Poll passing percentage lowering to 70%
If anything, raise it to 90% for a poll to pass. Because players that enjoy the game now and get a horrible update shoved down their throat will be tempted to just abandon the game and find something else to spend their money on. A horrible update you are very much against is a possible breaking point for that individual player. The forced removal of the wilderness and the forced introduction of eoc are examples.
Any update should require an overwhelming majority of players, so you can expect pretty much everyone to be in favour of that change to their beloved game.
Minority updates to be voted on by that minority only
It sounds logical.
But it would only work well if you are quite certain that the intended update only affects that small minority (pures, pkers, castlewarsfanatics, whatever). If it does change anything for the other players as well, they all should have a say in it.
Frankly, I don't trust our Jmods to be able to make 100% accurate predictions. So let's not go out on thin ice and keep the polls open on every question for everyone, please.
Changing vote during poll period
Sounds super. Why wasn't that possible in the first place? One misclick is fatal now. Yes, please, change it so we can correct any mistakes we make.
Hide preliminary poll results
The ability to see if a poll is passing or not and by which percentage gives an unique opportunity to tamper with the polls. Cheaters must love the information handed to them, it's so easy to rally your supporters/bots and influence poll results now.
In any real democracy all votes are secret/hidden/invisible til the voting period is over. It seems only logical to hide the poll votes in osrs, too.
-continue on second post, sorry for ton of text-
Isn't it strange that so many players blindly apply to clans, without ever wondering why there are openings in that clan?