put old pvp armours and weapons into the pk shop with no nerfs, offer dclaws in shop, offer different items that do not have to be about the rejuvination. We need to strong armour(pvp itmes) because supply will always need to be there because it degrades which keeps up prices because the supply needs to be replaced. You should introduce dclaws just as they were pre-eoc because ags is crashing and there already really strong if not stronger than claws, especially because the ags can just be used as a primary weapon but dclaws are really only useful for claws. Please think about items that with bring life to pking itself, not just to get people to pk because pking atm gets boaring considering there is a limited amount of weapons that are good to use in the wildy, everyone wants to stuff to use to kill people and overall makes it more fun for every1
23-Aug-2014 19:53:48