
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Posts: 2,478 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I appreciate Jagex is taking the time to get community feedback, but the polling system is adequate already. There's no need to make content easier to pass.

Still, there are some ideas discussed here that could be nice, so I'll state where I stand on the ideas.

Ideas I

INCREASING the poll-passing requirement to 80%
(this would make it harder for bad ideas to pass).
-Allowing players to change their vote (until the poll has ended, of course).
-A TOGGLEABLE option to hide vote results (players should be able to choose).

Ideas I

-Lowering the poll-passing requirement to 70% (this would make it even easier for bad ideas to pass than it already is).
-Making some content only voted on by certain players (see below for my reasons)

1. After observing how the OSRS Forums, Reddit, Twitter, and Twitch work when it comes to content suggestions, I can tell Jagex staff already have a lot of power in shaping what content is added to the game - despite the polling system. Giving Jagex the power to decide what content is "niche" and what isn't threatens the polling system's purpose.

2. There's no such thing as content that won't affect the rest of players, because there's always the argument of opportunity cost - that the development time could have been spent on something else.
And I say this knowing that the content update I MOST want added in-game, and have spent HUNDREDS of hours over the last year advocating for, is only being held back by this very argument.

13-Jan-2017 23:55:24

I was burnt

I was burnt

Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay, I have 2 suggestions for this, and neither of them involve lowering the pass rate, 75% is perfectly fine, if an update doesn't fly with 75% of the community, there's no real reason for it to be added.

The first one is actually very simple and even proposed by yourselves: Restrict viewing of the poll %'s until after the poll passes. This would mean people have to actually think about if they want the update or not, instead of just going with, or against, the majority (naturally there are people who will vote no or yes to everything regardless, that can't be helped)

The second one will actually solve a big problem with the polls (as seen by the raids rewards polls): restrict voting from the same IP address multiple times. This would prevent people spam creating/botting accounts simply to influence poll results, as well as multiple votes from the same person, and while there are ways around it, it would take considerably more effort, and in the end would lessen the poll result "corruption" significantly.

A third, but slightly unrelated idea is to STOP REPOLLING THINGS MULTIPLE TIMES IN SHORT TIME PERIODS. This is extremely irritating to a significant number of people, and it looks like you're trying to pressure the community into passing something that they just told you they don't want or need (often resulting in significantly more downvotes). Once per year is plenty often.

That's all I have to say on the matter... On an off-topic note you did good on raids.

14-Jan-2017 00:02:58



Posts: 620 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As someone who has played the game for a long time. Believe me when I say, that doing this would result in a bad effect on the community. There is a rule to not change a winning strategy. The reason 75% works for the community is because it insures that any update that passes was passed by an overwhelming majority.

The thing that went wrong with rs3 was what I call hyperupdating. This is a result of the game changing too fast. The game changes fast, grows, more staff or brought on, but then at the end of the day, it's just more staff to make the game change more. This is to say they can't sit around doing nothing all day, so they push to have more work to do. In this case, you are asking to lower our community's pass rate to 70, which will in turn cause more updates to come into the game. Not all updates are meant to pass, and so far every update that has passed is preserving the old school feel.

What seems like a small percentage decrease will actually play a monumental impact on the community old school has tried so hard to preserve. Again, the same reason Zezima quit, and many others who actually are the founding player base of the game: the game continually is getting easier. In the case of polls passing at 70, you will introduce more updates to the game and slowly trickle away from the old school feeling.

Many updates that have failed the 75% are updates that just weren't for the game. For the Jagex team to consider to poll again a decrease in the passing rate is somewhat appalling, because they are stating that the community doesn't quite know what it wants, when in actuality it has clearly represented through the polls what it wants. Not every update can be based on 50/50 majority. The fact that an update reaches 75% or more is a good indication that it is meant for the game. If you lower it to 70 this is not a good thing, it's just saying you are willing to give away 5% of the confidence you have in the community to make future judgements for the game.

14-Jan-2017 00:07:38

X Bot668

X Bot668

Posts: 2,006 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My reply to this dev blog is simply this:

I agree that limiting the polls to who they may affect, Ironmen, would be a good idea. I think that would be a great way to focus content on the intended audience. Would this also include the "total skill" requirement?

I disagree with lowering the % it takes for a poll to pass. If a poll doesn't pass at the current rate I don't agree with the idea that the bar should be lowered in order for a poll to pass. Instead, why not let the poll "fail" and then ask for feedback on what the community did not like about that poll? Then some time in the future re-poll it.

So instead of lowering the bar, why not set a 2nd bar that states that if a poll doesn't pass, but reaches a certain percent to show the community is interested that it will be reworked to meet the community's expectations on it(within reason).

I agree that hiding the poll numbers from view during voting times would be beneficial. It would be create less of an influence by seeing a popular vote and require more of an understanding of the content.

Finally, I agree that implementing the ability to change your votes in a poll would be a good idea. As a player finds out new information they may change their mind on the subject. So please implement this. This would also show less of a need to re-poll as it means players votes are based more on their understanding of the question, rather than just voting at that moment so they can "get it out of the way".

Thank you for your time

X bot668

14-Jan-2017 00:43:20



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-70% to 80% is a good area to be in for passing.
-players should not be able to see the poll percentage since a number of players vote on the most likely to succeed.
-iron men should has their own polls, But pure's do not need since they choose to limit their game play in such ways.
-if you have voted you should not be able to change it...
-please give more options in your votes, ex: if your planing on polling a weapon or armour add in what quest/skill requirements it would or could have and give an option whether we want to add in quest requirements or raise/lower skill requirements.

-you can make certain polls have requirements such as min skill total, min combat level, and age of account to vote since alot of people use multiple accounts to vote on things they want to pass it wont stop all but atleast it will limit it abit and will focus it more on the players that will be using it.

-an option to vote for a quest requirement for great kourend would of been nice and more quests within.

also stop polling updates that make the game too easy their is always rs3 player or the lazy ones that like the easy game style but its just not osrs way!
ex: nmz is a huge one its all easy levels and afking. max char popping mini game.

14-Jan-2017 00:50:04

Mar Member 2016


Posts: 620 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I personally don't think there's much of an issue with the current system, but here's my thoughts:

1. Pass Threshold: I don't think there should be a decrease, it should feel difficult to implement stuff into the game, this ensures that things that do pass have a near universal support. We see that most anger and complaints come due to an unfavourable update that people haven't got behind, not the lack of updates, so it shouldn't be a bad thing if stuff isn't passing.

2. Size of poll: There are sometimes a lot of questions and it can get annoying if most of the stuff you don't care much about or don't even know what it is.

3. Descriptions: I feel like it's been so long since we had a poll I can't remember whether this is already the case, but would it be useful if hovering over or clicking a little "i" on each question gave a bit more about what it is about? Sometimes in the past I see proposals and I don't know what they are about so just ignore them. As I use client I cba with going on site to look into the details behind each proposal.

4. Development: There is probably a careful balance to meet in the poll content's development. The issue is, things simply get put in as an idea by name, but it doesn't seem like much as been looked into it. This often leads to people saying the final content wasn't what they voted for. Conversely, the devs can't waste a load of time working out the intricate details for something if no-one ends up voting for it.

5. Results: As others have stated, the results should be kept hidden until the poll closes. While 3rd party clients may make estimates, I doubt anywhere near as many people are likely to go digging those up, when currently it's literally right there when you vote.

14-Jan-2017 00:52:07

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