
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 1,253 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(cont. from previous post)

The minimum risk depends on combat level:

Under level 70 - 100k
70-79 - 200k
80-89 - 300k
90-99 - 400k
100+ - 500k

When fighting a target of a lower level tier, the mutual risk will be equal to the lower risk still.

This way there's no money generated and we can still have an incentive to play Bounty Hunter. Only those who risk money can receive rewards, so 1-itemers don't get targets if they insert nothing into the skull. You can only receive a target if you insert money into the skull (again, a player can only get a target if the cash they're risking in the skull is at or above the minimum risk)

Those who do not insert money into the skull may still pk, but will receive no other rewards from killing players and will receive no targets.

I don't know if you should lose money and your target for leaving the Wilderness when you have a target (similar to Crucible) or if you should lose your target only when one dies (like Bounty Worlds.)

Maybe you should lose only 100k from the skull and lose your target for leaving the Wilderness when you have a target (like Crucible) because waiting on a target to log back in or return from the bank is a bit of a pain.

Or... maybe instead of a 10 minute wait (like Bounty Worlds) for a player to bank/log back in, there should be a 2-3 minute wait for a target before losing it. Like Bounty Worlds there would be no penalty for leaving the Wilderness or the game.

What do you think?
I'm a huge fan of Construction; love the skill. In particular I'm absolutely fascinated with the
Player-Owned House Dungeon.
My dream is for everyone to be able to build their own personal PvM challenge, one that rivals even current content.

27-Aug-2014 14:08:59 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2014 14:11:04 by KyleTheCon



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
wilderness content

make the shop only in the wilderness hopefully deep but below lvl 30 wildy that or make multiple shops and multiple locations maybe dragon claws could be the deepest shop

have a minimum risk / coin entrance fee for the only bounty hunter world and you lose the coin risk if you're target leaves the wilderness for more than 5 minutes

I think this was mentioned but only a single world should be allowed, pking can be very active at times and at other not so much. We really need to contain the players and 1 world ONLY will do that.

shop content

able to purchase multiple looting bags, i thought this was already going to come out/be polled but i guess not.

these things would make it very interesting, only a few thoughts though.

a Fatality Member

27-Aug-2014 15:44:53 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2014 15:53:03 by Gymnase

A F K ing
Nov Member 2023

A F K ing

Posts: 1,881 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1) As for the video showing how 'wealth' works, I don't think that equipping or un-equipping an item should affect your 'displayed wealth'. The wealth shown by the skull should be based on all items in your inventory. This will lead to abuse. Simply removing something and still having it in your inventory, yet changing your 'wealth' or 'value' makes no sense (unless you are coding it so players can trick other players on purpose = surprise AGS wielding wins BH = ruined for the majority of players but the very rich).

2) Do not reintroduce Dragon Claws. The game has enough 99 strength pures who already hit 50-60 in one shot with the tiny and overpowered DDS. I used to have 99 strength and a pair of D-claws, and having them in old school will simply be unbalanced. Does mage have a special attack that can hit 60+ in the blink of an eye? No. Range does with the Dark Bow, but as mentioned, melee already has this with godswords and the DDS.

3) Is there anything in the coding that takes into account player's friends lists or clan lists? What will stop players from simply going somewhere with their friends/clan mates and getting things such as the "kill streak rewards"? If the target system could cross - reference the clan list and friends list and not target any of those players, then maybe...but this won't deal with "I'll leave your cc for now, until you get me as a target...".

4) REWARDS: I suggest a food unique to the PVP store that heals 22 or 24, usable in PVP or PVM. Armour that does not depend on the defence stat (such as pures), which is lost on death and tradable for a profit would bring some variety to the game. Additionally, the weapons, runes and arrows already commonly used for PVP should be available so that we don't need to constantly be purchasing these things to PVP. That would include the basics such as bolts (e), rune arrows, runes, food (sharks or above), wizard robes, d-hide sets, scimitar's and the DDS, etc.

27-Aug-2014 16:21:38

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 1,253 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What's up with all this Dragon Claws talk? Save that for another thread. Dclaws aren't ready to be polled, not to mention implemented. I'm a huge fan of Construction; love the skill. In particular I'm absolutely fascinated with the
Player-Owned House Dungeon.
My dream is for everyone to be able to build their own personal PvM challenge, one that rivals even current content.

27-Aug-2014 17:14:40

Bad Wildy

Bad Wildy

Posts: 144 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-> No PK supplys in the shop ( sharks,pots,gear..., this will *** the economy )
-> No D claws in the shop******; Rather have TD back to kill them for claws
-> Introduce New Range/Magic Prayer*
****; Introduce new range weapons to compete agains AGS, ( Morrig. Javlins, etc..)

