
Dev Blog: The Poll System

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Narkeneth said :
His ironman content doesnt effect you, why should you have a say?

You shouldnt. Just like pures. If your not a pure, you shouldnt get to vote on what pures can and cant do if it only effects pures.

there is a saying. no man is an island.

its very true of this game. no update affects ONLY a small percentage of player. if ironmen had the option, they would vote for multiple ironman only world. this would allow them to go to all worlds, but restrict worlds non ironmen cant reach. that removes world from the majority. yet ironmen would say 'it doesn't affect you, you cant vote'.

pures would vote for multiple world that was only for pures. this would remove more worlds from the majority.

f2p pkers would get to vote for multiple pvp world for themselves, which would have to come from the majority p2p worlds.

high level skillers would demand and get multiple worlds for high levels. f2p would demand and get f2p skiller worlds, both of these would remove worlds from the majority.

in the end, the majority would be having worlds with 1900 and having to compete with major harm in a tiny number of worlds while all the specialty worlds would have 100 to 200 people on them and would have no need to compete at all.

this is just one example of having specialty polls.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

14-Jan-2017 20:21:26



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It is extremely frustrating and unfair that some players (I would love to cuss them out) voted againts f2p teleblock. They ruined f2p pking for 3 years+ now. This injustice has to be fixed.
yet even if specialty polls passed, this wouldn't since f2p cant vote.

K I L L A said :
teleblock exist. go to any member world and you can cast it.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

14-Jan-2017 20:22:36 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2017 20:23:57 by dunforgiven

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Desi said :
As someone who has played the game for a long time. Believe me when I say, that doing this would result in a bad effect on the community. There is a rule to not change a winning strategy.

Thanks Trance! You're a great player, but this logic is terrible: "There is a rule to not change a winning strategy."

Do you mean the one where every single significant update struggles to pass?
Do you mean the one where our community growth has peaked, rather than grown?
Do you mean the one where a good 25% of the players online are bots/advertisers/scammers?
Do you mean the one where Jagex has personally investigated multiple times in tweaking?

This logic isn't okay. This thread is them trying to say that they think their strategy is a problem. I don't think it is working. Jagex knows not to hyper update. We as a community also know what is good, and what is bad. When EoC ruined Runescape as we once knew it for over 50% of RS2's player-base, that was because the overwhelming 80% of players begged for it not to happen.

I am not asking for a threshold that would ever allow for an atrocity like this to ever be repeated, but rather for a balanced threshold! Our current threshold is rubbish.

14-Jan-2017 20:43:28



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Formerly Joy said :
Avid Sparx said :
Formerly Joy said :

75 Just isn't going to cut it.

As Jagex themselves have found out, and said to us, players quit NOT because an update they really wanted DIDN'T get in, but because one they DIDN'T like DID.

The 75% supermajority consensus ensures that the vast majority of players will remain playing.

Terrible logic. Having more content helps promote the games growth.

I think you should go back to Club Penguin with that logic.

Snipping enough to be able to reply to that opinion that I simply cannot ignore.

More content helps promote the game's growth?

You certainly are NOT talking about the evolution of combat now are you (as it's rhetorical, no question mark intended).

75% just 'isn't going to cut it'? Cut what? You aren't getting updates you want but still here you are.. I saw updates I didn't want and I no longer play (do the math, Avid is dead on in what he's saying).

If ANY change should be made it should be to REMOVE ALL POLLS ENTIRELY. It's what we got the level of votes for in the first place.

Handing jagex the reins now is just stupid, but it beats the hell out of what they're currently suggesting.

REMOVE ALL POLLS because we never got the votes required to have them in the first place (and while you're at it, don't add ANY more content, because we didn't get the votes for that either!).
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

14-Jan-2017 20:43:42

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

If we had the option to remove polls completely I'd be thrilled. The old school team knows what they are doing. They are pandering to this clueless community. We all want different things, and trying to balance that in an absurdly high poll threshold is not the right answer. It's worked to an extent so far, but we've just learnt that we've hit a stalemate. We denied tons of raid reward content, and completely nerfed the hell out of several items to the point that they've become niche, or useless. This is a major red-flag if you ask me, because if we're denying future tier 80's, and so on... We will NEVER see a spike in PvM difficulty, and NEVER see armor that counters AGS/Dclaws, and weapons to balance out those armors. We will be stuck in the year 2017 for years to come.

Jagex tried to give us Elder armors what... 4 times? They failed by mere percents each time. Guess what's going to happen the next time we offer a tier 80? It'll fail, or we'll nerf it to the point it's a joke to call it a T80.

I am worried that if we don't address the threshold we will not see significant updates, which will result in no community growth.

14-Jan-2017 20:50:02



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You've mistaken my post as being in agreement with you joy and I just want to clarify...

Nothing could be further from the truth.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

14-Jan-2017 20:52:39

Formerly Joy

Formerly Joy

Posts: 2,401 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Let me also add that when I say I want a future: better PvM, better PvM rewards, etc... I by no means am talking about evolving combat!

I am talking about making iconic updates a possibility. I cannot name one iconic OSRS armor/weapon that matches copy/pasted items we've already had for 10 years+/-

-Armadyl Godsword
-Dragon Claws
-Elysian Spirit Shield

When will we see something so great that it makes memories in and of itself? No i'm not asking for anything OP. I preach make PvM harder, introduce new weapons, and new armors that balance out those weapons & high level PvM, and consumables/prayers to top it all off. Balance should be everything. Almost all games focus on balance. IDK what the hell Old School Runescape is focused on.

I hate saying it, but every time a gamer from another community LMFAO's at us, because our community is pathetic... I almost am willing to agree with them.

14-Jan-2017 20:54:32

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