
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Mar Member 2024


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fox 1455 said :
And what about letting f2p with like 10+hours of gametime vote for f2p stuff?

No support; only F2Pers that should vote should have 750+ total level and 40+ gamehours. Bots, bots everywhere.

15-Jan-2017 21:05:05 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2017 21:05:22 by Wolfi

Iron Druss

Iron Druss

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My suggestion to reduce the non response bias would be to provide some incentive in participating on voting ie. rewarding the player with some factor xp lamp. Doing so would yield more votes giving a more accurate representation of what the community really wants.

15-Jan-2017 23:12:27

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 1,331 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I doubt any of these get read or taken into consideration by the staff, but as someone who's been playing since RSC, I'll put in my opinion anyway because I care about the future of this game.

Better verbiage on polls.
There are times where it can be completely understandable that the wording caused people to misunderstand the poll in it's entirety.

Removing the poll results until the poll has closed.
The contents of the poll result serve no tangible purpose until everyone has placed their vote and the poll is closed.

Pures having separate polls.
There are simply too many builds in this game to be able to cater to a specific account style without that effecting other players, or other build types. It would be a catastrophe.
I could however understand Ironman polls, because if you're playing a traditional style account (e.g., non-Ironman), it is unlikely you'd be affected by those changes.

Changing your vote on a poll.
Absolutely not. That's another inevitable catastrophe waiting to happen.

Lowering the pass percentage rate.
If anything, I think it should be higher. The "super-majority" ensures that most of the player base wants the polled content introduced into the game. It should be as simple as that.

Lastly, I think forcing people to vote is probably not going to yield the most authentic poll results. People who don't care to vote will likely put little to no thought behind their vote.

16-Jan-2017 00:35:55 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 00:39:43 by Antwan



Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have played this games for more than ten years, and i must admit that i can't help but agree with everyone who says that the pass percentage rate should stay the same or be higher.

Think about how oldschool runescape started. It started because there were too many updates that people didn't agree with it, or that harmed the game unexpectedly.

Players sometimes fail to see the impact an update will have in the longterm, and its good that players who sense the potential danger of an update are able to stop it.

Frankly, i feel that its better to have a lower number of updates because the threshold is higher, than to pass updates that are risky to the longterm wellbeing on the game.

You can always add new content in the future, but once its added, its almost impossible to take it back. Thats the reason a high threshold is so important.

I think ironman votes should high a higher weight on ironman content, but i disagree that they should have exclusive votes about their updates, any player can decide to make an iroman account in the future, and they should have a say in the updates that might affect them if they do so.

I agree that there are maybe too few pure updates,
(for example the inability to finish mountain daughters and monkey madness without recieving the experience reward, or the uselessness of the bandos book, only to name a few).

Maybe the solution is to grant the people with lower combat level or lower defense level, a higher weight, on polls that will almost only affect their accounts.

A level 126 will not be affected by low level updates, (for ex the ability for 1 prayer pures to reclaim a bearmask) , and he will probably have a hard time weighting the implications of updates of that kind, however that does not mean that they shouldn't get to vote, because they too have been low level before, and may be again in another account, and they too have wisdom with which to help the community.

16-Jan-2017 01:55:45



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bobmauly said :
It should be lowered a majority is a majority doesnt need to be super majority

Super majority HAS WORKED, quite well, all this time. No, jagex hasn't been able to add things THEY wanted to add.. but with a super majority, they've added things the players wanted added.

The game was once all about what jagex wanted to add to it.. in their infant wisdom they chose to add the one thing the players refused to accept (else there would be no old school now would there?).

Lower the percentage required.. so that more trash can come in.. and watch 75% of the player base get to a point where they walk away.. for good.. just doesn't sound like good business sense to me.

Super majority was decided by the players.. for the good of the game.. and while that doesn't seem to matter much to many.. for the time being it DOES still matter to some of us.

Track's out up ahead jagex... open your eyes before this puppy derails.. AGAIN.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

16-Jan-2017 02:44:30

Sep Member 2015


Posts: 45 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I want to see some old polls revisited. There were too many close ones (the holidays items struck me deep), I don't care too much for the divine. But I'd like to see a few brought back for a recount. I feel like the first year or 2 of OSRS were very turbulent times with the community and it was very wishy-washy on what we want/didn't want. Now that there is a dedicated, established community, I'd like a better head count. Love you all


16-Jan-2017 03:34:15

Vinyl DjPon3

Vinyl DjPon3

Posts: 5,856 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bobmauly said :
It should be lowered a majority is a majority doesnt need to be super majority

So if an update that is extremely controversial was proposed, and it got a 53% Yes vote, you think it should be added?

Even though you risk the 47% of the players that voted no quitting? Since it was a controversial update after all....
Everything's an integrity issue if you troll enough.

16-Jan-2017 03:37:30



Posts: 144 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How about raising the poll limit to 80%? I'd vote for that.

The high poll target was originally placed there for a reason, that reason I fear many new players don't understand. The consequences that poor updates have on the game have a huge impact.
What else was the original desire for 'oldschool'?.. Jagex had implemented so many updates without thoroughly understanding what they were doing to the game, all of a sudden things like EOC and SOF where being released.

"We could extend this exception to usability tweaks and information displaying features if this is something the community is comfortable with."
-Now these terms seem very unspecific, which makes me worried that they could simply be used as a loophole to the polling system. I'd vote no to this, possibly the reason is because I cannot comprehend the impact that this would have on the game, which brings me to another point. A big reason people vote NO is because
they are not sure
, which is where the responsibility falls upon Jagex to concisely explain, discuss, illustrate and elaborate the potential pros and cons of their updates (Yes, the cons too because everything can be argued for and against, to be simply bias to promote could be considered manipulative/deceptive)

As for limiting the questions to specific player-bases, perhaps it could be a good thing if done well. But at this stage I would definitely vote no. From what I've experienced in the past, too much controlling ends up leading to too many indirect restrictions.

I think if something is genuinely a good idea, then with enough elaboration, once people understand clearly, then it will always pass a 75% poll.

If Jagex feels that they need less people to agree with them to make changes, then things are going in the complete wrong direction.

16-Jan-2017 04:09:13 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 05:57:16 by Rau

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