
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I strongly wouldn't want the pass rate of polls to be lowered; I would like them to be increased to for example 80%. Many OSRS players want the game to stay to feel the same as it did a decade ago. As most polls pass, people who do not like a (major) update aren't heard. Never forget the mistakes which were made with RS3.

I like the new updates, yet you have to be cautious to not forget the players which play a month a year for the nostalgia. Any new content should be wanted by almost all players.

Limiting poll questions to those who impact it, hiding poll answers and changing votes is okay though.

Furthermore I would like to see more polls with smaller questions, even if it is expected that it will not pass. Now it feels like only questions are polled the OSRS devs are almost sure to pass (look back at the polls; 90-95% of the questions pass).

Lastly a thing I feel is that the devs shouldn't be wanting to 'complete' new types of items. For example, I'm okay with an eternal glory, but I wouldn't want all jewelry to have an eternal variant. The lack of certain items gives additional dimension to the game, I think.

Oh, another thing which I think is sad is that new updates which gives new content, while being nice, makes old content dead. Motherlode mine for example is nice, especially with the stuff you can buy with the golden nuggets, but now it's never again worth it to go to the mining guild to mine coal and mithril. In other words, new updates and strategies should also affect old areas, not only the new ones. Slight tactically advantages to new areas are okay though, yet watch out to kill old content.

16-Jan-2017 19:55:46 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 20:03:21 by Stormhond

Librarian 42

Librarian 42

Posts: 1,411 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :

I'm not opposed to putting it to a vote.. unless that vote is limited to only a select grouping of players can vote on it.. poll the percentage.. they've done it before (it failed) and it might even pass this time with all the 'new' players they've attracted over the last 6 or 8 months.

What I'm opposed to (among other things) is jagex simply deciding that they'll lower it.. claiming 'good of the game' or some other BS.. and then lowering it and repolling everything that hasn't passed in the past.. because they're simply too lazy to discuss with the community what the community wants and because they want an easier way to ensure that what they want in the game ends up in the game.

I must have misread (or just been lazy when reading, I'm not that bothered what they do anymore) But I presumed the lowering of the total would be done by a vote. I might go back and have a read.

As I stated in a different post, I see this as a possible endgame to how we saw it 3 years ago. It depends how it plays out. Lowering the threshold (especially if on a vote it goes as low as 50% +1) could finally prove the last straw for lots of players who seemed blind to what was happening.

Of course I presume they have done their homework, and I'm guessing they want Double XP Weekends or something else soon and lowering the vote is the only way to get it.

If it crashes badly enough then I'm then hoping they decide to offer the game as an independent download, as we've been asking for one last strike out for money.
thinks Jagex should honour the results of the original Old School Poll

16-Jan-2017 20:03:21



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't know that you or I either one misread anything Librarian. Maybe it's just me expecting nothing more than the worst.. it IS jagex after all and they have a long and confirmed history of... nah, I'll leave it at that.

They might very well be thinking about a double xp event and need it lowered for that. Personally, I believe their aims are much, MUCH bigger than that.. it's rumoured that OSB is planning a graphical update.. and if jagex can't even keep up with third party software.. well they don't really appear to know what they're doing if they can't.

No, I believe they NEED the percentage lowered, because THEY want a graphical update and they KNOW it won't pass the polls without first lowering the percentage required. Love to be proven wrong (not just some words on a screen, ya know) but I don't see that happening.

If anything.. jagex has been predictable.. for a very, very long time.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

16-Jan-2017 20:35:26



Posts: 3,528 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As somebody who started playing in 2005...

70%? Is this some kind of sick joke?

No. You want to change it? Raise it to 80%. Or just leave it alone.

STOP before you ruin the game again! STOP STOP STOP.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.

16-Jan-2017 20:58:28 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2017 20:59:49 by Reminiscon



Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank God Jagex is finally reviewing the broken voting system that's cost us so much good and useful updates. RIP sailing, RIP lootshare, RIP anything for F2P. I hate how 25.1% of the community can overturn 74.9% when it comes to useful updates that would bring good content and fairness to some of the broken systems we have in place.

