For me, though the char thing is the thing I personally hate the most about his new character while we never knew his thoughts on char we did have her thoughts on him
(literally talk to char after doing tas)
Char: I cannot accuse you of lying. I may despise the Mahjarrat race for Zamorak's doings, but Azzanadra was always one of the exceptions. A true, loyal and brave follower of Zaros. He must think greatly of you to allow you to be present when making contact with our almighty Zaros. I suppose it cannot harm to share with you. Zaros may be gone, but only fools and those with Zamorak's overwhelming self-confidence would assume Zaros was oblivious to his future. Azzanadra and I are both restored. There are others, I'm pretty sure of it, and we will strive to put Zaros' plans into motion.
If she hated him why didn't she say that? And that's whats so disappointing, Azzandras madness being one of his new character traits the idea of char and Azzandra growing to hate each other would have been way more interesting than pretending they always did. Character development is always better then retconning or ignoring past character traits. Imagine how much more interesting it would be if char hating Azzandra was a new thing as she realized he was insane now, when she last knew him he was not insane, but she was imprisoned for ages, the change would be sudden and jarring for her, while Wahisietel and Akthanakos wouldn't have noticed because they were around for it. how much more conflict it would add between the Zaroisan faction with char and Azzandra probably being Zaroses favorites, having the devs say oh they always hated each other she just said otherwise before because uh reasons is pretty meh.
Honestly, it seems like for some things the devs learn about past lore through the fandom's interpretation of the past lore rather than the past lore. Which just kinda turns it into a silly interpretation of itself.
17-Apr-2018 13:06:45
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17-Apr-2018 13:16:44