I'd be wary of expanding Guthix too much. Part of what makes TWW so good, and his death so poignant and affecting, is how masterfully and succinctly Guthix gets to summarize what he's about, what has driven him, his goals and how they were shaped. The interaction is brief, but so powerful that any expansion on it carries serious risk of cheapening Guthix as a character, or diminishing the monolithic stature he has in lore (as, unfortunately, happened with The Light Within).
I think the original memories of Guthix, transient and half-finished thoughts over the span of his existence, provided the perfect amount of lore to flesh him out. We don't know every detail, every moment of Guthix's life - and we
, unless the story calls for it.
With this is mind, I would say either go VERY narrow, or VERY broad. Perhaps focus all the memories on a particular incident. Say, Guthix's first meeting with the fairies, or his exploration of the Dwarven homeworld. Something highly focused that could give you opportunity to drop hints of completely unexplored (non-Guthix-related) lore, to potentially examine further down the line.
The other side is to make big, broad statements about the multiverse in general. Things gleaned from the Stone of Jas that might be interesting, but likely won't have any
relevance. Planar theory stuff.
Either way, what you should
do is answer every single one of our Guthixian queries, or turn this into memoriam crystals mk III. The tales we imagine will always be richer and more expansive than the ones we read. Don't rob yourself of this advantage if it won't serve the narrative. Making a discovery is far more satisfying than opening a gift.
10-Nov-2016 07:59:35