Azzy has been a fanatical/devout/loyal/[insert terminology] follower of Zaros regardless of the whole "loyalty aura" for so long ... that even with his recent ascension to godhood ... he will continue to do things for Zaros one way or another.
Remember that even for Zamorak, the whole revelation that Zaros was stagnating his species and attempt to overthrow was not an overnight decision.
Heck, even Sliske let the rebellion get traction due to sheer boredom. Otherwise, he'd have reported it to Zaros and Azzy right from the start.
To an outsider, Zaros' actions at the would have been the straw that broke the proverbial ugthanki's back.
But to a Zarosian, especially ones that are now thousands of years old or are only recently awoken, Zaros' actions can be compartmentalized or rationalized.
They haven't had enough time for the effects of separation to kick in.
Even the elves on the elven homeworld took a little bit of time before the need to be around Seren kicked in. Even then, they found a half measure: infusing the Seren touched crystal shards into themselves ... not that
would have considered it a "good idea" ... but for someone going thru withdrawl symptoms .... it was the only choice.
For Azzy, we will need to take a wait and see approach with it.
Azzy may still have a pro-Zarosian mindset, even if he thinks Zaros himself has lost it.
25-Jul-2021 04:41:59