
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

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Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Slayer Gerni said :
u Guys shoul make a new skill that is SKIL PK/Bounty hunter

like u have 1/99 skill
make the xp rate same as hunter xp (no live wil get hunter very quick 99)

and make the armoure rewards only usable in pk/wildy/bh/pvp worlds

like bronze 1-5
iron 5-10
steel 10-15
rune 40-45
granit 50-60
abbysal gear! 70-75
barrow 80
dragon 90
elite 3rdage pk gear 90-99

u shoul work on this (it wil be a good NEW SKILL better then that otherskill it wont even pass )

to keep this game a live u shoul make a balance between pk/pvm
and u shoul make any trading system like g.e/ auction house/

because of the ***** oldschool runescape is ruined with mani price
the ***** have ruined everything

***** is the new g.e

so why dont make a g.e or any trading system to make this game back a live.

i mean this game is more based on merching on **** now
i can give u a rate. I am at pvper/mercher the rate is at the moment 60% is merching 10% is duel arena/ 20% is pvp/ 10% is pk not even 10%

but because of ***** the game have no balance u (why u guys dont see the fact)

if u guys wanna think, u sho*l think we started oldschool runescape in 07. and the game is almost 2years old now.
so why dont we past the updates,
otherwish we never shoul update anything.
and then it wil stay oldschool
so make a decition.
i think its the best to make a copy of eoc. but only keep the same grafics wil make a big change to make 60-70% of all runescape player to make them come back!

but u guys just did open a new server called rs07
and now u are not deeling the right way.
the game is based on JMOD IDEAS i shoul not be improve to player ideas as i am ging now ! BOOM U CAN PM ME IN GAME> I AM NOT A FORUM GUY ! SEE U AT MERC* HAHA



22-Aug-2014 15:56:23

Barnyard Boy
Feb Member 2022

Barnyard Boy

Posts: 504 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just a couple questions concerning the Bounty Hunter mechanics.

1. Will you be notified if you are assigned as a target to someone?

2. Will you also be your target's target, as with the most recent Bounty Hunter mechanics in RS3? So you're each other's targets (Which would serve to answer the previous question, as well.)

EDIT: This may not be the appropriate forum for these questions...

22-Aug-2014 15:56:37 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 16:02:44 by Barnyard Boy

Jan Member 2007


Posts: 18,854 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Really wish you could give soemthing similiar to an EP system it did sink allot of items out the game causing slayer drops like whips and mauls to skyrocket which was amazing for people training slayer :( *´¨)¸.*´ Kilot ~ Failed RuneScape player.
Zeros will be done, worship the empty lord

22-Aug-2014 15:59:51

I Mohammad I

I Mohammad I

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
True most people voted for the server of this era due to overpowered weapons killing the pking scene, anything you add in to the shop wont make a difference to the amount of people that come to the wild as anything you do add wont be of any value/make pking better lol.

If people really wanted to pk they would go to the pvp worlds you added.

22-Aug-2014 16:00:39



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What happened to adding Rigour/Augury as reward from the PVP shop?

Also, I don't feel as if an anti-PJ timer would be suitable in the wilderness, people can just go PVP worlds if they don't want to get PJed.

22-Aug-2014 16:01:57 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 16:03:00 by SV122125126

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 455 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

i think it's essential you have the emblems untradeable, also the idea of ancient magicks tabs is good.

I was a fan of the old bh worlds as they are but they would not work with OSRS.

People keep suggesting claws as they were don't know what their talking about, even at 100% spec I'd wanna see some sort of nerf along with that.


To the guy who pked on 5 accs since 2004, I've pked on 200+ and my favourite was f2p range 2h at edge/ north varrock 2004-2007, aside from that bh worlds were my favourite but probably because easy money.


What about the pvp weps/armours with corrupt versions that are untradeable and only bought with a very high amount of emblems.

To prevent the risk of having players kill the people who have pvp armour (and because its untradeable) (and emblems should be) getting no reward. How about you get a % of the emblems from them, which they spent getting it. Maybe 50%? I don't know. Just an idea. The pvp arm/weps would be as degradable as last time. Also, if a player is fighting someone who isnt their target and they have pvp arm/wep (rare situation tbh). This goes against the rule of you can only get emblems from targets, but because it only drops 50% and emblems (untradeable). There shouldn't be a way to abuse this.

Also if people still moan about the new high level content because they don't want change, how about the pvp armours/weps only work in pking in the one BH world.

Anyway I probably won't be read/heard but love what your trying to achieve with BH target system, great work guys. All of this on one world will make it a lot more condensed and meaningful.

22-Aug-2014 16:02:34 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 18:56:16 by Bawwz

omg lol xDDD

omg lol xDDD

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Virtus Zaros said :
Leejjon said :
Mod Reach said :
robetea1 said :
without these strong items your just perpetuating the notion of luck in runescape. '* ok ill just dds spec' boom 40 40 i mean u need higher lvl content otherwise the game gets boring. i see som1 2 spec with d claws ill want to get d claws myself. they wernt invincible at all people were antirushing korasis/d claws since they came out.

You're right, we do need higher level and to progressively increase the effectiveness of weapons and armours. This needs to be done slowly as to secure a future for further upgrades.

If we release all of the best weapons that can one hit you in one special attack right now, what will we release next year that is equally as good or better? There won't be anything.

I dont agree with this. We don't need to keep getting stronger weapons and armour. We don't need a gear grind. Expanding the variety of the top tier weapons is great, to get many weapons that could have the best stab or crush or slash attack bonus, with different attack speeds.

So that the current best gear (whip/dbow/barrows gear) will always be viable (but not the best in all situations). I hate OP weapon updates like how the staff of the dead devaluated the master wand and ancient staff. People watch olschool runescape PK videos and don't recognize the game anymore due to new items. If you want to have a staff with slightly less magic attack bonus that has a chance on saving runes, fine. But don't make it 15% more powerful than all the other weapons.


22-Aug-2014 16:04:19

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