
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i think with every poll that comes out every question that is asked for each question i think there should be two more votes on that question to establish how high of a priority it is that even if it passed or doesnt pass to make changes to it for example.

question #1 do you want lootshare in the game


no 2000

now is the secondary votes on this question.

if lootshare doesnt pass how high of a priority should it be for jagex to make changes to the idea and repoll it? choose an option.

very high priority
high priority
moderate priority
low priority
i dont care for this

if lootshare does pass how high of a priority should it be for jagex to make changes to it and poll these changes? choose an option.

very high priority
high priority
moderate priority
low priority
i dont care for this

atleast this way if something does or doesnt pass we should know how high of a priority it is for jagex to focus on.

14-Jan-2017 11:04:04



Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
responding to previous comments jagex made on this blog about making questions that only people that interact with certain content can vote on to affect it, here is my response.

i think everyone should be able to vote because even people that are engaged in it, that could be the only thing their engaged in and they may not know how it affects other people that may still be intertwined with what the people that can vote on it are doing so i think everyone should be able to vote on questions.

however i do think people that engage in the activity their votes should count for more then people that vote on it that arent engaged in the activity since they should know more about the subject so their votes should count for more and help give a better decision.

14-Jan-2017 11:10:28

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Every major update to date has become a war over YouTube just to pass. It's PATHETIC that it took every relevant content maker and streamer to rally the support to pass such iconic updates as God Wars Dungeon, Dragon Claws, NEW Prayers, etc...

And for all the updates that the community wanted, but your incompetent polling system denied us for no good reason...? Let's take a moment in silence for the countless game changing updates we lost.

We did not get a choice on the poll threshold, and we suffer for it at every other poll. Please pull your heads out of your asses. DON'T POLL IT! Just say "this is a decision to guarantee the future of Runescape." Drop the threshold to 65%.

The community is made up of several different accounts. Trying to balance our polling system would be like Blizzard attempting to balance all 23 heroes in Overwatch. Jagex, this will NEVER HAPPEN! Do the right thing for your own company, and the well-being of this community. You want to create jobs and memories, we want to love you for it. Just admit you messed up with pre-eoc, and ask for some of your trust back. You have hired amazing people, and can do amazing things as shown by raids. Stop making us panic at every single poll! WE WANT UPDATES!! And to anyone voting no to every single poll because "we want OLD SCHOOL" jesus christ. This game will go nowhere if this last push to make the game good fails.

Thank you to Mod Ash who listened to me and made his entire Runefest slideshow a couple years back all about the polling system. He knew we were all suffering, but I don't believe it was handled right when polled. Especially when Runefest got a huge explanation, but the poll gave none. RIP to all the updates in those few years we lost by mere percentages...

14-Jan-2017 11:46:40 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 13:42:54 by Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I want to post this one more time, because this is a lesson you need to take seriously.

"Trying to balance the poll rates would be like Blizzard attempting to balance every hero in Overwatch." There are far too many account builds, far many people who want a future for the game, and likewise people who want the game to stay old and die off consequently.

Do not mess this up, Jagex. Just lower the poll percent. Gain your competence back. We trust your amazing artists and developers. This is the best thing to do.

Exclusivity in voting will just create more anxiety and hate towards voting. Making votes unanimous till the end will just create extreme anxiety, and more YouTube wars to pass these polls. Adding skill requirements will just allow elitist to crap their content needs in the game. Just please do the right thing...

14-Jan-2017 11:51:04



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Somehow there are people (non ironmen) who despise ironmen, for whatever reason. Who will ofcourse downvote any improvements to the game for iron men and women.

A Friend's vid where he cannot buy ores from the blast furnace shop is a great example.

Also bossing (especially for lower level iron men), why is there an instanced room for Corp and not for example Dagganoth Kings? I basically have to wait till it is weekend, and morning to do some DKS or else it's way too crowded and people have no problem to crash you whenever you found a free world. Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for some pity or whatever the correct word is, but people find it funny to hit the Dagganoth once and then run off (So the iron man doesn't get the drop). Ok bro whatever floats your boat, but these are some things that annoy me, us, the iron men.

