
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

G 0 Dzz

G 0 Dzz

Posts: 173 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly rigour and augury prayers would be to over powered to be a reward as range tanks already are pretty over powered when compared to zerker pures.

I love this idea only being on one world and i would love to see CURSES added as a high value reward.

Now i'm a range tank and i'm personally saying this would be a fair way to introduce cruses for zer*er pures without needing to gain that pesky 10k def xp the old way through the quest as that would mess up a lot of zerkers.

I feel the only other suggestion worth making one be to add a various selection of auras that work only in the wilderness for fighting and skilling that you only have to buy one time.

For example you could buy a high value aura that gives you a auto veng every 180 seconds free of runes or a high value aura that allows you to mine rune ore 3x faster or a different aura that allows you to fish 3x faster.

Adding weapons would devalue the current weapons we use to pk with now and nobody would stand a chance without using these new store bought weapons/armor

Last but not least add a 10 sec pj timer :)

23-Aug-2014 06:05:16

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everyone go watch Sparc Macs video discussing this titled:
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's Bounty Hunter Reward Solution!

I agree with everything that he says in that video. But for those of you who don't care to watch i'll sum it up here:

The shop can't have resources because that devalues skilling.
It can't have cash cause that would ruin economy.
It should have teleports to your target

The shop should have pvp armour because it degrades fast so people wont be using it for pvm and maybe the stats can be nerfed slightly.

The shop doesn't need VLS because...F#%$ the VLS

And lastly claws could be a pretty big ticket item. Maybe with the stats reduced slightly but with the same 50% special attack. To those that believe that the claws are too "op" I say look at AGS. Look at dark bow. We already have weapons that are "op" that were introduced in their original form. The d claws i'm proposing would have slightly nerfed stats. If anything D claws just add more variety.

23-Aug-2014 06:15:36

Twitch Fear
Nov Member 2017

Twitch Fear

Posts: 256 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will not be involved in any pk'ing in this new update, I'm going to avoid this update completely, all the mindless pk'ers in this community just talk smack to each other and over head pray, all those pk'ers are just looking for easy money. I'll be farm no matter what. Why do we have to play "crutch-scape".

23-Aug-2014 06:17:22

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
B0SN said :
Everyone go watch Sparc Macs video discussing this titled:
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's Bounty Hunter Reward Solution!

I agree with everything that he says in that video. But for those of you who don't care to watch i'll sum it up here:

The shop can't have resources because that devalues skilling.
It can't have cash cause that would ruin economy.
It should have teleports to your target

The shop should have pvp armour because it degrades fast so people wont be using it for pvm and maybe the stats can be nerfed slightly.

The shop doesn't need VLS because...F#%$ the VLS

And lastly claws could be a pretty big ticket item. Maybe with the stats reduced slightly but with the same 50% special attack. To those that believe that the claws are too "op" I say look at AGS. Look at dark bow. We already have weapons that are "op" that were introduced in their original form. The d claws i'm proposing would have slightly nerfed stats. If anything D claws just add more variety.

Also brawlers. People will say that brawlers make the game "too easy" but I say they could be somewhat rare as a reward and have their bonus reduced to like 30-40%.

23-Aug-2014 06:18:01

Twitch Fear
Nov Member 2017

Twitch Fear

Posts: 256 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- on one last note, all these people on the forums saying to bring overpowered weapons and bonus xp wilderness bs, are all rs3 players. Get off my game, if you play rs3 your opinion means nothing. This is the game for 07 players, stop trying to add new things.

23-Aug-2014 06:24:28



Posts: 14,939 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some rewards I'd like to see:
1) Magic notepaper - works like rs3 with the limitation of only working in wild

2) Magic runes pouch - magic runes are stored in pouch allowing you to save space but still cast spells, pouch destroyed after 1k combat spell casts

3) Potion flasks - works like rs3 with the limitation of only working in wild

4) Amulet of smiting - the smite prayer is enhanced from 1/4 to 1/3 of damage dealt being removed from your opponents prayer, degrade to dust after 50k total damage inflicted

5) Shadow silk hood - Removes your dot from appearing on map, hood lasts for 10 hours before degrading to dust

OSRS Maxed - Sara Solo Record Holder

23-Aug-2014 06:41:51 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2014 19:49:29 by Wilson

Cody Mac
May Member 2014

Cody Mac

Posts: 499 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please think of the ways players will try to abuse the target system to maximize emblem output before implementing it.
The rewards should be obtained for proper PKing, not cycling between your friends and alts to get target kills as quickly as possible.

23-Aug-2014 08:15:27

Fatal Scars

Fatal Scars

Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I see that we're kinda missing the point of this BH addition - it is just based around your target right? Old PVP world rewards were for anybody but with a BONUS reward for killing your target.

So... create Bounty Hunter for 1 world only and create cash/item rewards ONLY for your TARGET - there is no way people could abuse this as there would be over 200 people in that world.

Only make the rewards up to 400k~ish as it got out of hand before because the rewards were absolutely huge. DFS/DFH/Fury etc etc.

23-Aug-2014 08:25:15

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