I'd say Azzanadra would be disappointed we didn't champion Zaros' cause, and convert Drakan back to Zarosianism, more than anything.
I guess that means Azzy would be okay with Vanescula's plan, since she says it'll be like the old days of Zaros' empire? Bearing in mind this is 5th Age content, before Zaros' return.
(also confirms that we're successful in stopping Vanescula, since there aren't vamps everywhere in the 6th Age, nor were they present at the Battle of Lumbridge to help out Zamorak)
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
16-Sep-2015 01:09:30
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16-Sep-2015 01:11:13
Heidly Ees