@Mod Reach
Everything you post makes me wonder how you are a Jagex employee, and one of the few responsible for OS. You seem to have a lack of understanding how the community works and almost ZERO knowledge of the game's past. I mean you asked one guy what "EP" was......
As for D-Claws, why are YOU so against them? AGS didn't receive a nerf and, while D-Claws were my favorite weapon, was and has always been more over-powered than D-Claws. AGS only needs 1 spec to kill, while Claws became rather underwhelming when left with just just 1 spec. AGS is a strong main weapon (not-including spec) and Claws are absolutely useless, making AGS far superior in PVMing content. Also, it is very hard to teleport or pray against an AGS spec as good pkers have become sneaky when pulling out the AGS, while teleporting or praying against Claws (or even using a phoenix necklace) was easy as most of the time it took 2 specs to kill someone. I also find AGS to be much more consistent and more accurate than D-Claws, as Claws were so proned to the old dreaded 1-0 spec. (I don't even know if you know what I'm talking about with your lack of knowledge.)
Lastly, Nobody really gives a flying **** about what you, Mod Reach, wants. I thought the philosophy behind old school was what the players wanted. So how about you open a poll asking if the community wanted UN-NERFED D-Claws. If voted down, then that's it, end of discussion. If the vote passes, then bring out the claws instead of some-sort of stupid cosmetic reward or what-ever you are cooking up over at Jagex. Of course finding a way to add D-Claws in the game is a whole different task and different poll, but stop dicking us around and just put it on the next poll: "Do you want un-nerfed Dragon Claws to be added to Old School Runescape through a future voted upon reward or monster drop?"
25-Aug-2014 20:58:56
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25-Aug-2014 20:59:28