this thread highlights the problem with changing the polling system.
pures claim EVERYTHING is pure only content.
they say mm1 bypassing the defense is pure only.
they say pure worlds is pure content only.
they say giving them access to high level armor is pure content only.
they say ......
everything in the game is pure content only for pures. it doesn't matter how much it affects non pures, if its something pures want, its pure content only.
this game is a sand box. everything that anyone does affects others. there is no pure, ironman, or other tiny group content that doesn't affect all other types of players.
changing the polling system to "those who want it only" would mean the vast majority aren't even worth listening to.
pures would be able to vote for every armor being available at defense level 1 (there have been many threads demanding this already). they would say it doesn't affect anyone else, but it will make them unbeatable in the low level wild where almost all combat is at.
ironman would vote to prevent non ironman from competing with them since its only way they can get mobs, which means no one else will have those mobs if an ironman is anywhere near by.
pkers would vote to force non pkers into the wild by putting all the high level stuff in the wild, since the wild is only pker content.
it was decided to have the polls at 75% for a reason. the majority should have control, not the minority that have 1000 alts.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
14-Jan-2017 16:00:47