In terms of limiting the polls to the relevant players for a certain update, it isn't the best idea, because say if you change Ironmen to only require 75% of the damage done to a boss instead of the 100% (not going to happen, just an example), it still indirectly affects normal accounts which have to get 26% damage.
This is even more so the case with pures as updates to them will apply to any account therefore making it unfair to not be allowed to vote on something that you will be able to access if passed.
A solution? There is no easy way of going about this but one idea I've had is for updates that are more relevant to Ironman/Pures/other should get an
extra vote
, so if you want to change what rewards ironmen can access from nightmare zone, then ironmen accounts get 2 votes (for the same option, i.e. 2 votes on yes). This would give the ironmen accounts a bigger voice, but it wouldn't negate normal accounts because, obviously, there are a lot more normal accounts that vote then there are of the minority (in this example, ironmen).
Just one idea. Lowering it to 70% is a good idea as well.
13-Jan-2017 16:45:31
- Last edited on
13-Jan-2017 17:02:29