I've only read two pages of this Dev. blog, so i apologise if this topic has already been mentioned.
First off: I believe the current 75% pass rate is good, and balanced, although i do miss out on some potential updates i'd like due to this, and others do as well, there are also many i am thankful that do not pass due to the 75% margin instead of 70%.
Secondly: i read an idea on pages before which was very clever, the concept of hiding everybody's votes until 'x' date later, or until the poll has closed (preferable imo).
this would allow people to make there decisions based on there own personal views, rather then going "Oh, well the majority says this is a good idea, i'll just press yes/no as well!".
Thirdly: I do not believe the concept of splitting up votes into certain categories would work, as many have said before me, it will be detrimental to the other game types/enjoyment of players.
I'd also like to clarify something pretty obvious.. but other people do not seem to realise this...
The concept of an UIM, Ironman, HC Ironman, are the ONLY THREE other game types we have, "pures", "zerkers","skillers", any type of these "build's" ARE NOT A GAME TYPE THERE SHOULD NOT BE INDIVIDUAL POLLS FOR 'Builds' of any of these sorts, these are an individuals game choices, the goal in runescape is to complete the game, if runescape wishes to, make game modes dedicated to certain PK builds, Skilling builds etc, and Only then, make polls dedicated to those builds, as they are now a limiting game mode, alongside ironmen.
I would also just like to say, i enjoy all aspects of RS, and currently have both an ironman, and multiple Pking builds, there just has to be some clarification around game modes, and the preferences of how an individual likes to play.
16-Jan-2017 11:05:57