
Dev Blog: The Poll System

Quick find code: 380-381-355-65869652



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Monkey Madness II, way too demanding quest. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against difficult, demanding, massive quest, those are necessary and more or less everything would be alright with Monkey Madness II if you guys would release at least 1 new quest once a week or in the worst case scenario once a month, but when you release new quest once in what? ~2 years? A quest that can even be started by only few players just looks wrong... Personally I haven’t done Monkey Madness II, can’t talk about the quest itself, but there are something truly wrong with some quests. For example, a Soul’s Bane, that is insanely weird, extremely depressing and suicidal rates increasing quest. How the hell you guys came with this psycho thing? Was this polled too??? Do you know that this game is played by children?...

I guess it makes some sort of sense to poll massive changes (for example things like EoC), but to ask for community’s permission on every single little thing is just ridiculous, annoying and time wasting. You should really know what to do and if you don’t, find someone who does! Reassemble a team of people that worked on Runescape 12 or even more years ago and let them do them job.

18-Jan-2017 13:33:38

Jun Member 2006


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IIIlllIllIlI said :
For example, a Soul’s Bane, that is insanely weird, extremely depressing and suicidal rates increasing quest. How the hell you guys came with this psycho thing? Was this polled too??? Do you know that this game is played by children?...

Unsure if you're actually aware, but A Souls Bane is really old content, made in 2006.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Oh, I already forgot.

18-Jan-2017 13:45:54



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Stinkowing said :
IIIlllIllIlI said :
For example, a Soul’s Bane, that is insanely weird, extremely depressing and suicidal rates increasing quest. How the hell you guys came with this psycho thing? Was this polled too??? Do you know that this game is played by children?...

Unsure if you're actually aware, but A Souls Bane is really old content, made in 2006.

Didn't know when exactly it was created, I just knew that it's old. I guess not everything 100% right was done even in 2006. The main point is that such quest is so insane that it would be extremely dangerous to even keep it in psychiatry ward and now it's running free in the game played by children...

18-Jan-2017 13:56:48



Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that a problem for me and many oldschoolers are simply TOO MANY updates too frequently.If you are not on for a short while, you come back and there are so many changes you do not know about.Thats what happened in eoc rs3 for me.I saw so many new things that I had NO idea what they were that I kinda felt like I didn't know my own game anymore. It was just TOO much.TOO over whelming.

I think some would appreciate a MONTHLY update instead of weekly.
Weekly updates just put TOO much content in the game.
I feel like even osrs is only gonna be a matter of time before I feel the same way.
I also think that monthly would also be better for you developers and take off the pressure of weekly updates.That would allow the updates to be better planned and thought out instead of rushed .

The updates are coming too frequently.Too many changes.

I also think that perhaps it might be okay to suggest that we have periodic chances to change updates that we voted for but now wished we didn't. After a vote of course. Kind of like a take back or Do-over. Just my thoughts for your consideration. Thanks.

18-Jan-2017 15:59:09

Shelli Lala
Sep Member 2022

Shelli Lala

Posts: 335 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I started playing rs [according to hans , 3650 days ago] and although I stopped playing before I got ALL my 99's , I got most of them . I left rs , not because of combat changes [ I actually liked it , once I got used to it] I didn't like the "commercial" feel it was getting when new people bought into the game. Saying all that, I took a 2 year break and saw "old School rs" up and running . Too me, [this is my opinion] the best of days were after GE, and all the D&D's were added. There were lots of quests and I REALLY liked the first graphical updates. Those trees were awesome! I have noticed from the polls I have seen , it seems to me......[again, just one persons observation and opinion] that the polls , and the polls that pass are geared towards weapons, monsters, easier ways to get new weapons etc etc. Yes, theres other questions too.....but it just seems to be leaning that way. I started playing rs WAYYYYY back because of the funny /cute quests and the skilling aspects of the games and the community at that time was great! Everyone said hi, was helpful to a lost wandering hero, and we would get to gether to go hunt a star , or the mighty penguin search. I loved the revs out the wildy too, btw. Most the questions polled to bring more of these types of things back to game fail.....and as they fail, more and skillers leave the game. We need skillers. Who else is gonna farm all those potion ingredients? Or make bow strings. Just looks like the game is getting MORE pk oriented and well, and the community changes with THAT . I don't know for sure how you can take polls and single types of players out :/ wish I did.

18-Jan-2017 18:45:46

Granite pure

Granite pure

Posts: 523 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pleaaase can we have osrs forums on the osrs subpage


There is almost no place for us to discuss things, reddit isn't suitable for it, hardly anyone wants to use these forums and the osrs page is missing the forums section like it always used to have

19-Jan-2017 10:35:11 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2017 10:38:57 by Granite pure



Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well i see few problems: Rich may have many accounts = they have more votes than player that plays just one account. Make polling fair: 1 vote = 1 Person (how is that possible?)
Also players dont know what they want so polling is useless.. First everyone wants sailing -> they hear lvl 3 can do them -> no for sailing -> hardcore dungeon where u need bis gear and max levels -> it passess no problemo even tho most cant enjoy it. :) (tho i dunno if lvl 3 can finish raids)
Get rid off polling read forums for feedback then listen your heart. Thats if you guys dont want this game ruined by its players... Also you need to stop releasing unfinished content make public testing server for new content so that bugs are found earlier and theres less room for people exploiting it until it gets patched. Thang you.

19-Jan-2017 11:46:33

Mar Member 2014


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I'm not really looking forward to any of this. The polling system is the foundation of the game, you don't try and change your foundation after you've already built your house.

Updates for ironmen and pures fail because the majority don't want them. I don't want development time spent on something I won't use, it's a waste as far as I'm concerned. This is why I voted against ironman when it was polled, because now you have another community of self-limited individuals demanding attention on issues that arise from the limitations they place on themselves.

Don't change the percentage to pass, and certainly don't hide the numbers when it's just going to add another benefit to 3rd party software. Before anyone says it, I'm aware you would probably just be able to see it on their site, I just don't like the idea of Jagex outsourcing a feature when there's so many that need to be brought in.

The only thing I'm even tolerant of with this is the ability to change your vote, and that is shaky because you should know what you're voting for in the first place, and is the exact opposite idea of what the previously stated concept is meant to prevent: bandwagoning.

19-Jan-2017 11:48:06

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