I started playing rs [according to hans , 3650 days ago] and although I stopped playing before I got ALL my 99's , I got most of them . I left rs , not because of combat changes [ I actually liked it , once I got used to it] I didn't like the "commercial" feel it was getting when new people bought into the game. Saying all that, I took a 2 year break and saw "old School rs" up and running . Too me, [this is my opinion] the best of days were after GE, and all the D&D's were added. There were lots of quests and I REALLY liked the first graphical updates. Those trees were awesome! I have noticed from the polls I have seen , it seems to me......[again, just one persons observation and opinion] that the polls , and the polls that pass are geared towards pkers.........new weapons, monsters, easier ways to get new weapons etc etc. Yes, theres other questions too.....but it just seems to be leaning that way. I started playing rs WAYYYYY back because of the funny /cute quests and the skilling aspects of the games and the community at that time was great! Everyone said hi, was helpful to a lost wandering hero, and we would get to gether to go hunt a star , or the mighty penguin search. I loved the revs out the wildy too, btw. Most the questions polled to bring more of these types of things back to game fail.....and as they fail, more and skillers leave the game. We need skillers. Who else is gonna farm all those potion ingredients? Or make bow strings. Just looks like the game is getting MORE pk oriented and well, and the community changes with THAT . I don't know for sure how you can take polls and single types of players out :/ wish I did.
18-Jan-2017 18:45:46