Slayer Gerni
u Guys shoul make a new skill that is SKIL PK/Bounty hunter
like u have 1/99 skill
make the xp rate same as hunter xp (no live wil get hunter very quick 99)
and make the armoure rewards only usable in pk/wildy/bh/pvp worlds
like bronze 1-5
iron 5-10
steel 10-15
rune 40-45
granit 50-60
abbysal gear! 70-75
barrow 80
dragon 90
elite 3rdage pk gear 90-99
u shoul work on this (it wil be a good NEW SKILL better then that otherskill it wont even pass )
to keep this game a live u shoul make a balance between pk/pvm
and u shoul make any trading system like g.e/ auction house/
because of the ***** oldschool runescape is ruined with mani price
the ***** have ruined everything
***** is the new g.e
so why dont make a g.e or any trading system to make this game back a live.
i mean this game is more based on merching on **** now
i can give u a rate. I am at pvper/mercher the rate is at the moment 60% is merching 10% is duel arena/ 20% is pvp/ 10% is pk not even 10%
but because of ***** the game have no balance u (why u guys dont see the fact)
if u guys wanna think, u sho*l think we started oldschool runescape in 07. and the game is almost 2years old now.
so why dont we past the updates,
otherwish we never shoul update anything.
and then it wil stay oldschool
so make a decition.
i think its the best to make a copy of eoc. but only keep the same grafics wil make a big change to make 60-70% of all runescape player to make them come back!
but u guys just did open a new server called rs07
and now u are not deeling the right way.
the game is based on JMOD IDEAS i shoul not be improve to player ideas as i am ging now ! BOOM U CAN PM ME IN GAME> I AM NOT A FORUM GUY ! SEE U AT MERC* HAHA
............What? -----
u Guys shoul make a new skill that is SKIL PK/Bounty hunter
like u have 1/99 skill
make the xp rate same as hunter xp (no live wil get hunter very quick 99)
and make the armoure rewards only usable in pk/wildy/bh/pvp worlds
like bronze 1-5
iron 5-10
steel 10-15
rune 40-45
granit 50-60
abbysal gear! 70-75
barrow 80
dragon 90
elite 3rdage pk gear 90-99
u shoul work on this (it wil be a good NEW SKILL better then that otherskill it wont even pass )
to keep this game a live u shoul make a balance between pk/pvm
and u shoul make any trading system like g.e/ auction house/
because of the ***** oldschool runescape is ruined with mani price
the ***** have ruined everything
***** is the new g.e
so why dont make a g.e or any trading system to make this game back a live.
i mean this game is more based on merching on **** now
i can give u a rate. I am at pvper/mercher the rate is at the moment 60% is merching 10% is duel arena/ 20% is pvp/ 10% is pk not even 10%
but because of ***** the game have no balance u (why u guys dont see the fact)
if u guys wanna think, u sho*l think we started oldschool runescape in 07. and the game is almost 2years old now.
so why dont we past the updates,
otherwish we never shoul update anything.
and then it wil stay oldschool
so make a decition.
i think its the best to make a copy of eoc. but only keep the same grafics wil make a big change to make 60-70% of all runescape player to make them come back!
but u guys just did open a new server called rs07
and now u are not deeling the right way.
the game is based on JMOD IDEAS i shoul not be improve to player ideas as i am ging now ! BOOM U CAN PM ME IN GAME> I AM NOT A FORUM GUY ! SEE U AT MERC* HAHA
............What? -----
22-Aug-2014 15:56:23