Everyone is complaining about no EP systems and wanting new weapons/armour for Pvp. No there should not be Dclaws in the game or Vestas, etc. Those items are to overpowered, which is what people do not want. Stop asking for updates that everyone did not want in the game since OSRS came out. Mod Reach is trying to prevent these updates, because he knows that they will have many negative feedback. Keep up the good work.
As for the shops: I know you said no cosmetics, but like someone mentioned before, maybe a cape that displays your kills/kill ratio based on a unique color/design. This being just one of the rewards, possibly a cheaper one so everyone may have one, or a top item so it is hard to get? As far as rewards, maybe make some of them only usable in the wilderness, like the concept for nightmare zone(not the potions but maybe something different). It is hard to decide because everything will affect the game, i hope you make the right decision.
22-Aug-2014 15:06:06