Welcome to my goals thread! Have an seat, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the ride!
Long term goals
-Achieve Max (12-20-17)
- Comp Cape
-Get 2b total Xp by the end of the year(1.3b/2b)
-Get the title: Jack of All Trades (11/19)
-Get the Title: Jack of all blades (5/8)
-Get master of all title
-Get a Dye from a clue scroll (0/1)
-Obtain all pieces of the Black ibis Set (1/4)
-Get all boss pets (4/44)
-Kill Jad to get fire cape
(completed on 2-26-18)
Short Term Goals
Get 120 Dung (120/120)
Get 120 invention ( 120/ 120)
Get 120 Slayer ( 120/120)
-Complete 4 quests a month (1/4)
I am sure as time goes on, so will these goals. I wanted to get the ball rolling and who knows, it might motivate me to continue playing.
thanks for reading!
-Updated as of 7-3-18
Time to follow an trail of Treasure.
My Goals
Lions Goals
15-May-2017 01:29:52
- Last edited on
04-Jul-2018 03:03:06
Lions RAWR