
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Mar Member 2019


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well in my personal drunk Opion. (My drunk opionon rings just as true as my sober one).

Minor bug fixes etc. should continue. Functionality is also one that I believe could be changed without a poll. Or if people don't like that idea you could poll it however have a less % for it to pass. As it won't affect overall gameplay itself. And I wouldn't be surprised if alot of the people voting against it just don't want to see osrs change. Now in regards to that aspect with changes made to the game that don't include items, gp etc. it would also be possible to trial run a software upgrade (not sure what else you would call it) this way it would give people
More of an insight Into what is to come and then vote on it. Obviously you can't do this with item and gp as there would be an uproar.

As for having polls that affect certain play styles. I can readily understand how you could moderate playstlyes etc. with a certain set play type such as ironman or hardcore ironman. However changing votes for a system where people can only vote if that have 1 defends I personally find a bit rubbish. I don't want to sound like any joe blow down the road. However playing as a pure is restricting yourself. And I don't believe the game was originally intended for this play. So in that case future updates that come along may be obsolete. However there will be the odd one. That is worth a small fortune and worth all its while.

13-Jan-2017 18:16:22

Mega 07
Nov Member 2020

Mega 07

Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey, if you're reading this. Jagex, these ideas are not only ideas, they're great improvements, by bringing in ironmen only polls will give the minorities a chance to poll things they want into the game, they've been neglected for so long. Something I do think you have to add is to have polls made up by the individuals, not the famous youtubers/redditors that get great support with many upvotes just to promote their ideas, sometimes great, sometimes horrible. The point is that you don't get the most "required" or wanted ideas being polled. There has to be an easier way to get coverage than submitting a post on the forums or making a reddit post, it's simply not enough to let ANYONE submit content suggestions.

13-Jan-2017 18:17:03

Bloody Mark

Bloody Mark

Posts: 241 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Like many others have said, limiting who can vote would only inhibit the system. With how every area of the game is interconnected, it is literally impossible to isolate the impact of one change to one subset of the population.

The 75% requirement seems far to reasonable to weaken. It's bad enough that one out of four players may already be against something, no need exacerbate the issue.

One way to increase the fairness of polling would be limiting it to one vote per person, as opposed to one per account. At first glance, I'm sure most people that read that got upset and up in arms. But have the mental capacity to think on it further - if someone has 10 accounts, all of them able to vote (not a very stringent requirement to meet), should they get 10 times the deciding power of someone who has simply invested the same amount of time into one account? Is that by any means fair to people that just play on one account, to have their opinions trampled by those that simply play the game differently?

13-Jan-2017 18:30:24

Avid Sparx

Avid Sparx

Posts: 28,124 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And ofc, so much for the whole 'muh, we won't keep polling st00f til it passes, honest!'

Credibility? None.
'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed

13-Jan-2017 18:34:38



Posts: 2,302 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm in support of the polling system being more liberal in some areas (lower percent threshold) and more restrictive in others (E.g Iron polls only being voted on through Ironmen).

I would be interested in exploring other ideas that were around, such as increased vote power based on Total Level.

P.S Voting Booth at Zulandra please!
Mod Jed

your imbued heart has regained its magical power

13-Jan-2017 18:38:57 - Last edited on 13-Jan-2017 18:39:45 by Aurella

Lewis Shoot
Oct Member 2005

Lewis Shoot

Posts: 3,825 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Changing votes, concealing results, etc are nice quality of life updates for the system that should be looked at.

Changing the percentage for an update to come in game in ludicrous. If an update is close to the threshold for the game that should mean taking an in depth look at the update and figuring out what version the community actually wants, instead of polling the same or similar things over and over again.
A recent example of what not to do is the raids armour survey. You were looking at if players wanted the armour buffed, nerfed or kept the same. This was fairly inconclusive but if you really wanted it in game then you should have nerfed it and then later offered a buff. This would have let players get familiar with the item before adding any significance to it.
The whole reason I say this is that if we change the threshold to 70% people will immediately be upset when an update gets 69.9% and the threshold will eventually lower. I see the polling system as a key part of the game and having a 75% threshold is a part of that. It means for an update to get in game a significant amount of the community need to support it and I don't think that should change.
RIP Forums :(
Finally we have signatures in the surprise forum update. I'm Lewis, I play Old School & I've been playing since 2005.

13-Jan-2017 18:50:37



Posts: 16,996 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Being allowed to change the vote would help.

Hiding the poll % until finished is important, during close polls there's a lot of manipulation, like during the xenyte poll.

ALSO REMOVE THE ABSTAIN OPTION FROM THE WEBSITE RESULTS, it makes the percentages all wonky and people complain when things pass but the website says they were under 75%.
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13-Jan-2017 19:11:22



Posts: 617 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you Jagex for reviewing the polling system, which is clearly needed.

Limiting specific groups of people is a great idea in theory, however I do have some concerns.
How exactly do you define the groups? For Ironmen and (seasonal) DMM it's pretty clear.

I mean, where do you draw the line for pures and skillers?They might have accidentally leveled skills they didn't mean to.

We should definitely be allowed to change our vote if we want to.

A feature I would really like, is an option to give feedback to Jagex through a poll. So that Jagex can review the data and adjust the idea if nessecary, combined with the information gathered about our accounts.

It's really a shame when you really like the concept of a polled question, but don't like one tiny aspect of it. Sometimes that might be just enough for people to vote no, which causes it to be a 70-74,99% yes, which then fails the poll.

13-Jan-2017 19:17:39

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 216 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Coming from a player who actually cares about the game and has voted no the the ge being added and every rs3 update, I believe that the 75% approval should stay the same and if anything it needs to be increased because of all the new players/ trolls (but thats not up to me). I don't believe people should be able to change their vote because sometimes streamers try to influence their fanbase to vote a certain way and if they already voted the way they wanted and then a streamer says they'll give them money for voting a different option thats not really fair. And for the ironmen, I think the updates for them should be more quality of life rather than just making things more easily obtainable. Its like playing veteran but changing the difficulty mid play through because a mission gets a little challenging. I never post of the forums but I feel strongly about this topic.

13-Jan-2017 20:01:36

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