27-Aug-2014 19:35:05

Prune Slayer

Prune Slayer

Posts: 72 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ezpeon said :

A decent idea for rewards, anyways, would be raw supplies that are generally not obtained through skilling. Things like herb seeds, dark fishing bait, gems, and crystal key halves would all be relatively safe items to put into something like a Resource Box , which would give random resources much like the Herb Boxes from NMZ. Could be a sort of thing that you limit to X purchases a day, making it a daily income supplement for PKers.

A possible tweak would be to add a "Wild" variant of herb seeds. These seeds should be designed to cost significantly more than their regular counterparts, but they will have not become diseased and die when planted.

In addition to raw supplies, runes such as chaos, death, blood, and soul could be added as rewards in reasonable amounts. These runes are rarely ever crafted, and only really come into the game via PvM. Introducing more would help cut the edge off of the cost of using magic in combat, without devaluing runecrafting.

Finally, it would be worth looking into attempting to re-introduce PvP armor , potentially PvP weapons as well. If PvP gear only functioned in the Bounty Hunter wilderness, then players would have no worries about it affecting combat anywhere else in RuneScape, and it would be much more likely to pass a poll. The only change you would need is to make them "cost more", but also last longer. A full set of PvP gear should be of a similar risk its non-PvP counterpart.

I really like this idea.I would also like to see brawling gloves, and the PVP armor/weapons only being degradable maybe few hours for the armor,30 min for the weapons. I would also love to see Augury and Rigour incorporated some how, would much rather them come in through a quest, but quests seem to be too much for you guys to tackle with your team size, and as always still wanting a good money sink

27-Aug-2014 20:04:37 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2014 20:27:11 by Prune Slayer



Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all I'd like to say thanks for putting in the work on a BH update. I really think this has potential to liven up the wildy. That said, please don't ruin the wildy with it by releasing a bunch of overpowered rush weapons. Something with a mild buff is fine, and make them degradable as they were.

I think a big part of making this release go right will be in the details. Instead of making fixed numbers like 75k (I realized it would be higher now), hide that information, if not make it dynamic. So there's some amount of randomness to where the lines are drawn between "low" "medium" and "high" risk. Or perhaps you could make it relative to the total risk in the wildy at the current time. Anything to keep people from figuring out a certain magic number to exploit.

In terms of rewards, I'd love to see brawlers or something similar. It doesn't have to be 2x or anything, but a nice 1.5x boost would make it worthwhile to train in the wild. If you think about it few people train in the wild now because theres no incentive. You risk being pkd, you cant bring all your high value stat boosting items, so whats the point. The brawlers should work on any world as well, not just the BH worlds, to allow skillers/combat trainers to do so in uncrowded areas.

I think pk supplies would be a good thing to see in the store, but to protect the skillers, make their cost 2x-3x that of what street prices would be, relative to the value of other things you could buy in the store. Please do not release ANYTHING that boosts special attack though. This will just make the rushing/pj'ing problem worse. And as its been said, I'd support a pj timer, maybe 10-15 sec of immunity (so long as you didn't attack another target in that time) to let someone safely loot. Of course in multi there should be no pj timer at all.

Also, I hope that whatever system, once implemented, will not be so set in stone that it isn't modified as needed. I know as a dev its hard to predict impact.

28-Aug-2014 00:46:51

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is a suggestion regarding a combat system in order to use all different attack styles. e.g with a dragon dagger you can choose what ever attack style you please, but you gain xp in one skill. The xp would be either for attack, strength, controlled or defense. I noticed that when i fight an opponent that one can hit consecutively if you change attack styles, but people such as myself do not want to gain attack or defense xp to stay at a certain level. I believe this would help the community immensely so we do not ruin our accounts. Also, it doesn't seem to have negative aspects towards the game. I hope you can agree with something I can bring to the table!

Thank you.

My questions:
1. Would you be able to add a mechanic in order to assign your combat xp to?

28-Aug-2014 01:02:16

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 809 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I look the look of how the rewards are shaping up to become.

My immediate thoughts are the rewards that were originally in the BH worlds when EP was around, such as brawling gloves and vesta, statius, morrigans, and zuriels. I support the addition of all of these(unnerfed). I think the brawling gloves will attract many people who who do not participate in pvp to take part in it and that the addition of the armor/weapons would help increase the variety in the game.

I have been seeing a lot of comments about with the release of bh that dragon claws should be released. I think if these were to be released, which i think they should, should have a new boss monster to come along with it.

I'm also not to sure about how the target system will be set up in the new bh. I think the drop system should depend on if the targets will be given in the old fashioned, crater bh, or the newer, specific world bh. If the targets are given about every 30 minutes or so like in the new bh there should be a little extra money incentive. I do not support the idea of re-introducing the stattuetes again, but maybe something along the lines of "double loot" where you have the chance of recieving 2x an item that was dropped by your target.

28-Aug-2014 06:09:24

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