Avid Sparx said :
F3ARMYM3D said :
Avid Sparx said :
OnTheHorizon said :
Can you please include a world for "Pure Accounts" 1-20 Defence? Anyone above the 20 def mark have to go into a different world. Pure clanning is slowly dying off because we can't fight one another without main accounts getting involved. This is really the only update, we pures need / want.
That's what the ClanWars portal is for, isn't it? No it's not lol He means a world with only pure accounts no mains or as such just pures
And they do what there....fight?
Which is what you do...at clan wars?
Seriously....solution already EXISTS, USE IT...
No offense but i can tell you never clanned before atleast not pure clanned. Clan war fights happen daily already and so do wilderness fights. Both are completely different. Calling wise and warring wise. The big issue is that theres so many mains on pure trips now it's becoming a joke. It's the only update pure clanning wants and it's a 1-39 defence world. Doesn't even have to be a full world. Just the wilderness. So pure clans can fight fairly against each other instead of having all these main clans backing them up. It's really a HUGE issue currently. Toxic pure clans use it for an advantage against honorable clans that don't use them.
Well there are those of us who want a world that doesn't get ANY of the updates, so what made this 'discussion' into all about what pures (or pure clans) want?
Hate to burst your bubble (no, not really) but this discussion is supposed to be about the polling system.. not about what any specific group wants.. and if what you're wanting (you or your clan or any other pure and his clan) is a world that locks out 'mains' then mains most certainly should have a right to vote in that poll as it directly impacts them. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
Avid Sparx said :
F3ARMYM3D said :
Avid Sparx said :
OnTheHorizon said :
Can you please include a world for "Pure Accounts" 1-20 Defence? Anyone above the 20 def mark have to go into a different world. Pure clanning is slowly dying off because we can't fight one another without main accounts getting involved. This is really the only update, we pures need / want.
That's what the ClanWars portal is for, isn't it? No it's not lol He means a world with only pure accounts no mains or as such just pures

And they do what there....fight?
Which is what you do...at clan wars?
Seriously....solution already EXISTS, USE IT...

No offense but i can tell you never clanned before atleast not pure clanned. Clan war fights happen daily already and so do wilderness fights. Both are completely different. Calling wise and warring wise. The big issue is that theres so many mains on pure trips now it's becoming a joke. It's the only update pure clanning wants and it's a 1-39 defence world. Doesn't even have to be a full world. Just the wilderness. So pure clans can fight fairly against each other instead of having all these main clans backing them up. It's really a HUGE issue currently. Toxic pure clans use it for an advantage against honorable clans that don't use them.
Well there are those of us who want a world that doesn't get ANY of the updates, so what made this 'discussion' into all about what pures (or pure clans) want?
Hate to burst your bubble (no, not really) but this discussion is supposed to be about the polling system.. not about what any specific group wants.. and if what you're wanting (you or your clan or any other pure and his clan) is a world that locks out 'mains' then mains most certainly should have a right to vote in that poll as it directly impacts them. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
15-Jan-2017 05:45:19