Maiden China
Azzanadra is disappointed that I dedicated my 5000th post to him and not to Zaros (I cant even imagine doing 5000 posts, I feel like a pretty serious nerd now and it does not feel good)
azzanadra is disappointed that commander_a is using his picture and his role is very uncertain in the golden path!
But Questcaping is happy that the picture being used is my fanart from a few pages back.
(and totally not biased in favour of the Twitter account being the real deal because of this)
azzanadra is disappointed in your happiness!
Questcaping is happy about Azzanadra's disappointment.
Azzanadra is disappointed that I didn't fully restore Seren in The Light Within, according to his post-quest dialogue. I'm pretty sure there's not a single quest choice I've made that hasn't disappointed the guy somehow.
Questcaping the Finally Questcaped
Runefest attendee 2017-2019
01-May-2017 21:26:53
- Last edited on
01-May-2017 21:27:07
Well, Azzanadra seems worried that Seren will go insane after being incomplete, apparently. Not that I blame him; she is equal in power to Zaros, and that combined with her emotional tendencies could make quite the dangerous mixture. I did the same by not fully restoring her too.
Alotor is disappointed that Azzanadra never found out what happened to him until the Endgame.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Well I feel left out; I championed the Zarosian cause in the Empyrean Citadel.
But Azzanadra has found plenty more reasons to be disappointed with me...
Azzanadra is disappointed that the Shard of Zaros does not grant the bearer instant access to anything anywhere.
Azzanadra is disappointed that I don't have a
cathedral dedicated to the glory of Zaros in my
Uncharted Isle
All of the above.