Overall, I cannot believe all of you in here supporting the old style EP system. If I somehow manage to smite someone for their godsword or whip or what ever, and it just disappears so i can get a few extra rune items + an emblem... because that's the "appropriate" drop...well I'd be pretty angry. I thought RWTing was the reason it was implemented in such a fashion in the first place. Why bring back that annoying mechanism now?
Also D claws were massively overpowered, and I do hope the developers aren't even considering adding them to the game with 50% specs if even at all.
If I end up getting stuck standing around for an hour or two in between fights so i can raise "earning potential" so i'm not constantly getting shorted on kills for wanting to constantly fight, i'll stop buying membership again.
Stop relying so heavily on twitter and twitch for input... The loudest opinions aren't necessarily the majority. They are just the most vocal. The scum of PVP are here and there crying loud as they can for D claws and over-powered armors/prayers/spells or any other advantage they can gain. Make them gain some skill and learn to rely on that rather than chance.
That being said, IF this reward system even passes, maybe let players buy some exclusive gear there. Makes sense to me that PVPing a lot would yield points to get PVP armor with. Statius and Vestas were too good imo, maybe add 1 helmet from 1 hero, give it great defence or something. Then a chest piece of another hero (or legend, could incorporate game lore with it), with low defence and high attack power bonuses. Add legs that compliment the chest piece but not in the exact same stats. Etc etc, my idea is just a rag-tag collection of "heroic" armor pieces that maybe once did belong to a set, but the other pieces of said sets are lost to time.
also maybe some cosmetic capes? Dark bait? Doesnt have to be super complicated, just useful in some way.
05-Sep-2014 00:16:35
- Last edited on
05-Sep-2014 00:25:16
SamuraiJ ack