I like the idea, I love new content and think old school needs it. I think the best xp should not come from building the boats. I think you should be able to build your own boat and get access to it right away to get to the real part of the skill. Sailing. Let Sailing be the skill, not boat building. The best exp should come from what the name of the skill is, which is sailing. I am on board with new areas, sea routes, little random events while sailing the new routes. Underwater caverns. (Underwater raids only obtainable through the sailing skill? Need to bring a group to access said raids... Interesting) The possibilities are as wide as, well the seas! Flesh out the ideas a bit and I think this could be a great new skill, just keep the exp rates best for the actual part people want to do. Which is Sailing. Also, will there be pvm while sailing? Does not sound like a far off thing to do if pvp is already considered. (oh wait, you mentioned the kraken but surely there is more than just that) I am excited for this, and hope that the community can come together and build something close to what we all want, and if not want, then at least tolerate, so that it will be able to pass poll and we can get some more original content into old school.
14-Aug-2015 22:12:32