I have played this games for more than ten years, and i must admit that i can't help but agree with everyone who says that the pass percentage rate should stay the same or be higher.
Think about how oldschool runescape started. It started because there were too many updates that people didn't agree with it, or that harmed the game unexpectedly.
Players sometimes fail to see the impact an update will have in the longterm, and its good that players who sense the potential danger of an update are able to stop it.
Frankly, i feel that its better to have a lower number of updates because the threshold is higher, than to pass updates that are risky to the longterm wellbeing on the game.
You can always add new content in the future, but once its added, its almost impossible to take it back.
Thats the reason a high threshold is so important.
I think ironman votes should high a higher weight on ironman content, but i disagree that they should have exclusive votes about their updates, any player can decide to make an iroman account in the future, and they should have a say in the updates that might affect them if they do so.
I agree that there are maybe too few pure updates,
(for example the inability to finish mountain daughters and monkey madness without recieving the experience reward, or the uselessness of the bandos book, only to name a few).
Maybe the solution is to grant the people with lower combat level or lower defense level, a higher weight, on polls that will almost only affect their accounts.
A level 126 will not be affected by low level updates,
(for ex the ability for 1 prayer pures to reclaim a bearmask)
, and he will probably have a hard time weighting the implications of updates of that kind, however that does not mean that they shouldn't get to vote,
because they too have been low level before, and may be again in another account, and they too have wisdom with which to help the community.
16-Jan-2017 01:55:45