Initially I didn't want to spam this with discussion of Zamorak, since J mods were using it to gather input, but since this thread's initial purpose is finished, I suppose we can discuss this more.
Personally I see Zamorak as someone who uses solely magic, but incorporates a melee/ranged style into it. The average mage would probably be the type to fight solely at long range chucking slow spells and doing everything they can to keep away from their opponet, while Zamorak would probably start a long range but have a lot more variation and transition into his fighting style, using quicker attacks as he reaches closer range, likely using his staff to both channel his power and as a melee weapon depending what the situation calls for.
I'm not sure what the situation with magic is with Mahjarrat. Sometimes it sounds like they just have different styles of fighting, and other times it sounds like Mahjarrat like Azzanadra and Temekel have higher "power levels" while Zamorak rivals them by being a significantly better fighter than either. Like the whole Temekel crushing people with his mind that a unique technique that Temekel learned or is he just "more magically powerful"?
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
12-Nov-2016 04:41:33