Make it 70% to pass a poll, and if it involves Ironman mode make it so only iron men can vote. Maybe allow f2p members with over 250 total level to vote it impacts f2p.

This is so long over due though, fix it or just scrape it altogether and pick for us, because honestly the vast majority of people playing this game want to see more game content that will just be struck down. And before anyone says something to my post, just because we get an update does not mean it's becoming RS3, get over yourselves with that talking point. OSRS was made to take a different path due to rs3 and good updates does not make it rs3. Honestly i say put everything in game that was around when RS was at it's prime back around 010

16-Jan-2017 21:07:09

May Member 2023


Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I feel this question presumes there's something wrong with the polling system as is in the first place, by asking "What do we need to do to fix it?" instead of "Is it in need of fixing?"

Please start there.

I tend to find that the overwhelming majority of people (everyone, also myself, included) don't consider the implications and effects of changes to the game or most things. We just get excited and do it and sometimes regret it later.

Please ask the first question in this line of thinking first, instead of one of the follow up questions.

16-Jan-2017 21:28:34



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex Moderators

Bare minimum I think the aforementioned concealment of current votes on a given poll should be a change. I believe that there are far too many players that are not well-versed in the intricacies of certain updates, whether they're not involved in the activity that is being changed or they simply don't have the experience or knowledge of what that update will impact; having the current votes visible is a way for them to make choices based on popular opinion, rather than making choices on their own experience. Hiding the votes is a way to counteract this dilemma in an effective yet fair manner.

As mentioned above there seems to be a problem with voters not being involved in certain parts of game content, and their ability to vote on said content. The proposition of " limiting certain questions to players who interact with the content which is affected " (Source, Original Article) is definitely a viable solution to providing updates to smaller parts of the community, although this is something that has to be handled with care; so that the updates are ONLY affecting said community and do not have other impacts on the game which other players have no say in controlling. IF those criteria are satisfied then there is no logical argument against " limiting certain questions to players who interact with the content which is affected ".

Finally, I don't have much of an educated opinion when it comes to the percentage required for votes to pass, I believe that is something you at Jagex should decide on because you have the meta-data to make such a decision. However, I will interject that based on my personal experience I have noticed that most updates suggested are passing and lowering said percentage may have an unwanted impact on the game.

Thanks for listening
, We appreciate you being involved in the growth of Runescape.

16-Jan-2017 22:32:23

Librarian 42

Librarian 42

Posts: 1,411 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Edldrdl said :
I feel this question presumes there's something wrong with the polling system as is in the first place, by asking "What do we need to do to fix it?" instead of "Is it in need of fixing?"

Please start there.

I believe this is how they started introducing the idea of the G.E. Despite numerous Mod quotes over a period of time stating that the trade system was fine. When they wanted to introduce the G.E. they produced a Dev Blog entitled Trading Solution.

Thank God Jagex is finally reviewing the broken voting system that's cost us so much good and useful updates. RIP sailing, RIP lootshare, RIP anything for F2P. I hate how 25.1% of the community can overturn 74.9% when it comes to useful updates that would bring good content and fairness to some of the broken systems we have in place.

Surely in this case you will soon start hating the 30.1% of the community who can overturn a useful update (if they lower it to 70%)

Does this mean you support the 50%+1
thinks Jagex should honour the results of the original Old School Poll

16-Jan-2017 22:56:27

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 1,331 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hate how 25.1% of the community can overturn 74.9%

I'll choose to use you as an example because you were the most recent person to say it.

Let me explain it to you like this:
In another year, people like you will be complaining..

I hate how 30.1% of the community can overturn 69.9%! PLEASE, lower it to 55% pass rate!

Another year goes by..

I hate how 45% of the community can overturn 55%! PLEASE, just make it majority rules!

I'll stop there, as I'm sure you can see the cynical trend which would occur.

17-Jan-2017 03:24:41

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