Getting rid of small scavs is a big win for any casual raider. I was very happy to see that be the case in challenge mode, and it coming to normal raids gives a lot more variety to what you can do in a raid. A few things that come to mind are: easier prepping of secondaries, a plank drop is now a guaranteed chest drop, and not having to skip a scav room just because it was smalls and try your luck on the next one; that is beautiful.
The rest of the "general raid stuff" is very nice and appealing to the casual raider, but I feel the cure poison on the well isn't needed. Getting poisoned in a raid was something you had to protect yourself against - kind of like how you have yo bring an anti-venom to Zulrah. I will note that the poison in the raids is
punishing as Shamans poison is 16, and Vesp is 20. Forgetting an anti usually results in a death, making the pool have some use. I feel if the player isn't prepared for the raid that is on them.
Balancing in rooms are all wonderful in my eyes. However, while Tekton is a very annoying boss in general, I wouldn't be surprised if people were able to consistently pull off one or two anvils in a solo with the reduced defense. I think it's a win for that the room doesn't take long to do anymore for the points it give, but that's my first thought on the reduction.
I am personally against warding scrolls. In any given raid, Olm is the best points per hour. Having rewards in which you can get to Olm faster without involving any skill required means people can get points faster, thus more items with a very inflated kill count. Personally, all boss rooms in raids are wonderful and don't ever need to be skipped. I think that if ice demon and thieving room were changed to the point where you don't need a chest and/or it not taking minutes to complete people would have a better experience overall than straight up never doing them. No one likes scouting, but it's better than doing those rooms in the long term.
24-Jan-2019 02:22:11