mandrith in Edgeville and he could upgrade or give your emblem points for purchasing items in the PVP shop depending on how many revenant kills you may have.

Maybe place the Bounty Hunter crater in the middle of the wildy with various NPCs in it to kill for slayer exp/drops? For every kill you get a point on your emblem, or every 5 kills a point and so on.

This will bring clans, small teams, and single PVM'ers/PK'ers rushing into this place. We can all benefit from this.

Clans massing vs other clans for multiple emblem points and drops. Small teams scouting a PVM'er trying to get slayer levels in this crater, and all PK'ers with the rush to kill someone in the crater that might be solo and with some drops from the NPCs in the crater.

Just a small idea I came up with. Its sad to see as a PK'er that past 20 wildy theres nobody in sight. Where as before it would be thriving with PK'ers. I believe some form of this idea will make the wildy alive as before.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, NPCs and revenants should give points too, that way PVM'ers are able to purchase items off the PVP shop, making the wildy live again. And also, down-on-luck PK'ers can get back on their feet to purchase a few pking supplies from the points provided by killing these NPCs.

22-Aug-2014 16:22:53 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 16:27:00 by iAscencion

Virtus Zaros

Virtus Zaros

Posts: 427 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nxch said :
If you bring back Dragon Claws at 50% Rangers will quit
If you bring back any old PVP armour, PvM Drops will fall
If you introduce cash rewards, economy will suffer

Range can hit 50+
Melee can combo 50+
Magic cannot... Introduce maybe a new spellbook? Maybe New Spells? Maybe new Magic Spec weapon to rival Dragon Bolts, Dragon Claws and so on... Make Magic an individual PK method not just an option to hybrid with... I have never in my life seen one Void Mager in the Wildy... I'm not saying bring the triangle back but give people a new type of pure to go for... Or at least to hybrid with.

Dragon Claws should be a 75% spec weapon - From a Range Tanks prospective...

***PvP Shop Idea***
Introduce PvP Rings/ Necklaces that increase bonus with risk

@ModReach please message back with suggestions or review :)

I don't agree with this mage is used typically for hybridding and cast time is pretty accurate and fast. rings/necks wouldn't be a bad idea in my opinion as long as they are untradeable and degrade. D claws 75% is ideal also in my opinion but once again should degrade be non tradeable and cost alot of points if ever added to the game. Once again if Pvp armor if untradeable and it degrades other armor will not going to drop because of this.

22-Aug-2014 16:24:45 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 16:26:31 by Virtus Zaros

v main
Mar Member 2024

v main

Posts: 545 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ideas for shop items:

consumable resources just like nmz.. its important to have stuff of a low tier, that way lazy people cash in and less high tier item make it into game..

d claws with same spec BUT they would require a ridiculous amount of kills by the person whos actually buying them (non tradeable token) And they would be untradeable and lost on death to be converted to coins.

super magic pots. or a secondary to make them.

a defensive potion that works on the same principal as the stamina pot reduced damage taken for 2 mins.

a pot that increases how long your boosted stats last.

standard/flag that displays your kill/death ratio so you dont have to make people look at the scoreboard to show off..

anywho just some ideas i had.. im sure this comment will disappear in the pages soon enough..

22-Aug-2014 16:26:42

Belgium Host
Mar Member 2024

Belgium Host

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like what i read so far :)
About some items. Dragon claws could come to oldschool, but i would do a poll for that first.

My suggestion for items in the pvp store:
*Brawlers ( I really like those in the old days)
*Teleports above lvl 20-30 ( the higher the teleport from wildy, the more expensive)
*Statue's for your altar in your POH. The bether te statue, the more bonus u get for prayer)

22-Aug-2014 16:27:30



Posts: 854 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
reward shop does sound like a good idea i see we have alot of problems with what will actually be put in there tho, here is some idea's

1) some new skilling prayers/combat prayers as prayer has no use after 70 atm (really does need content) example, 72 prayer fishing fantic helps you gather fish 5% faster. will also be good for farmers/herblorist makes potions rise (p pots)

2)a score bored, bas*ailly hand in tokens of such to a person say in edge bank and your rank rise's people like leader boards ect (you can pick weather or not you want something money/prayer/rank keeps it active alot)

3)teleport scrolls to area's which are hard/pain to get too. (maybe the top tier teleport could teleport you into the godwars area)

4)items that turn to dust after a certain amount off time, example (lets say you need 10 tokens to buy vesta legs you will need to hand 10 tokens+1m coins to buy them for 1 hour also a big money sink can be used in any item. special box traps,harpoon,axes ect or pvp gears.

5)rune holder, will hold runes for a certain amount of spells casted then will go to dust must also pay gp+tokens. (money sinks)

6)target skip - pay tokens to skip a targets. (limited to 3 skips a day)

7)teleport to target unlock can teleport you to you're target anywere in wildy (says if his in a muilty area zone)

8)add a highscore notice bored in the bhw edgeville (daily) weekly ect, so you can see who the most feared are on that day.

9)re colourable items, such as whips,dbows ect.

10) spend tokens on a gamble option, you can pick what to add to this gamble.

sorry these are not the best ideas reach/ronan just something from the top of my head without breaking the game or making bh dead content some people may not like these idea's but anything can be changed let me no what you think thanks lads.


22-Aug-2014 16:28:24

Ownage Omg

Ownage Omg

Posts: 14,364 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Finally, a decent proposal, I'd prefer EP but this is good enough.
The only think I'd like is for PvP armours/weapons to be available to purchase using emblems.
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22-Aug-2014 16:30:29

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