Azzanadra is disappointed that his disappointment isn't a meme.
Remove TH, and put stuff from TH to Solomon's store as guarantees. No disappointment to the average player who only uses free keys which yield trash, and those who do buy into MTX can have a clear idea what the thing they want is going to cost them.
An Aviansie
Miss Malice
This thread is solid gold,
gold of course, it needs to be archived somewhere.
(Speaking of purple Azzanadra is disappointed we dont use the purple font more often, especially since white is for Saradominist)
When does a thread reach max post count?
When we make a new one we should reserve a few posts for quotes of our favorite ways to disappoint Azzanadra from this thread, I'm begining to read the whole thing now.
At exactly 2000 posts. Azzanadra would be super disappointed if we could get 2000 posts full of reasons why we disappoint him. He might even start to hate us.
Let's make it happen we are almost there. I bet Azzanadra is disappointed that I want to disappoint him.
Remove TH, and put stuff from TH to Solomon's store as guarantees. No disappointment to the average player who only uses free keys which yield trash, and those who do buy into MTX can have a clear idea what the thing they want is going to cost them.
Azzanadra is disappointed. Why? Because it has been too long since the last Zaros related content. He also maybe would have liked to finish Sliske personally, to avenge his brother and all that good ritual material wasted in their revenge massacre
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Yes, the fact that that image no longer exists disappoints both our dear friend azzy and me
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Azzanadra is disappointed that I dedicated my 5000th post to him and not to Zaros (I cant even imagine doing 5000 posts, I feel like a pretty serious nerd now and it does not feel good)