
Dev Blog: Sailing

Quick find code: 380-381-208-65662596



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Im actually pretty excited for this. To me it sounds like the Dungeoneering skill but with a lot more color and potential. Because just like in Dungeoneering you go somewhere unknown, explore and get exp for how much you explore. But unlike Dungeoneering, in which you explore one big dungeon with the same design, in Sailling you explore a big sea with a lot of different things to see.

But again thats just how I see it, I may be completely wrong on this. For now, Im just excited.

09-Aug-2015 18:05:38

Own My Way

Own My Way

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sounds way better then dung or summoning, sad so many ppl wants a dung more then sailing, looking forward to this, in my opinion we need a mini trailer of the skill in action just to show ppl how those ships sail etc. cuz you know ppl always are scared of what they dont know =/

09-Aug-2015 18:29:21

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dungeoneering is just pure eoc bullsh** and summoning is jus time consuming long and jus which mess up the wildy. Sailing is okay but I mean there is a reason why this is old school runescape. And the reason why people play it cuz its 2007 runescape not bringing in some new eoc ****

09-Aug-2015 18:45:14



Posts: 454 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Litho said :
Will definitely VOTE NO! Would be much more happy with a skill like Dungeoneering or Summoning like someone also mentioned in one of the first comments. Those were definitely much more interesting and fun skills! (Especially Dung)

I hate join-date elitism but I have to indulge just this once.

You wouldn't have a clue how long players have been asking for a sailing skill. In almost a decade (god damn I am so hyped to get my X Veteran cape) I have seen the forums recycle and beg for this sort of skill over, and over, and over. Summoning was also a popular idea, but upon release it was completely different from what anyone had imagined. Also nobody asked for Dungeoneering, it's a minigame dressed up with experience points.

I cannot understand people who come and play 07scape, then start suggesting that we bring back all this content from RS3. This is a clean slate of the game , it doesn't have to go the same direction. People have wanted an ocean-based skill for the longest time. Heck, if you dig back several years you might find my thread where I suggested that agility could tie in with a sailing skill and allowed the player to swim better.

but lol The Jagex I Know™ is stubborn as hell 99% of the time and they aren't gonna give up on implementing sailing that easily. Good on them.

09-Aug-2015 19:39:38 - Last edited on 09-Aug-2015 19:39:51 by Scotty6644



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What a joke, just no. Has Zeah been given up on? Dung has been getting support recently because people are looking for raid style content and randomization, which was offered as part of Zeah. While Sailing does offer a platform for something similar, Zeah was much better because of the long term benefits that it would bring, i.e adding new space for new content.

Please stop steamrolling more and more content ideas and just work on Zeah, the massive one that passed the poll. The slayer update and smaller QoL updates are more than enough to keep the majority of us satisfied until it is finished. The more you try and put out a new skill the longer it'll take to create something truly successful.

I don't expect this to pass at all, and I'm glad.

Edit: I don't even think the proposed sailing idea is bad at all, it looks great. I just think Zeah offers most of the same benefits, along with a lot more, and is wholly more promising.

09-Aug-2015 19:43:53 - Last edited on 09-Aug-2015 19:47:06 by GodIsNtGreat

Noobie Da

Noobie Da

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hardly come on forums to post HOWEVER

I think Sailing will be one of the best skills ever I hope everyone votes yes.

Great job Jagex can't wait to see more art work of Sailing and it's implementation.

Warm regards

09-Aug-2015 20:40:37

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