
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello there!
I seem to think that the poll system has served this game with perfect justice.
If one thing could be put to the poll's which I think is requisite;
Discontinue all holiday items as they are currently on RS3.
It wouldn't really be old school without it, would it?
Please take this into regard,
Elluminatey. :)

16-Jan-2017 07:11:38

Librarian 42

Librarian 42

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Angel2D4 said :

Super majority was decided by the players.. for the good of the game.. and while that doesn't seem to matter much to many.. for the time being it DOES still matter to some of us.

You know my views from before Angel so I've no need to explain what I'd be saying if I was playing, however as I'm not playing. The fact I haven't voted since the lep noting update says more than anything.

I'll say this however

The super majority was decided by the player base in the beginning. I wonder know how many of those players are still playing.

Whilst new players obviously should understand what they are signing up for, if they become the new majority should they not have a say in deciding the rules.

Many things evolve as the users change, trying to hold onto a system that many people now feel outdated can lead to frustration. I think a vote would acceptable, with varying levels of 'super majority' on the form, from 95% to 50% +1 with the hidden results until the end, people couldn't be swayed as much to enter results to try and tip the result. Largest Percentage wins.

As we've argued from the very beginning, and has been shown with the introduction of amongst other things the G.E. A changing player base, will want different things to an earlier one.

Let them hold a vote. Let the players decide. It's something the Dev's want obviously, maybe they have been gauging interest in other updates like 'XP weekends' and need to lower the threshold for that.

I put forward support for a vote on the threshold, but not just on lowering it to 70%, all percentages should be put forward in 5% increases from 50% +1.
thinks Jagex should honour the results of the original Old School Poll

16-Jan-2017 10:05:42



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've only read two pages of this Dev. blog, so i apologise if this topic has already been mentioned.

First off: I believe the current 75% pass rate is good, and balanced, although i do miss out on some potential updates i'd like due to this, and others do as well, there are also many i am thankful that do not pass due to the 75% margin instead of 70%.

Secondly: i read an idea on pages before which was very clever, the concept of hiding everybody's votes until 'x' date later, or until the poll has closed (preferable imo).
this would allow people to make there decisions based on there own personal views, rather then going "Oh, well the majority says this is a good idea, i'll just press yes/no as well!".

Thirdly: I do not believe the concept of splitting up votes into certain categories would work, as many have said before me, it will be detrimental to the other game types/enjoyment of players.

I'd also like to clarify something pretty obvious.. but other people do not seem to realise this...

The concept of an UIM, Ironman, HC Ironman, are the ONLY THREE other game types we have, "pures", "zerkers","skillers", any type of these "build's" ARE NOT A GAME TYPE THERE SHOULD NOT BE INDIVIDUAL POLLS FOR 'Builds' of any of these sorts, these are an individuals game choices, the goal in runescape is to complete the game, if runescape wishes to, make game modes dedicated to certain PK builds, Skilling builds etc, and Only then, make polls dedicated to those builds, as they are now a limiting game mode, alongside ironmen.

I would also just like to say, i enjoy all aspects of RS, and currently have both an ironman, and multiple Pking builds, there just has to be some clarification around game modes, and the preferences of how an individual likes to play.

16-Jan-2017 11:05:57

Don Jon
Dec Member 2022

Don Jon

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In a perfect world, where all the voters are voting based on what they think is the best for the game, the super majority works. But that's far from the reality here, where many players vote no based on either lack of understanding of the update, to sabotage other builds or to keep abusing of something. I do think 70% would help, because it would be harder to sabotage a poll option with that percent.

16-Jan-2017 12:55:25

S Klasse AMG

S Klasse AMG

Posts: 2,725 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Don Jon said :
In a perfect world, where all the voters are voting based on what they think is the best for the game, the super majority works. But that's far from the reality here, where many players vote no based on either lack of understanding of the update, to sabotage other builds or to keep abusing of something. I do think 70% would help, because it would be harder to sabotage a poll option with that percent.

I don't vote no for no reason, and not because I lack understanding of the update like what imbeciles like you said.

It's because dev team has made me lost faith in their judgement of what a balance content is. They repeatedly proved to us they aren't taking enough ownership of their responsibilities and mistakes.

It's like, just deliver contents for the sake of it. Quantity, not quality.
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16-Jan-2017 13:11:04 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 13:13:32 by S Klasse AMG

S Klasse AMG

S Klasse AMG

Posts: 2,725 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
double post
If you need help, approach a specialized therapist in your area.

Follow @Artidote on Instagram to enhance awareness on mental health.
@the.holistic.psychologist, @lisaoliveratherapy, @silvy**oucasian

16-Jan-2017 13:11:52 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 13:12:50 by S Klasse AMG

Xaeox Tsuboi
Jan Member 2024

Xaeox Tsuboi

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really don't have an issue with the Old school team making decisions on some things they believe doesn't need to be polled. To be honest leaving it to the community is a great idea in concept but PEOPLE ARE STUPID :'(... excuse the language.

16-Jan-2017 14:09:39



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Support for pure-only related content polls, also please acknowledge the difference between a "singles" pure account build and a "clanning" pure account build. No support for pures being able to return to Ape Atoll without claiming the experience reward, that ship has already sailed. Support for Tele Block to be introduced to F2P as well as corrupt / degradable tier 60 weapons to change the current F2P meta and make defence less overpowered in F2P fights.

16-Jan-2017 14:57:41



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

I'm not opposed to putting it to a vote.. unless that vote is limited to only a select grouping of players can vote on it.. poll the percentage.. they've done it before (it failed) and it might even pass this time with all the 'new' players they've attracted over the last 6 or 8 months.

What I'm opposed to (among other things) is jagex simply deciding that they'll lower it.. claiming 'good of the game' or some other BS.. and then lowering it and repolling everything that hasn't passed in the past.. because they're simply too lazy to discuss with the community what the community wants and because they want an easier way to ensure that what they want in the game ends up in the game.

Handing 'control' back to jagex at this point would be akin to knowing that train is about to derail and fall to the depths of the Grand Canyon.. and hopping aboard anyway.

They can't even convince any portion of that 25% of no votes that keep the crap out.. to change their mind... so the answer is to lower the pass rate? What an absolute joke (and I might very well end up the last, or even the only, person laughing when this all plays out.. because I can see it coming just like I saw the micro-transactions coming in the main game and everybody said.. nah, it'll never happen).

This has the potential to play out as the 'undoing' of old school, IMO. I'll watch and admittedly, get a kick out of it when it ends up just that. They brought it on themselves.. again.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

16-Jan-2017 19:47:18

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