
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Big Noob xD

Big Noob xD

Posts: 92 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Is it possible for you to block the KBD gate to not use it as a get away anymore just like in previous bh?
This would make it more challanging.
And also whenever you attack a target and you get pjed by someone else or a monster will you still be able to attack the target just like in previous bh?

26-Aug-2014 15:26:03



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If emblems are made tradeable and upgradeable (by killing your target while the emblem is in your inventory) I hope each successive upgrade won't be valued too much more than it's previous counterpart.

Yes the rewards for the more advanced emblems should be greater (since the only way to upgrade your emblem is to risk it in a battle with your target); however, I cringe at the thought of wealthy players purchasing extremely advanced emblems in an attempt to farm and cash in a more advanced emblem (that will say double their cash).

26-Aug-2014 15:43:05



Posts: 275 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hi i would love to see the return of brawling gloves and statues and other goodies from the old ep system
however what you need to remember is the majority of the time someone died doing the "76k" trick they lost money or just about broke even due to the really rare chance of getting something good XD I would know because i played BH since its initiall release until it was removed and was replaced by the dreadfull failure that was the crucible (no offence)

26-Aug-2014 23:29:27

man city mad

man city mad

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
can I say this I have played runescape since 2003. I am a big fan and always have been in my very honest opinion 2009-2010 was the best runescape year since I stared playing just logging into pvp world getting EARNING POTENTIAL killing a target with mix of different items, the feel of excitement the old pvp system gave us made this game fun !!!! excitement is what we need I realy want this to work guys EARNING POTENTIAL will be a good idea!

27-Aug-2014 02:23:49

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 1,253 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why can't we have something like Crucible in which you put in a fee before being assigned a target. Maybe you could choose your bounty, the higher your bounty, the bigger your opponent's reward for killing you. The value of your fee however is the highest amount of reward money you can receive from your target. More risk, more reward, right?

Maybe there's a talking skull in Edgeville in which you can insert cash through its mouth. The skull holds the bounty and collects the bounty rewards of the targets you kill. Reward money adds to your bounty risk. You may withdraw bounty risk via the skull at any time as long as you don't have a target. The minimum risk can be based on combat level, explained later. The skull also teaches you about the Bounty Hunter activity.

Your target will be decided by combat level of course, but the player with the lower bounty risk lowers the other's bounty risk.

Simpler explanation: There's a talking skull near the Wilderness Ditch that holds coins inside its mouth. You deposit your coins into the skull. This money will be the bounty that your target has over your head. Your target will have inserted his coins into the skull as well. You can only GET a target if you have the minimum risk in the skull. The lower bounty between the two players becomes the bounty for both players to make it fair.

The below example simplifies it.


Player 1 puts in 500k as her bounty risk.
Player 2 puts in 400k as his bounty risk.

If Player 1 kills Player 2 she'll get 400k (Player 2's bounty risk) adding up to 900k in the skull. Player 2 will have no money left in the skull.

If Player 2 kills Player 1 he'll get 400k adding up to 800k in the skull. Player 1 will have 100k in the skull remaining. (Player 2 only risked 400k, so the highest he can receive is 400k; he missed out on 100k)

(cont. on next page)
I'm a huge fan of Construction; love the skill. In particular I'm absolutely fascinated with the
Player-Owned House Dungeon.
My dream is for everyone to be able to build their own personal PvM challenge, one that rivals even current content.

27-Aug-2014 14:08:27 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2014 22:46:20 by KyleTheCon

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