It's nice to see that you're looking at chambers, but I think some of what you're proposing might be going the wrong way. Straight buffs like removing small scavs, more herbs, general point increases, and such aren't really necessary. The qol changes like cutting regen in vespula, the vanguard fix, and monster examine working are great though.
Scouting changes are of course going to be a little touchy, glad you recognized that right away. I think the most important thing is that players don't go in blind (so I'd be in favor of making raids already scouted out by the vanilla client), but if you want to cut down on rerolling you could impose a rate limit on re-entering after you've been in a party that has entered the chambers. I think that would pair well with making some of the more painful rooms less so, introducing an actual choice between waiting a few minutes or taking a less awesome raid.
Overall though, raids are pretty good content. They're popular and pretty fun, and would still be even if you changed nothing. However it looks like you haven't proposed anything for the part that needs a change the most, Olm. Right now it's possible to take virtually zero damage for an entire solo Olm fight if you bring staminas and abuse his head turning to stay out of sight, but if you fight him legitimately and handle all the mechanics perfectly you're still virtually doomed to at least one death. Please fix this and reduce his damage a bit to compensate. It's fine that he can look towards different people and focus on different parts of groups, but he shouldn't be able to be cheesed into losing sight of everyone and doing nothing.
23-Jan-2019 19:33:51
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23-Jan-2019 19:38:53
Brain Ou