
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Iris Midgar

Iris Midgar

Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Possible rewards from the PvP shop

If you were to release dragon claws from the PvP shop, they should always disappear on death and require a sum of money to "activate" them so we don't have people 1-Iteming with them, and less rushing in general. I assume they will be untradeable as well?

They should also add an item that buffs current GWD armor ONLY while in the wilderness. For example, x1.5 the stats of the Bandos chestplate so it would have +6 strength instead of +4, and also give a boost to its defensive bonuses. This encourages people to risk more in the wild. The same should be done for godswords and armadyl armor, etc.

22-Aug-2014 15:45:17

Slayer Gerni

Slayer Gerni

Posts: 73 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
u Guys shoul make a new skill that is SKIL PK/Bounty hunter

like u have 1/99 skill
make the xp rate same as hunter xp (no live wil get hunter very quick 99)

and make the armoure rewards only usable in pk/wildy/bh/pvp worlds

like bronze 1-5
iron 5-10
steel 10-15
rune 40-45
granit 50-60
abbysal gear! 70-75
barrow 80
dragon 90
elite 3rdage pk gear 90-99

u shoul work on this (it wil be a good NEW SKILL better then that otherskill it wont even pass )

to keep this game a live u shoul make a balance between pk/pvm
and u shoul make any trading system like g.e/ auction house/

because of the ***** oldschool runescape is ruined with mani price
the ***** have ruined everything

***** is the new g.e

so why dont make a g.e or any trading system to make this game back a live.

i mean this game is more based on merching on **** now
i can give u a rate. I am at pvper/mercher the rate is at the moment 60% is merching 10% is duel arena/ 20% is pvp/ 10% is pk not even 10%

but because of ***** the game have no balance u (why u guys dont see the fact)

if u guys wanna think, u sho*l think we started oldschool runescape in 07. and the game is almost 2years old now.
so why dont we past the updates,
otherwish we never shoul update anything.
and then it wil stay oldschool
so make a decition.
i think its the best to make a copy of eoc. but only keep the same grafics wil make a big change to make 60-70% of all runescape player to make them come back!

but u guys just did open a new server called rs07
and now u are not deeling the right way.
the game is based on JMOD IDEAS i shoul not be improve to player ideas as i am ging now ! BOOM U CAN PM ME IN GAME> I AM NOT A FORUM GUY ! SEE U AT MERC* HAHA

22-Aug-2014 15:46:31



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How about a re-poll? You guys have done it before I believe. With players now knowing more less what you guys have to offer, I strongly believe that craters would pass a poll. It will also bring back a lot of players/clans back into pking and into the game**

** craters was very simple mechanics as well as very effective ones too. Consider a re-poll please it will be an awesome addition to the game and it gives the pking community exactly what they want.

22-Aug-2014 15:47:10

Goed eten

Goed eten

Posts: 313 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i'd like to hear ideas from people who disapprove slightly overpowered/hard to get untradeable weapons and armour

Stat hammer is good, v spear can be implemented, maybe morrigan axes or so for the rangers

if only those could be added, it would be worthwhile to do

( if you disagree, come up with something which will make it appealing )

22-Aug-2014 15:47:59



Posts: 64 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Slayer Gerni said :
u Guys shoul make a new skill that is SKIL PK/Bounty hunter

like u have 1/99 skill
make the xp rate same as hunter xp (no live wil get hunter very quick 99)

and make the armoure rewards only usable in pk/wildy/bh/pvp worlds

like bronze 1-5
iron 5-10
steel 10-15
rune 40-45
granit 50-60
abbysal gear! 70-75
barrow 80
dragon 90
elite 3rdage pk gear 90-99

u shoul work on this (it wil be a good NEW SKILL better then that otherskill it wont even pass )

to keep this game a live u shoul make a balance between pk/pvm
and u shoul make any trading system like g.e/ auction house/

because of the ***** oldschool runescape is ruined with mani price
the ***** have ruined everything

***** is the new g.e

so why dont make a g.e or any trading system to make this game back a live.

i mean this game is more based on merching on **** now
i can give u a rate. I am at pvper/mercher the rate is at the moment 60% is merching 10% is duel arena/ 20% is pvp/ 10% is pk not even 10%

but because of ***** the game have no balance u (why u guys dont see the fact)

if u guys wanna think, u sho*l think we started oldschool runescape in 07. and the game is almost 2years old now.
so why dont we past the updates,
otherwish we never shoul update anything.
and then it wil stay oldschool
so make a decition.
i think its the best to make a copy of eoc. but only keep the same grafics wil make a big change to make 60-70% of all runescape player to make them come back!

but u guys just did open a new server called rs07
and now u are not deeling the right way.
the game is based on JMOD IDEAS i shoul not be improve to player ideas as i am ging now ! BOOM U CAN PM ME IN GAME> I AM NOT A FORUM GUY ! SEE U AT MERC* HAHA

Wtf is this^

22-Aug-2014 15:50:48



Posts: 3,143 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not sure if the emblem thing is roughly inspired from my bounty tag suggestion... anyways:

A decent idea for rewards, anyways, would be raw supplies that are generally not obtained through skilling. Things like herb seeds, dark fishing bait, gems, and crystal key halves would all be relatively safe items to put into something like a Resource Box , which would give random resources much like the Herb Boxes from NMZ. Could be a sort of thing that you limit to X purchases a day, making it a daily income supplement for PKers.

A possible tweak would be to add a "Wild" variant of herb seeds. These seeds should be designed to cost significantly more than their regular counterparts, but they will have not become diseased and die when planted.

In addition to raw supplies, runes such as chaos, death, blood, and soul could be added as rewards in reasonable amounts. These runes are rarely ever crafted, and only really come into the game via PvM. Introducing more would help cut the edge off of the cost of using magic in combat, without devaluing runecrafting.

If junk ranged weapons were buffed a bit to make them more useful, items such as Dragon Thrownaxes and Dragon Javelins could be added as unique rewards from Bounty Hunter. I don't believe these would actually devalue anything, and they would help add a bit of variety to combat.

Finally, it would be worth looking into attempting to re-introduce PvP armor , potentially PvP weapons as well. If PvP gear only functioned in the Bounty Hunter wilderness, then players would have no worries about it affecting combat anywhere else in RuneScape, and it would be much more likely to pass a poll. The only change you would need is to make them "cost more", but also last longer. A full set of PvP gear should be of a similar risk its non-PvP counterpart.

22-Aug-2014 15:51:33 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 15:57:20 by Ezpeon

i own u 4ev

i own u 4ev

Posts: 5,146 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My initial thought was to bring in items to improve combat (rune pouch to store spells, gear that morphs like the old stealing creation gear, etc), but that was going off of a system similar to the EP system (without waiting around) where they just dropped their alch value in a new currency.

However, with the new system you have in mind, I think it should be less valuable items, with broader uses, like maybe an item that randomly teleports you to some of the more common pking spots (same teleport restrictions apply as a glory - this item doesn't break on use, but maybe it degrades?). Things along those lines, semi-useful, but not overpowering. Basically, teleports to remote locations (that have something to do with pking in one way or another please) seem to be the best option. Beyond that, cosmetic upgrades for certain items could be a decent idea (could hit weapons too). Maybe some sort of item that upgrades and gives a +1 prayer bonus to whatever items? Basically small semi-useful things, but nothing too game changing or overpowered.

22-Aug-2014 15:54:19 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 16:03:01 by i own u 4ev

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