These are just some thoughts I had on how to improve the game for iron men. Don't get me wrong I don't want the game to get any "easier" for iron men.

So yeah I would love to see every idea you guys described in the Dev blog.


14-Jan-2017 13:17:04

ye bru

ye bru

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ye bru said :
Support for pure-only related content polls, also please acknowledge the difference between a "singles" pure account build and a "clanning" pure account build. No support for pures being able to return to Ape Atoll without claiming the experience reward, that ship has already sailed. Support for Tele Block to be introduced to F2P as well as corrupt / degradable tier 60 weapons to change the current F2P meta and make defence less overpowered in F2P fights.

Should add that adding two 1-39 defence capped worlds (F2P & P2P) would ultimately be the best possible update for pure clanning, however it's unlikely to ever pass a poll.
RAGE #1 High-level Pure Clan

14-Jan-2017 13:27:08 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 13:32:11 by ye bru

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
VideoGymer said :
Somehow there are people (non ironmen) who despise ironmen, for whatever reason. Who will ofcourse downvote any improvements to the game for iron men and women.

So yeah I would love to see every idea you guys described in the Dev blog.

I've already mentioned there are far too many accounts for the current polling system to be viable. Jagex polling their intentions to lower the threshold would be the same as them shooting themselves, and their player-base in the foot. Jagex will never expand their job offerings, and Old School will fail to receive game saving updates that barely pass for often times selfish reasons.

Let's take a look at some of the accounts builds we have in Runescape!

Iron Man
Ultimate Iron Man
Hardcore Iron Man
Obby Maul Pures
Obby Maul Tanks
1 Defence Pures
10 Defence Pures
20 Defence Pures
30 Defence Pures
40 Defence Pures
42 Defence Void Pures
45 Defence Berserkers
70 Defence Barrow Pures
Maxed Mid PK Builds
Defence Pures
Prayer Pures
Self-Imposed Challenge Accounts (Zeah ONLY Iron Man)
10 HP Pures

And of course... MAIN ACCOUNTS!

Does anyone not see a problem with this?
This isn't even every single type of account build. Every update is a massive anxiety war on YouTube because of this, and many people feel like we aren't getting enough updates.

I feel like we're not getting enough GOOD FUTURE CONTENT. Because every single thing we poll gets red-flagged as "OP!" Will we never see a future in OSRS? Or do we want 10 more years of AGS/Dclaws?

Take all of this. All of it, and begin to factor in:
-Some people don't want updates at all (which upsets the majority of the player-base)
-Some people don't like voting
-People hate updates that don't benefit their account builds
-People hate updates that benefits iron accounts and pures/skillers

This has got to change.

14-Jan-2017 13:29:49

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 56 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just remove the polling system or atleast make it 51% to pass. If majority of players want it then give it. Hate to see good updates not pass because of 26% idiots that think osrs shouldnt be updated.

14-Jan-2017 13:39:34

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I highly urge Jagex:

1.) Drop the Treshold to 65-70%. Do not poll it. This is a decision that directly effects your business, and is just the right thing to do for the community. Why have a dev-team at all if you don't care to be competent enough to use it?

2.) Begin considering Old School's future. Raids were a HUGE success! Maybe the best content in OSRS to date!! There was one problem with them... the rewards are questionable. Dragon Claws and Twisted Bow are great, but everything else is too useless, or too niche. We need to drop that threshold and begin introducing the future to OSRS.

I want to see tier 80+ weapons. I want to see food & pots that appropriately balance these future weapons, and future PvM. I want tier 80+ armors. All topped off with PvM that makes these raids look like the Dragon Slayer Quest. We should gradually be trying to push into this territory in the new year. Runescape is starting to feel stale, and feel as if we don't want progression. It's saddening.

3.) Consider polls that require being an Iron Man. These polls would only contain content that effects Iron Man builds. These would be rare.

4.) Again, stop worrying about OPscape. Begin dropping that threshold and taking ownership of just how good raids were. This is the start of something amazing. I congratulate you! But we lost elder armors, and so much more...all because of your polling system.

Plz Fix -.-

14-Jan-2017 13:40:10

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