Okay, I have 2 suggestions for this, and neither of them involve lowering the pass rate, 75% is perfectly fine, if an update doesn't fly with 75% of the community, there's no real reason for it to be added.
The first one is actually very simple and even proposed by yourselves: Restrict viewing of the poll %'s until after the poll passes. This would mean people have to actually think about if they want the update or not, instead of just going with, or against, the majority (naturally there are people who will vote no or yes to everything regardless, that can't be helped)
The second one will actually solve a big problem with the polls (as seen by the raids rewards polls): restrict voting from the same IP address multiple times. This would prevent people spam creating/botting accounts simply to influence poll results, as well as multiple votes from the same person, and while there are ways around it, it would take considerably more effort, and in the end would lessen the poll result "corruption" significantly.
A third, but slightly unrelated idea is to STOP REPOLLING THINGS MULTIPLE TIMES IN SHORT TIME PERIODS. This is extremely irritating to a significant number of people, and it looks like you're trying to pressure the community into passing something that they just told you they don't want or need (often resulting in significantly more downvotes). Once per year is plenty often.
That's all I have to say on the matter... On an off-topic note you did good on raids.
14-Jan-2017 00:02:58