
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Avid Sparx

Avid Sparx

Posts: 28,124 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Formerly Joy said :
Nor have you offered a single feasible solution.

Oh, but I have. You just keep refusing to acknowledge it.
'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed

14-Jan-2017 21:21:27



Posts: 87 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And since you logged in your alt, here's mine (Avid Sparx) to say leave the poll system alone, and take your Legacy Mode garbage over to it. :D

Sorry to burst YOUR bubble. (not really, at all)

14-Jan-2017 21:24:11 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 21:24:24 by Osirdedbdbzb



Posts: 3,520 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
O wait, one more. Only three I ever play on anymore really...and this one hasn't logged in weeks, disgusted at RS3's playstyle....really on log on Spark here to make sure he hasn't been jacked ;)

Made Sparx so I could play BOTH at the same time...but soooon learned RS3 was just not worth doing (loooong before Legacy mode was even a twinkle is some devs eye)

But since I'm here too, leave the polling system alone, thanks :D
'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed

14-Jan-2017 21:27:22

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hope you realize that every single player will have their own ideas how to solve the problem. Key word, problem. Yes, problem, Jagex has announced concern with the polling system for the 3rd time now. Once at a full RuneFest presentation by Mod Ash. YouTube it if you do not believe me.

If Jagex is considering it a problem...obviously something is wrong. They are questioning the balance of the threshold, as well as its authenticity due to specialized account builds.

There are over 100 unique builds, easily, and I am one of them. 43 Combat with 99 Defence. I have a maxed main. I have an iron man. Just 3 of 100's of different accounts other people have in Runescape, which makes this community so diverse. I'd even go as far as to say that is part of what makes this game special is the diversity.

But all that diversity, and all these biases are present during each poll... Better believe this IS a problem, and Jagex has the right to ask us for good feedback. I won't offer them feedback that wasn't well thought out.

-Jagex is a business.
-Jagex has expressed the desire to expand their dev team.

How do we let them do so if we deny the bigger updates, and by mere percents? I'm not talking failed by 10-20%. I'm speaking by margins as small as 0.01 to 9%.

-We can offer specialized polling systems

But who can we trust to keep these specialized polls balanced? Main accounts can't have top tier updates pass, but pures can?

-We can make voting unanimous

But why? It won't make much of a difference, and people will still be warring over social media for any big update to pass.

I have definitely put thought in to my words. I am happy that Jagex is questioning the polling system. It is long overdue, maybe not, but it must happen now to secure future updates. It sounds to me as if you'd wet yourself if we even offered a single tier 80. You keep telling me to play RS3, why don't you go play RS-Classics?

See? That doesn't help now does it.

14-Jan-2017 21:30:31

Avid Sparx

Avid Sparx

Posts: 28,124 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Formerly Joy said :
How do we let them do so if we deny the bigger updates, and by mere percents? I'm not talking failed by 10-20%. I'm speaking by margins as small as 0.01 to 9%.
Yet EVERY POLL that's been that close has had the issues tweaked and polled again. So no need to change that at all.
Formerly Joy said :

-We can offer specialized polling systems

Which is a crock, since EVERYTHING interconnects.
Formerly Joy said :

-We can make voting unanimous
which would guarantee the players who AREN'T voting NOW, quit the game...and that's a CRAPTON of players...
Formerly Joy said :
It sounds to me as if you'd wet yourself if we even offered a single tier 80.

Oh hun, if they were BALANCED, I'd be fine with them. THAT'S the issue though, our devs have proven far too often they're unable to balance anything.

And classic gets NO updates...I'm not averse to updates...that are BALANCED, in the oldschool tradition.

But see, LEGACY MODE GETS UPDATES, and you could control HOW they do so...without ruining the game for the OLDSCHOOL.

So yah, your argument there? So full of holes it's a net.
'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
T. Pratchett, 1948-2015 RIP, you are missed

14-Jan-2017 21:38:28 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 21:46:27 by Avid Sparx



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Formerly Joy said :

-Jagex is a business.
-Jagex has expressed the desire to expand their dev team.

The most simplistic solution to that 'problem' is to charge the additional 5 bucks per month that old school was supposed to cost.. but again, we didn't get the votes for updates in the first place and there was not supposed to be a 'dev' team at all (only enough for bug fixes basically).

It would save them so many headaches (in the short term) to simply remove ALL polls and then you'd end up back at eoc in a matter of months (generously offering more than the 'weeks' I really believe it would be).

Know what your 'problem' would be then? Know what 'problem' jagex would have then?

Dejavu? Only.. there is no longer an 'old school' to offer to go back to and you aren't going to convince this lot to give it a 3rd try.

Personally, I'd rather see China lock it behind their wall and block out the rest of the world (instead of watching peeps like joy supporting wiping it out in the same way all over again.. hell, spend a minute and be original why don't ya).
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

14-Jan-2017 21:43:15



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When Attack said :
So trusting 75% of clueless idiots to agree on something?
that's why it works. yes as individuals we do not know what is best for the game. 75% agreeing on something, that shows the update is good for the game. 26% say no? that means you couldn't get 3 our of 4 people to agree with the update.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

14-Jan-2017 21:58:00



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can you please include a world for "Pure Accounts" 1-20 Defence? Anyone above the 20 def mark have to go into a different world. Pure clanning is slowly dying off because we can't fight one another without main accounts getting involved. This is really the only update, we pures need / want.

14-Jan-2017 22:51:35 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 22:53:13 by OnTheHorizon



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OnTheHorizon said :
Can you please include a world for "Pure Accounts" 1-20 Defence? Anyone above the 20 def mark have to go into a different world. Pure clanning is slowly dying off because we can't fight one another without main accounts getting involved. This is really the only update, we pures need / want.
I think that it should be 1-39 in my honest opinion that's pure for u now days sorry to say that but it's true if not then do 1-25 pure worlds only that sounds more reasonable and they really should add a lock thing or whatever cause it's so easy to lvl up defence on an account that you want to keep at 1 defence or so.. Also could we see an update of rev cave or something to spice up the wilderness even more and maybe even corrupt weapons that would be amazing :P

14-Jan-2017 23:34:22



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There really should be a f2p world where it's like 325 or 337 or where it's all wilderness i think that would make f2p and wildy more better in my opinion and also could we see a World for Pures only please I want there to be a pure only world and also there should be more worlds added honestly what about the Australian players they should have there only world as well and u talked about it on a Q&A once... Also back to corrupt weapons I think they should be added ingame as well and Teleblock should already be f2p already it's been polled like 3 times and was so close at one point..

14-Jan-2017 23:38:33

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