Good thread. I look forward to seeing how the theory develops.
As someone already pointed out, there is evidence to say spell books are created by people, not gods. I remember seeing that spell books are collections of spells that are grouped together for convenience. I don't currently have the source for that. Also, I remember reading that mahjarrat are made of shadow, smoke, blood, and ice (I think desert treasure). Azzanadra, not Zaros, gives us ancient magic, so the difference in elemental spells could be due to the fact it was used by mahjarrat, or at least in an empire where mahjarrat were very influential magicians. I don't quite have a theory about ancient magic fully formed yet. If humans create spell books, that would also explain the "mixed" daemonheim spell book.
Another thing I would like to point out is the moonclan manual. This book says the moon clan can use magic without runes. I remember on the old game guide it was stated runes were not needed for magic, they just helped focus a novices attention to a specific purpose. (This may no longer be canon) The manual also says the moonclan can focus an element into rune essence to create a rune, and the temples were constructed using this technique at places where the particular elemental energy is very strong. This supports the idea of rune essence as a magical receptacle.
Lastly, I'd like to take a look at the familiarization d+d. In it you collect shards, and your time in the spirit realm is limited by your mental capacity. This implies to me that shards are what make the connection between your mind and the familiar, and allow you to focus on creating it. The charm would correspond to the anima, or energy, and the tertiary ingredient gives it a specific form.
Good luck with the theory.
Sir Oggieyiey the third
Follower of Seren
29-Sep-2015 19:49:42