[quote id=380-381-85-65461453-489-332849721][quote id=380-381-85-65461453-487-332849506][quote id=380-381-85-65461453-486-332849370]
Dclaws never made sense, a 60 attack weapon that hit so accurately, and so quickly, so low levels could unleash huge amount of damage in no time. A much higher attack level for claws would be alright. And stop attacking reach when he jsut wants to make the game better for all of us[/quote]
D claws gave variety to all sorts of players. Pures and mains, and were a much wanted weapon.
it also required to defeat a lvl 450 + monster to get a slim chance to get them. So they deserve their power.
Ps, dds had 4 specs and could hit 40-40. Despite their lack of accuracy, dragon weapons have that type of power.[/quote]
Personally I'm not a fan of a player being able to use an item they wouldn't be able to obtain themselves, and a player with 60 attack would find it incredibly hard to get d claws as a drop. Yes dds can hit 40-40, and I never said d claws were too powerful, just too accurate or too fast. Drop their attack speed down a tick and reduce their accuracy and there wouldn't be a problem, or make it so that to have an attack level to use claws your cb lvl would be high enough to not 1 hit most people your level
25-Aug-2014 21:36:58