1) As for the video showing how 'wealth' works, I don't think that equipping or un-equipping an item should affect your 'displayed wealth'. The wealth shown by the skull should be based on all items in your inventory. This will lead to abuse. Simply removing something and still having it in your inventory, yet changing your 'wealth' or 'value' makes no sense (unless you are coding it so players can trick other players on purpose = surprise AGS wielding wins BH = ruined for the majority of players but the very rich).
2) Do not reintroduce Dragon Claws. The game has enough 99 strength pures who already hit 50-60 in one shot with the tiny and overpowered DDS. I used to have 99 strength and a pair of D-claws, and having them in old school will simply be unbalanced. Does mage have a special attack that can hit 60+ in the blink of an eye? No. Range does with the Dark Bow, but as mentioned, melee already has this with godswords and the DDS.
3) Is there anything in the coding that takes into account player's friends lists or clan lists? What will stop players from simply going somewhere with their friends/clan mates and getting things such as the "kill streak rewards"? If the target system could cross - reference the clan list and friends list and not target any of those players, then maybe...but this won't deal with "I'll leave your cc for now, until you get me as a target...".
4) REWARDS: I suggest a food unique to the PVP store that heals 22 or 24, usable in PVP or PVM. Armour that does not depend on the defence stat (such as pures), which is lost on death and tradable for a profit would bring some variety to the game. Additionally, the weapons, runes and arrows already commonly used for PVP should be available so that we don't need to constantly be purchasing these things to PVP. That would include the basics such as bolts (e), rune arrows, runes, food (sharks or above), wizard robes, d-hide sets, scimitar's and the DDS, etc.
27-Aug-2014 16:21:38