
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453



Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[quote id=380-381-85-65461453-489-332849721][quote id=380-381-85-65461453-487-332849506][quote id=380-381-85-65461453-486-332849370] Dclaws never made sense, a 60 attack weapon that hit so accurately, and so quickly, so low levels could unleash huge amount of damage in no time. A much higher attack level for claws would be alright. And stop attacking reach when he jsut wants to make the game better for all of us[/quote] D claws gave variety to all sorts of players. Pures and mains, and were a much wanted weapon. it also required to defeat a lvl 450 + monster to get a slim chance to get them. So they deserve their power. Ps, dds had 4 specs and could hit 40-40. Despite their lack of accuracy, dragon weapons have that type of power.[/quote] Personally I'm not a fan of a player being able to use an item they wouldn't be able to obtain themselves, and a player with 60 attack would find it incredibly hard to get d claws as a drop. Yes dds can hit 40-40, and I never said d claws were too powerful, just too accurate or too fast. Drop their attack speed down a tick and reduce their accuracy and there wouldn't be a problem, or make it so that to have an attack level to use claws your cb lvl would be high enough to not 1 hit most people your level

25-Aug-2014 21:36:58

Keef or Dab

Keef or Dab

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You could add supplies that benefit other skillers, Such as different items, but that could be equally useful as the Nmz rewards.

Also, you could create swords that are only as powerful as the required "Skilling" level it takes to weild them. Smithing is a required "Skilling" example. New (Mithril-Rune) Swords. These swords would of course, require 50-99 Smithing to weild as well as the accommodating Attack/Strength level.

The same idea could work for other skills as well.

25-Aug-2014 22:13:29



Posts: 10,978 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alexgiambi said :
@Mod Reach

As for D-Claws, why are YOU so against them? AGS didn't receive a nerf and, while D-Claws were my favorite weapon, was and has always been more over-powered than D-Claws. I also find AGS to be much more consistent and more accurate than D-Claws, as Claws were so proned to the old dreaded 1-0 spec. (I don't even know if you know what I'm talking about with your lack of knowledge.)

Your statement about ags being more consistent and more accurate is factually incorrect. D claws were proven to have the highest average spec damage in the game, excluding the exception of vls and possibly korasi.

So if you meleers want something as overpowered as d claws, then I suppose you'd be fine with mages hitting 45s again as well. Fair is fair, right?
OSRS Mage Tank.

Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.

25-Aug-2014 23:00:02 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2014 23:01:52 by Ferocire



Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maybe make D claws degradable or something? break after use? I don't really care for d claws but it seems like a lot of people do.. #gmaul
I'd like to see a reward that helps out Black Chin hunters, maybe a suit or shield that makes them invincible or un-attackable.. just an idea

25-Aug-2014 23:20:25

May Member 2022


Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it's terribly unfair that every proposal for a new ranged weapon is constantly shot down because 70% of the players are melee based. Rangers only have 2 options to KO, the Dark Bow and void. Or a lucky Dragon bolt spec. Something must be done about the voting at least for range updates. At this rate, we will never get any new weapons. a dragon crossbow with a unique spec sounds promising.

26-Aug-2014 00:30:38

C o d y
Jun Member 2022

C o d y

Posts: 938 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Lowering d claws accuracy defeats the entire purpose of that item in the first place.

Claws need to come back un nerfed.

I do agree though to a certain extent that people should be perfectly allowed to use powerful weapons if they obtained it them selfs, such as the korasi, which required a lot of stats and a grand master quest.
"Who are you really? deep... deep down... far far in... Once you figure that out you will laugh your self Silly!" - Alan Watts.

26-Aug-2014 00:35:41

Trade wit

Trade wit

Posts: 53 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey reach and everyone else working on this ! I would just like to add some ideas I thought might be good for rewards from the shoppe.

Idea 1: Some sort of skull or skeleton pet , after all it is the wilderness and one of the iconic things is the skull and crossbones when a player is "skulled" Possibly named Skully or something ( oh and it would sort of fit in with the other pet releases)

Idea 2:Armor "spikes" or something like that that sort of act like a ring of recoil, they could be added to armor to make your opponent know that you are a bit of an experienced player killer.

Idea 3: Some sort of "Bounty Hunter" type outfit purely cosmetic with maybe an emote modifier to like beckon or something that triggers an animation similar to vengeance with the skull when you wear the full set

Idea 4: A rune pouch only useable in the wilderness so you can fit all your barrages and blitzes and venges all neatly in one bag ( don't let people deposit runes into it though unless they are at a bank and only withdrawal in wildy but spells can use while in bag)

Idea 5: A cape of Bounty hunting, available for a lot of points that Looks darn cool.

Idea 6: Give your friends a laugh with the Whamo Hammer, a weapon designed by dwarves in the forges of Keldagrim this Fun-weapon is oddly similar to a giant inflatable hammer. Your friends will know exactly what hit them.

Idea 7: Corruption, Kill enough players without exiting the wildy and receive a chance to get separate points called Points of corruption which can be used to, you guessed it, buy corrupt weapons and armor ( degrade time 20-30 mins, fairly rare, make sure to balance stats out to make it around the strength of barrows and not too OP)

Idea 8: A book, buyable for the low low price of FREE that serves as a log and history of every kill you attain whilst in the wilderness ( could just have name of player killed and timestamp with maybe even points earned on there )

Thats about all for me, hope you read this :) .

26-Aug-2014 01:51:27



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Mods!

As an Obsidian mauler I was wondering if there would be some new content coming specifically for a 1 attack pure?

At the moment the options are slightly lacking and it would be great to have some lower level defence/attack weapons added into the game!


26-Aug-2014 02:35:46

Mad King Nat

Mad King Nat

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
C o d y said :

Lowering d claws accuracy defeats the entire purpose of that item in the first place.

Claws need to come back un nerfed.

I do agree though to a certain extent that people should be perfectly allowed to use powerful weapons if they obtained it them selfs, such as the korasi, which required a lot of stats and a grand master quest.

what is the purpose of d claws, again? why are you so adamant that they're necessary to this game? there are plenty of ways to rush and KO with melee in the game already; we hardly need another because you have an urge to prove your manliness with an overpowered tool from your childhood.

26-Aug-2014 02:40:43

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