
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
put old pvp armours and weapons into the pk shop with no nerfs, offer dclaws in shop, offer different items that do not have to be about the rejuvination. We need to strong armour(pvp itmes) because supply will always need to be there because it degrades which keeps up prices because the supply needs to be replaced. You should introduce dclaws just as they were pre-eoc because ags is crashing and there already really strong if not stronger than claws, especially because the ags can just be used as a primary weapon but dclaws are really only useful for claws. Please think about items that with bring life to pking itself, not just to get people to pk because pking atm gets boaring considering there is a limited amount of weapons that are good to use in the wildy, everyone wants to stuff to use to kill people and overall makes it more fun for every1

23-Aug-2014 19:53:48



Posts: 14,939 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The higher your combat level is, the higher tier emblem you should get. Higher levels are fewer in numbers, risk more, and harder to kill.If emblem tiers are given regardless of level then pures will make all the money while risking little to nothing.

As for pairing targets, if they are over 1 combat level apart then one could supposedly just stay lv1 being unattackable.

OSRS Maxed - Sara Solo Record Holder

23-Aug-2014 20:02:18



Posts: 756 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Reach said :
K I N G206 said :
XX0 said :
Looks great, can't wait to see what will be in the store! Hopefully it will be something rewarding but not to over powered like pvp armor dragon claws etc.

at least someone agrees with me :D

It doesn't make sense to me to allow a weapon with stats like Dragon Claws to come from a store.

I made a strawpoll last night requesting player interest in a reworked Dragon Claws that requires 100% special bar as that is the only way we can justify Claws. The outcome didn't look promising for claws.

The reason your straw poll didn't get good feed back, was because you asked if they should add nerfed claws to osrs.

Obviously people are going to want the original claws, why else would people want them seriously?

23-Aug-2014 21:10:48

Corpal Sarnt
Sep Member 2019

Corpal Sarnt

Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet, but Brawler gloves would be nice to add too. I was addicted to pking with the old EP system and never really skilled unless I got them to minimize the bank space it took. Made firemaking less boring lmao.

23-Aug-2014 21:29:23 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2014 21:31:25 by Corpal Sarnt

i own u 4ev

i own u 4ev

Posts: 5,146 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reposting this, in case it was missed (since I edited)

Okay, first of all, I want to say my greatest concern. The fact that you are trying to make these emblems TRADEABLE greatly concerns me. They should be untradable while remaining transferable (to an extent) when killed with them in the wilderness. When a player is killed with one, it will downgrade an entire tier (meaning killing someone with the lowest tier gains you nothing), and no more than one at a time can be transferred upon death.

This is essential to keep them from becoming farmed/merched, and will prevent them from becoming the next 'uncut onyx' where people gather the currency to buy top end items as a money making process.


As for the rewards, I feel these are good options:

Rune Pouch
to store spells (which degrades, much like RC pouches). It could even be equipable in the ammo slot if that wouldn't be seen as overpowered. It could be repaired for gp or the pking emblems.

A new
Teleport Item
that would randomly teleport you to the more common pking/skilling areas in the wilderness (same teleport restrictions as a glory). This can be recharged with emblems or some runes of some kind.

Some new
Morphing Armour
. Remember stealing creation? Remember the combat items that morphed? Same concept. A tribrid piece of gear, with rune/splitbark/green d'hide stats, depending on its current mode (we could possibly allow the stats of this hybrid gear to be upgraded - by allowing it to consume other pieces of non-degradable gear - the upgraded version wouldn't be tradable, and you couldn't get back the gear it ate (although you could re-upgrade it) it would gain further level requirements depending on the gear it has consumed). Degradable in the same fashion as Barrows gear, with coins or emblems as the repair cost. This is a way to introduce an item sink, without really making one.

24-Aug-2014 00:17:47

i own u 4ev

i own u 4ev

Posts: 5,146 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some new
Cosmetic Upgrades
to items such as Barrows sets, various weapons, etc. If desired, these could add a +1 prayer bonus, almost like trimming someone's set of rune into a god variant (not a scam I promise :P ).

Various other
Teleport Scrolls/Tabs
to hard to get to areas that have some type of correlation to pking. Examples are things like, but not limited to, the ancient altar, lunar altar, mage bank, etc.


One idea I saw, which I really liked, was creating another currency for skillers (they get a small chance of recieving it while skilling in the wild past a certain level, think gems from mining, etc. - would have to balance percentages ofc). I feel this is a brilliant idea, and that the two shops would have separate rewards. These tokens should also not be tradeable. I think that the PvM tokens should probably be grouped in with these also, rather than with the PvP emblems.

The most obvious rewards to me would be things like:

- Let's face it, a lot of people want these, and they'd really attract skillers into the wilderness. You could have the option of buying particular skills, or gamble for a random one at a reduced cost (maybe 2/3 the price or something?)

New Weapon Attachment
that boosts damage to NPCs in the wilderness. The attachment itself would always drop on death and crumble to nothing/a small sum of coins.

Runecrafting Pouches
would probably be a welcome attraction to skillers, especially since it would be a way for the non-combat pures to get them.

Looting Bag
would probably fit in this shop too. I don't see why anyone would have a problem with previous wilerness based items being used in a wilderness shop.

I shall update this further if I think of anything else.

24-Aug-2014 00:18:08

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